Updates on the genus Euphorbia (Euphorbiaceae) in Santa Catarina, Brazil Author Hassemer, Gustavo Natural History Museum of Denmark, University of Copenhagen, SØlvgade 83 S, 1307 Copenhagen, Denmark Author Silva, Otávio Luis Marques Da Instituto de Botânica, Secretaria do Meio Ambiente, Caixa Postal 3005, 01061 - 970, São Paulo, SP, Brazil Author Funez, Luís Adriano Author Ernst, Madeleine Natural History Museum of Denmark, University of Copenhagen, SØlvgade 83 S, 1307 Copenhagen, Denmark Author Cordeiro, Inês Instituto de Botânica, Secretaria do Meio Ambiente, Caixa Postal 3005, 01061 - 970, São Paulo, SP, Brazil Author Rønsted, Nina Natural History Museum of Denmark, University of Copenhagen, SØlvgade 83 S, 1307 Copenhagen, Denmark text Phytotaxa 2017 2017-03-14 298 3 222 238 http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.298.3.2 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.298.3.2 1179-3163 13694128 Euphorbia paranensis Dusén (1910: 7–8) Lectotype (designated here): BRAZIL . Paraná : “Iraty, ad marg. viae ferr.”, January 1904 , P . K . H . Dusén 3391 ( S- R-10840!; isolectotypes S-07-13001 !, US-95386!) ( Fig. 6 ). Illustrations: Fig. 1 in Dusén (1910). Distribution and habitat: Euphorbia paranensis grows in high montane habitats, within open vegetation, frequently on slopes with water bodies nearby, being endemic to southern Brazil ( Smith et al. 1988 , Berry et al. 2008 ). In SC this species has been collected in the following municipalities: Bom Retiro, Caçador, Campo Alegre, Campos Novos, Guaraciaba, Lages and São Miguel d’Oeste. Conservation status: —Near threatened (NT). This is a rather rare species endemic to natural high-elevation grasslands in southern Brazil , which is a type of environment that harbours a very high number of endemic plants ( Anonymous 2002 , Overbeck et al. 2007 , Boldrini 2009 , Iganci et al. 2011 ), and yet it is generally neglected by environmental authorities and highly threatened with destruction ( Hassemer et al. 2015 ). Notes: The protologue of this name gives the following information for typification purposes:“Auf abgewaldetem Boden in der Nähe von Iratý ( 4. I. 1904 , Nr. 3391)”. Later , Smith et al. (1988: 350) cite the type (as “ Tipo ”) of this species as “Auf abgewaldetem Boden in der Nähe von Iraty ( 4. I. 1904 , No . 3391). Dusén, Paraná,— S ”, therefore choosing S as the deposition collection of the type ; their type designation fails however to elect a single lectotype , because there were two syntypes kept at S (S-R-10840 and S-07-13001 ). Therefore , a further lectotypification step is in order (Art. 9.17; see also Art. 8.3). We designate here one of these two syntypes at S (S-R-10840; Fig. 6 ), which is the best and more complete sheet, as lectotype for this name. Another isolectotype is kept at US (US-95386) . Material examined: BRAZIL . Paraná : Guarapuava , Serra da Esperança , 20 October 1960 , G . G . Hatschbach 7390 ( MBM ) ; Ortigueira , Rodovia do Café , 6 December 1965 , G . G . Hatschbach 13220 ( MBM ) ; Rio Grande do Sul : São Francisco de Paula , Linha São Paulo , 10 March 2001 , R . Wasum 8361 ( MBM ) ; Santa Catarina : Areão , 15 January 1964 , E . Pereira 8361 ( RB ) .