Caprellidae (Crustacea: Peracarida: Amphipoda) from deep-sea waters off Galicia (NW Iberian Peninsula) with the description of a new genus and three new species Author Guerra-García, José M. Author Tato, Ramiro Author Moreira, Juan text Zootaxa 2018 2018-12-18 4532 2 151 202 journal article 27754 10.11646/zootaxa.4532.2.1 c3370dbd-320c-40f4-9708-389231e1a1f8 1175-5326 2615144 A0A5340C-76C7-4EF7-939E-A9C3C6AC568B Pariambus typicus ( Krøyer, 1844 ) ( Fig. 11 ) Podalirius typicus Krøyer, 1844 : 283 , pl. 3, fig. 1.— Mayer, 1882 : 75 , fig. 30–31; pl. 4, fig. 14.— Mayer, 1890 : 92 , pl. 4, figs. 7– 8; pl. 5, figs. 62–64; pl. 6, fig. 17.— Mayer, 1903 : 63 , pl. 7, figs. 46–47; pl. 10, figs. 4–9. Pariambus typicus Chevreux & Fage, 1925 : 441 , fig. 425.— McCain & Steinberg, 1970 : 62 –63.— Cavedini, 1981 : 521 –522.— Krapp-Schickel, 1993 : 799 –801, fig. 545.— Vázquez-Luis et al. , 2013 : 168 –170, fig. 8. (A more extensive and detailed list of synonymies can be found in McCain & Steinberg, 1970 ) Material examined. DIVA-Artabria I 2003 : 1 male and 1 female (both used for lateral view figures MHNUSC 25107 ), 37 males , 58 females , 34 juveniles , EBS 100, 11 September 2003 , 43°26.703’N , 008°30.669’W , 103 m , muddy sand. VERTIDOS 2004 : 1 male , GA-EBS-600-04, 28 September 2004 , 43°36.544’N , 09°03.064’W , 615 m , stones. Remarks. The genus Pariambus was firstly described as Podalirius by Krøyer (1844) with the type species Podalirius typicus . Haller (1879) described a second species in the genus, Podalirius kroyeri , and Mayer (1882) completed the descriptions of these two species and described a third one, Podalirius minutus . Mayer (1890) transferred P. kroyeri to the genus Pseudolirius and considered P. minutus as a juvenile form of Podalirius typicus (see also Krapp-Schickel, 1993 ). Sars (1895) reported that Stebbing (1888) had changed the genus Podalirius to Pariambus , since the name Podalirius was already preoccupied. However, Mayer (1903) still used the name Podalirius for this genus and, taking into account that the males of P. typicus were polymorphic, he described three forms: (1) α or armata , (2) β or inermis and (3) γ or cumana . The form armata is the most common variety, widely distributed in the Atlantic Ocean from Scotland to Cape Verde , and Algeria (Mediterranean Sea). The form inermis is distributed along British Isles, English Channel and French Atlantic coasts. The form cumana has been only recorded from Cuma ( Italy ). Further details on localities distribution are included in Mayer (1903) and McCain & Steinberg (1970) . The form armata is characterised by the presence of grasping spines on the propodus of pereopods 6 and 7, together with the presence of a proximal tubercle on the third article of antenna 1 peduncle; the form inermis lacks grasping spines and tubercle in antenna 1; and the form cumana has grasping spines but the antenna 1 tubercle is lacking. The main morphological differences among forms are summarized in Mayer (1903) , Chevreux & Fage (1925) and Krapp-Shickel (1993) . Specimens from Galician waters seem to belong to the f. armata . In fact, our specimens share similar characteristics with specimens from shallow waters of Ceuta (see Vázquez-Luis et al. , 2013 : 169, fig. 8): same size, similar gnathopod 2 shape, presence of tubercles on anterior dorsal surface of male head, presence of proximal tubercle on the third article of males antenna 1, similar length and shape of gills, and presence of grasping spines on propodus of pereopods 6 and 7. Further studies are necessary to explore if the different forms described for Pariambus deserve species rank or not. Pariambus typicus is one of the most abundant species, together with Pseudolirius kroyeri and Phtisica marina along shallow soft bottoms of the Southern (Guerra-García et al. , 2013), and Northwestern ( Moreira & Troncoso, 2007 ) coasts of Iberian Peninsula. Distribution. North Sea, Atlantic Coast from Britain to Cape Verde including Macaronesia, Mediterranean Sea ( McCain & Steinberg, 1970 ; Krapp-Schickel, 1993 ).