Sirindhornia Pinkaew and Muadsub (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), a new enarmoniine genus from Thailand Author Muadsub, Sopita Department of Entomology, Faculty of Agriculture at Kamphaengsaen, Kasetsart University, Kamphaengsaen Campus, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand, 73140. E-mail: sun _ svbee @ hotmail. com Author Pinkaew, Nantasak Department of Entomology, Faculty of Agriculture at Kamphaengsaen, Kasetsart University, Kamphaengsaen Campus, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand, 73140. E-mail: sun _ svbee @ hotmail. com & Center for Advanced Studies in Tropical Natural Resources, NRU-KU, Kasetsart University, Chatuchak, Bangkok, 10900, Thailand. E-mail: agrnsp @ ku. ac. th. text Zootaxa 2014 2014-09-29 3869 1 53 63 journal article 4252 10.11646/zootaxa.3869.1.5 a68a5856-c519-423d-a2bb-473c471a8dd5 1175-5326 4930835 49650047-A8D2-4640-879B-5FA1E14FBD94 Sirindhornia curvicosta Pinkaew and Muadsub , n. sp. Figures 1E–F , 3E , 4C Diagnosis. Sirindhornia curvicosta is most similar to S. chaipattana , both with a broad nearly white distal margin to the white and black basal half of the forewing and a black line from before middle of costa downcurved and running towards dorsum, but S. curvicosta can be recognized by the distally strongly curved costa resulting in a narrow apex. In the male genitalia S. curvicosta has a more narrowly triangular uncus and the dorsal anellus process medially parallel-sided rather than distinctly narrowed as in S. chaipattana . Description . Head: Damaged, without scales; labial palpus as for genus ( Fig. 1E–F ), third segment of labial palpus with black scales in vertical groove on anterior face. Thorax: As for genus, tegulae white with thin black line along inner margin then recurved to center, and short black line on outer margin near base. Forewing length 5.2 mm in male (n = 1) (fig. 3E); costa more curved at wing apex, apex narrow; basal 2/5 white, with numerous, slender, connected black lines concentrated towards base and distally white with few black dots; distal 3/5 with reddish orange ground color, its inner margin near costa preceded by black spots and followed by a parallel, angled silvery band, slightly widening from costa to dorsum; strigulae and marks along costa as for genus, with one oblique, narrow black line from middle of costa downcurved; triangular white mark at notch; remainder of reddish orange wing portion with rather narrow, sinuate, slightly confluent silvery blackish bands and few black spots. Fringe white at notch. Underside as for genus. Hindwing very dark, with narrow orange patch along termen from apex to M 2 and a narrow orange streak in center. Underside with two longitudinal, greyish orange patches at middle of wing, divided by darker streak along fold between M 1 and M 2 . Abdomen: Male genitalia ( Fig. 4C ) with tegumen moderately sclerotized; uncus flat, narrow, subtriangular, with dense setae dorsally, laterally connected with long, narrow, curved and raised subtriangular socii, densely setose, with two huge thorns on distal process, with long, only weakly curved, sclerotized gnathos arms; vinculum weakly sclerotized, wide; juxta small, caulis rather short; dorsal anellus process only slightly narrower medially, phallus long, slightly curved medially, bulbous in basal half and slight tapering to apex; valva slightly curved, elliptical with narrowly rounded apex; sacculus only small basal thickening, with dense setae along margin; modified scales on outer valva surface scattered. Holotype : , Thailand , Chanthaburi Prov. , Ang-Ed Com. for., ca 33 m , 12°36'04"N 102°19'50"E , 22–23 Dec 2011 , N . Pinkaew. np 6233, genitalia slide NP 2071. Deposited in KKIC . Etymology. The specific epithet curvicosta refers to the strongly curved costa of the forewing just before the apex. Distribution. Thailand . Remarks. The single specimen was collected in the dry season in an area of a 50-year old rubber tree plantation which was reforested to secondary forest.