Montiphylax, (Trichoptera, Limnephilidae), a new genus to accommodate the western North American species: Stenophylaxantennatus Banks, 1900, Philocascathor Nimmo, 1971, and Philocascaalba Nimmo, 1977 Author Ruiter, David E. Author Mutch, Robert A. text ZooKeys 2019 845 153 180 journal article 1313-2970-845-153 26489D4DB0C34350A253F0D0039F64D7 26489D4DB0C34350A253F0D0039F64D7 Montiphylax albus (Nimmo, 1977) Figs 2, 3, 4A, B, 5, 9, 10 Philocasca alba Nimmo, 1977: 45-46, 49, figs 102-105, 121; Mutch, 1981: 222-228, fig. 43. Notes. Nimmo (1977) described M. albus and included characters to separate M. albus from M. thor . The second author reared from associated pupae (Alberta, Middle Fork Creek, Marmot Creek Experimental watershed, 1800 meters altitude, 50.94820 -115.15151) the male and female of M. albus , and provided figures of the male, female, and pupa. These are from the same watershed as the Nimmo paratype collection. Based on this M. albus material, we add descriptions and images for the M. albus adults, pupa and larva. Description. Head to wingtip length: male - 18-19 mm (n = 8); female - 18-20 mm (n = 3). General description of adults, pupa, and larva contained in genus description above. Male genitalia (Fig. 9): 8th tergite without dorsal modified spines or projections. Ninth annular with tergite narrow and strap-like; remainder of 9th broad in lateral view; with tall, narrow inferior appendages nearly fused to 9th. In caudal view, inferior appendages curved around margin of 9th base to meson of 9th, appearing fused mesoventrally. Tenth segment cupped anteriorly, appearing as two hemispheres extending broadly anteriad within the 9th. Tenth segment appears split mesally. Superior appendages taller than long in lateral view, directed downward and distad at ventral margin. Intermediate appendages arise ventrally, strongly sclerotized and extending as two long, tapered, parallel projections, curving downward at apex. In caudal view, ventrad to the intermediate appendages paired, curved, narrow projections nearly surround the anus. Phallus large, phallicata strongly sclerotized; endophallus with strongly sclerotized band dorsally, projected upward and distad apically; strong, thick parameres originate at the base of the dorsal band, extend distally, tapered to acute apex in lateral view and slightly curved downward throughout. In dorsal view, parameres originate dorsolaterally and extend posteriorly ca. 3 times width, tapering evenly to bluntly curved apex. Aedeagus apex a sclerotized tube within an extensile sheath, ending in the bottom of an upward directed sclerotized cup. Figure 9. Montiphylax albus . Male ( A-G ) A genitalia, left lateral B genitalia, caudal C genitalia, dorsal D genitalia, ventral E aedeagus, left lateral F aedeagus, dorsal G aedeagus, ventral. Allotype female genitalia (Fig. 10): 9th segment fused laterally and incomplete ventrally. In lateral view, 9th fused with, and nearly as long as 10th. Tenth with dorsal and ventral margins parallel throughout most of its length until rounded apex. In dorsal view 10th cleft to approximately midlength. In lateral view, ventrolateral corners of 9th clearly shorter than remainder of 9th; in ventral view, broadly rounded at apex and directed outward. Medial lobe of the vulval scale shorter than lateral lobes, approxi mately as wide as long. Vaginal apparatus rectangular in lateral view, ca. twice as long as tall; in ventral view, rectangular with anterolateral corners projecting outward. Figure 10. Montiphylax albus . Female ( A-D ) A genitalia, left lateral B genitalia, dorsal C genitalia, ventral D genitalia, ventral. Material examined. Holotype male: Canadian National Collection # 151765, Rowe Brook, near Lower Rowe Lake, 6350', Waterton National Park, Alberta, 12 June 1975, D.B. Donald [near 49.054706, -114.052434]; Alberta, Twin Creek, Marmot Creek Experimental watershed, 1800 meters elevation, R. Mutch, 1978, 4L, 50.94820 -115.15151; light trap, 1 July 1979 4M4F; 16 April 1980, 1 pupa reared to male; 16 April 1980 1 female pupa; 26 April 1980, 1 larva reared to female; 26 April 1980, 1 larva reared to male; 1 May 1980, 1 larva reared to male.