A taxonomic review of Longchuanacris Zheng et Fu (Orthoptera: Acrididae: Catantopinae), with descriptions of two new species from Yunnan, China Author Mao, Ben-Yong Author Ren, Guo-Dong Author Ou, Xiao-Hong text Zootaxa 2007 1467 51 62 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.176617 fda05e21-3bb4-4b96-8fa9-e00273f96325 1175-5326 176617 Longchuanacris curvifurculus , sp. nov. ( Figs 37–48 , 55–56 ) Type material Holotype : male, CHINA : Yunnan, Mt. Gaoligongshan, 24º48’ N , 98º45’ E , 2200m , 9 Aug. 2005 , collected by Ben-yong Mao ( CLDU ). Paratypes : 35 males and 36 female , same data as the holotype ( CLDU ) but collected by Ben-yong Mao ( CLDU ), Ji-shan Xu ( CLDU ) and Hai-bo Pu ( CLDU ). Diagnosis The new species is similar to L. bidentatus (as demonstrated by cephalically-directed furculae) and L. viridus (as demonstrated by similar genital structure and coloration pattern), but differs from the latter two by the characters listed in Table 2 . TABLE 2. Comparison among L. curvifurculus , sp. nov. , L. bidentatus and L. viridus .
L. bidentatus (Zheng et Liang, 1985) L. curvifurculus , sp. nov. L. viridus Mao et Ou
Male 10th abdominal tergite narrowly excised in middle Male 10th abdominal tergite narrowly excised in middle Male 10th abdominal tergite broadly excised in middle
Furculae with basal half upright, api- cal half cephalically-directed Furculae with basal half upright, api- cal half cephalically-directed Furculae entirely upright
Male Cerci reaching to apex of supra-anal plate; apex incurve and obliquely truncated, with upper angle sharp and lower angle obtuse Male Cerci reaching beyond apex of supra-anal plate with apex incurve and nearly bilobate Male Cerci reaching beyond apex of supra-anal plate; apex incurve and obliquely truncated, with upper angle acute and lower angle obtuse
Male supra-anal plate scutate Male supra-anal plate semicircular Male supra-anal plate broadly scu- tate
Epiphallus with oblong lophi; ante- rior projections with posterior sides rounded in lateral view; posterior projection stout and backward reach- ing at posterior margin of lophi in lateral view Epiphallus with crescent outer lophi and rounded inner lophi; anterior projections with posterior sides straight in lateral view; posterior projection distinctly narrow and backward surpassing beyond poste- rior margin of outer lophi in lateral view Epiphallus with crescent outer lophi and rounded inner lophi; anterior projections with posterior sides nearly straight in lateral view; posterior projection stout and backward reaching at posterior margin of outer lophi in lateral view
Hind femora with basal three fifths greenish yellow, apical two fifths red Hind femora yellowish green Hind femora yellowish green
Etymology Named after the male furculae cephalically-directed. Description Size small. Fastigium moderately prominent, weakly sloping, apex broad rounded, width in front of eyes about 2.3–2.5 (2.40, on the average, n=10, male) or 2.3–2.8 (2.58, on the average, n=10, female) times larger than length. Interocular distance 1.1–1.4 (1.26, on the average, n=10, male) or 1.3–1.4 (1.36, on the average, n=10, female) times larger than width between antennae. Face weakly sloping; frontal ridge with low longitudinal sulcus, subobsolete below transverse facial sulcus; lateral margins nearly parallel. Lateral facial keels straight. Antennae filiform, reaching to coxa of hind leg (male) or not reaching to posterior margin of pronotum (female), any middle segment 2.0–2.4 (2.16, on the average, n=10, male) or 1.4–1.9 (1.60, on the average, n=10, female) times longer than wide. Eyes oval, longitudinal diameter about 1.4–1.5 (1.44, on the average, n=10, male) or 1.4–1.7 (1.56, on the average, n=10, female) times as long as horizontal one, and about 2.1–2.5 (2.22, on the average, n=10, male) or 1.6–2.0 (1.80, on the average, n=10, female) times as long as subocular furrow. Pronotum nearly cylindrical, foveolate and rugose; anterior margin nearly straight; posterior margin with a shallow incision; median carina indistinct, three sulci distinctly transverse; lateral carinae absent (fig. 37); prozona 2.3–2.7 (2.44, on the average, n=10, male) or 2.3–2.8 (2.60, on