Three new synonyms of Macromitrium japonicum Dozy & Molk. (Bryophyta, Orthotrichaceae) based on morphological and molecular evidence Author Li, Dandan College of Life Sciences, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234 (China) Author Li, Yuehan College of Life Sciences, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234 (China) Author Ren, Yan College of Life Sciences, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234 (China) Author Liu, Shutong College of Life Sciences, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234 (China) Author Yu, Jing College of Life Sciences, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234 (China) Author Guo, Shuiliang College of Life Sciences, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234 (China) text Cryptogamie, Bryologie 2024 2024-05-29 20 3 23 36 journal article 297964 10.5252/cryptogamie-bryologie2024v45a3 6b437d42-07cd-4647-9f5e-d880c55cd459 1776-0992 11394106 Macromitrium japonicum Dozy & Molk. ( Figs 3-6 ) Annales des Sciences naturelles, Botanique , série 3, 2 (5): 16 ( Dozy & Molkenboer 1844 ). — Type protologue: Japonia without exact locality and collector. — Type citation: Japan , Siebold (L910, 138- 1128), lectotype !, designed by Noguchi (1967) . Macromitrium japonicum var. makinoi (Broth.) Nog., Illustrated Moss Flora of Japan 3: 606 ( Noguchi 1989 ) , syn. nov. Dasymitrium makinoi Broth. , Hedwigia 38: 215 ( Brotherus 1899 ) . — Type protologue: [ Japan ] Shikoku: Setton, ad corticem arboris (Makino). — Type citation: Japonia, Setton, leg. T. Makino, 1889 ( holotype , H-BR2572002!). Macromitrium dickasonii Bartr. , Farlowia 1: 178 ( Bartram 1943 ) , syn. nov. — Type protologue: Mogok, Apr. 1934 , no. 102. — Type citation: [ Myanmar ] Mogok, Apr. 1934 , F. G. Dickason 102 ( holotype , FH00213603!). Macromitrium polygonostomum Dixon & P. de la Varde, Archives de Botanique , Bulletin mensuel 1 (8-9): 181 (Dixon & P. de la Varde 1927), syn. nov. — Type protologue: Hab.: Sirumalai, 4000 ft. alt., avril 1924 , sterile (no 439), ibid ., crête rocailleuse surplombant sentier d’Emmakkalapuram, mars 1927 (NOB 844A, 844B et 845). — Type citation: India , Sirumalai, mars 1927 , leg. G. Foreau 844B ( isosyntypes , US 00070273!, H-BR2572016!; syntypes , PC, not seen). DISTRIBUTION . — China ( Guo et al. 2007 ; Yu et al. 2013 ), India ( Li et al. 2020 ), Japan ( Noguchi 1967 , 1989 ), Laos (Guo pers. comm. 2013), Myanmar , Thailand ( Tixier 1971 ; Tan & Iwatsuki 1993 ), Sri Lanka ( O’Shea 2002 ), Korea ( Noguchi 1989 ) and Vietnam . HABITAT . — On trunk of broad-leaf trees, occasionally on rocks; at 10-2000 m alt.