New and overlooked Acanthaceae taxa from D. R. Congo, Rwanda and Burundi: (1) the genus Barleria Author Dominique Champluvier text Plant Ecology and Evolution 2011 144 1 82 95 journal article 10.5091/plecevo.2011.388 b99b3fcb-e3fd-4c6e-83d1-e9b5851387c2 1486150 Barleria cinerea Champl. sp. nov. Barleriae grandis Nees proxima sed propter inflorescentias valde foliosas, calycis lobos lanceolatos cuspidatosque nec elliptico-oblongos et corollam duplo parviorem bene differt. Type: D.R.Congo , District du Haut-Katanga , Kiubo , 1956 , Duvigneaud 2754 ( holo- : BRLU ; iso- : BR ) . Suffrutescent plant probably up to 1 m high. Stems glabrous. Lamina of the leaves ovate, glaucous, 5–12 × 2–5 cm, attenuate at the base, acute at the tip, glabrous when mature, grey tomentose when young; petiole up to 2.5 cm long. Inflorescence foliose; leaves of inflorescence much smaller than those of the stem; axis pubescent-tomentose; flowers solitary, axillary in the upper nodes, bracteoles linear, 15 × 2 mm; calyx lobes lanceolate, cuspidate, the posterior 18 × 4 mm, the anterior one similar but a little smaller and usually bifid at the tip, the lateral ones 10 × 1 mm; corolla slightly puberulent outside, probably pink or white, 4.2 cm long; tube cylindrical, 13 mm long, 12 mm wide at the throat; the two upper median lobes 18 × 7 mm, the two upper lateral 20 × 10 mm, the lower median one 20 × 12 mm; fertile stamens two, filament 24 mm long, anther 4 mm long, staminodes three, 2 mm long; style 32 mm long. Capsule pyriform, flattened, long-beaked, light brown, 14 mm long, two-seeded. Seeds cream, elliptic, 8 mm long, covered with curled tufted hairs. Distribution – Species from the Zambezian centre of endemism, only known from the type. Fig. 4 . Habitat – Not given.