A review of the genus Belciades Kozhanchikov, 1950 (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Pantheinae), with descriptions of two new species from China and Thailand. Revision of Pantheinae, contribution II Author Behounek, Gottfried Author Han, Hui-Lin Author Kononenko, Vladimir text Zootaxa 2011 3070 40 50 journal article 46089 10.5281/zenodo.203316 669f3cd5-9d76-4c28-b134-fb38274958e9 1175-5326 203316 Belciades cyanobrunnea Behounek, Han & Kononenko sp. n. ( Figs. 13–16 , 22, 26 ) Type material. Holotype : male, Thailand , Chiang Mai, Mae Al, Doi Pha Hom Pok, 2000 m , 14–24.iii.2004 , leg. T. Ihle (coll. AB), genit. prep. 7410GB. Paratypes : 1 male with same label as holotype ; 1 female , China , Jiangxi/ Fujian, Lichuan, Yangjialing, 1600 m ., Mai 2001 , leg. local collector, genit. prep. 7408GB (coll. AB); 1 male , Guangdong, Nanling Mts., 23.iv.2004 , genit. prep. hhl-1966 (coll. SCAU ). The holotype is in the private collection of Armin Becher ( Germany , Freudenberg), to be deposited in ZSM . Two paratypes are deposited in the same collection, and one in the collection of SCAU , Guangzhou, China . Diagnosis. Belciades cyanobrunnea is close to B. cyana , but differs by somewhat darker forewing wing coloration with grey-brownish suffusion in medial and partly submedial fields, and more uniform, pale subterminal and terminal fields, without distinct subterminal line. Hindwing of a new species much lighter than in cyana , without well expressed terminal band. In male genitalia it differs by shape of valva, more constricted than in cyana , shape of saccular extension which is, shorter, more massive and apically pointed comparing with those of cyana . Aedeagus shorter than in B. cyana , with vesica bearing long basal diverticulum with row of separated spine-like cornuti. Description. Adult ( Figs. 13–16 ). Wingspan 43–44 mm . Antennae of both sexes simple, filiform; frons smooth, haustellum developed, eyes rounded, globular; labial palps long, 3rd segment almost equal to the 2nd in length. Head and thorax covered with greenish-blue hair-like scales, patagia bordered with black; abdomen brownish grey, with crest formed by bluish and black scales on 1–5 segments, terminal part of abdomen bluish. Forewing greenish-blue, somewhat darker than in cyana , with distinct brownish suffusion in medial and submedial fields, costal area greenish-blue; wing pattern represented by thin black dentate lines, outlined with green, stronger expressed in costal area. Basal line marked in basal area; subbasal line distinct, oblique, both lines outlined with green; antemedial fascia double, dentate, filled with blue between lines; basal field with brown-greenish suffusion, except costal area; orbicular as small bluish spot, bordered with black and outlined with green; reniform bluish, bordered with black and green suffusion, without nuclear, medial shadow as black line, strong in costal area and beyond reniform, traceable below costal area; postmedial fascia thin, strongly expressed in costal area, became indistinct or traceable below costal area; submedial field filled with suffusion of grey and blackish scales; subterminal line strongly expressed as oblique streak in costal area, thin, black, dentate; terminal field bluish, without subapical mark and brown diffused medial spot as in B. cyana , but with two diffused streaks in veins M2 and M3 and blackish-greed tornal streak; terminal line thin, broken, as longitudinal streaks; cilia bluish with blackish scales between veins. Hindwing in pale, yellowish-white, with traceable discal spot and terminal band as more or less expressed suffusion of blackish scales; tornal streak prominent, as black surrounded with bluish background; terminal line as row of longitudinal streaks along wing margin, cilia bluish, with blackish scales between veins. Male genitalia ( Fig. 22 ). The male genitalia is similar to B. cyana species, but differs by more narrower valva and shorte saccular extension. Uncus short, rather massive, pointed at tip. Tegumen broad, somehow shorter than vinculum in length. Juxta shield-like, with medial comb, apically with cut; valva rather massive, broad, shorter than in cyana , gradually constricted apically; apex of valva rounded; sacculus rather massive, but shorter than in cyana , with membranous pockets on outer surface and with massive slightly, curved inward apical extension, somewhat extended beyond valva, apically pointed and not extended; clasper as heavily sclerotised plate in apical part of sacculus similar to “ Belciana kala group of species; valva not covered by strong non-removable setae, like in this group. Aedeagus moderate in length; carina apically bearing small, hook-like spine and sclerotised patch of minute spines; vesica tubular, projecting ventrally, with ling tube-like basal diverticulum, bearing a row of 12–14 moderate to small spine-like cornuti. Female genitalia ( Fig. 26 ). Ovipositor short, papillae anales quadrangular, moderate. Apophyses anteriores and posteriores short, nearly equal in length. Ostial part complicated in structure. Ostium split like, antevaginal plate with sclerotised lateral flaps, postvaginal plate rounded. Ductus bursae short, slightly sclerotised, ribbed; corpus bursae saccular; ductus seminalis falling to small appendix bursae in terminal part od bursa. Etymology. The species name is derived from the greenish-blue (cyan) color of the forewing, suffused with brown. Distribution and biology. The species is known from northern Thailand and South China , provinces Fujian and Guangdong. Moths appeared from March to May. The species occurs in mountain broadleaved forest on elevation from 1600 to 2000 m .