the average, n=10, female) times as long as metazona. Prosternal spine conical, weakly and backwards oblique, apex subacute. Mesosternal lobes 1.1–1.3 (1.18, on the average, n=10, male) or 1.2–1.4 (1.32, on the average, n=10, female) times wider than long; mesosternal interspace 1.7–2.3 (2.18, on the average, n=10, male) or 1.2–1.4 (1.25, on the average, n=10, female) times as long as minimum width; metasternal lobes contiguous (male) or separate (female) (figs 38–39). Tegmina narrow scalelike, length 3.2–3.6 (3.42, on the average, n=10, male) or 3.0–3.6 (3.28, on the average, n=10, female) times larger than maximum width, reaching at or beyond posterior margin of 1st abdominal tergite. Hind femur with upper carina smooth, terminating in an obtuse angle; apex of lower knee lobes spinous. Hind tibiae with apical half nearly cylindrical, with 8 external and 10 internal spines on dorsal side; external apical spine present. Abdomen with median carina. Tympana opening distinct, oval. FIGURES 37–48. Longchuanacris curvifurculus , sp. nov .. 37. male head and pronotum, dorsal view; 38–39. mesosternum and metasternum, male and female; 40–41. male terminalia, dorsal and lateral views; 42. female subgenital plate, ventral view; 43–45. epiphallus, dorsal, anterior and lateral views; 46–48. phallic complex, anterior, lateral and dorsal views. Scale bars = 1mm. Male genitalia. 10th abdominal tergite narrowly excised in middle, posterior margin with large and sheet furculae. Furculae with basal half transverse and upright, apical half triangular and cephalically-directed. Supra-anal plate semicircular with median area weakly raised and longitudinally furrowed in basal half, lateral areas with a process; lateral margin a little raised. Cerci triangular, somewhat compressed, reaching beyond apex of supra-anal plate, incurve; apex nearly bilobate (figs 40–41). Subgenital plate short conical; apex obtuse. Epiphallus with crescent outer lophi nearly projecting in a 90° angle from bridge and rounded inner lophi; anchorae with apex obtuse; anterior projections with posterior sides straight in lateral view; lateral plate with external margin concave in dorsal view and posterior sides nearly straight in lateral view; posterior projection distinctly narrow and backwards surpassing beyond posterior margin of outer lophi in lateral view; bridge distinctly divided in middle ( Figs. 43-45 ). Phallic complex illustrated (figs 46–48). Ectophallic membrane with an extra, spoon-shaped sclerite (fig. 47). Female genitalia. Valves of ovipositor narrow with obtuse teeth along margins. Subgenital plate longitudinally concave in apical half; posterior margin nearly undulated, with an obtuse tooth in each side and a long triangular flap in middle (fig. 42). Coloration (figs 55–56). Frons and clypeus yellowish green. Genae yellowish green with (male) or without (female) an oblique black stripe below eyes. Antennae brown, darker towards apex. Eyes brown. Vertex and occiput green. Postocular bands black (male) or brown (female), continued on dorsal area of lateral lobes of pronotum, tegmina and 5th abdominal tergite. Pronotum with disc green; lateral lobes yellow, inferior margins black (male) or yellow (female). Tegmina black (male) or brown (female). Fore and middle legs yellowish green. Hind femora yellowish green; knees black (male) or brown (female); hind tibiae and tarsi greenish blue. Abdominal tergites green; abdominal sternites and terminalia yellow. Furculae, cerci and most part of supra anal plate black in male (fig. 40). Measurements Body length: male 16.0–17.0mm, female 18.7–21.0mm; pronotum length: male 2.9–3.2mm , female 3.5– 4.0mm; tegmen length: male 2.4–2.9mm , female 2.9–3.5mm ; hind femur length: male 8.1–9.2mm , female 9.9–11.5mm ; antenna length: male 7.5–8.0mm, female 5.5–6.5mm ; eye length: male 1.9–2.2mm , female 2.0– 2.3mm ; interocular distance: male 0.5mm , female 0.8mm . Distribution China : Yunnan (Mt. Gaoligongshan). Biology The species of the genus usually live in tussock grass under subtropical bushes and broad-leaf trees which grow in the wet and half-shady zone at medium elevation in southwestern Yunnan. The food plant has been unknown in field.