The Neotropical goblin spiders of the new genera Ponsoonops and Bipoonops (Araneae, Oonopidae) Author Bolzern, Angelo text American Museum Novitates 2014 2014-05-22 2014 3803 1 1 journal article 10.1206/3803.1 0003-0082 5367419 Ponsoonops tacana , new species Figures 85–96 TYPE: Male holotype from a cloud-forest litter sample taken at an elevation of 1800 m on the lower slope of Volcán Tacaná , ca. 4 km north of Unión Juárez , Chiapas , Mexico ( Sep. 18, 1992 , R. Anderson ), deposited in AMNH (PBI_OON 49417) . ETYMOLOGY: The specific name is a noun in apposition taken from the type locality. DIAGNOSIS: The male resembles those of P. duenas and P. bilzi in having a distinctly enlarged conductor, broader and longer than the embolus. It differs from P. duenas in having a lamelliform, flat conductor (figs. 92, 93; rather than with a distinct, median rim), and differs from P. bilzi in having a straight, distally ragged conductor (rather than moderately spiral, distally truncated). MALE (PBI_OON 49417, figs. 85–96): Total length 1.53. Eyes moderately reduced. Dorsum with indistinct, dark netlike pattern. Distal margin of dorsal scutum rounded. Leg spination: tibiae: I v4-2-2; II v4-2-1p; metatarsi: I p1-0-0, v2-2-2; II v2-2-2. Sperm pore oval. Cymbial cone not detected. Bulb subspherical. Embolus moderately flattened, tube-shaped, longitudinally ribbed, tip irregularly shaped, partly ragged; conductor proximally fused to embolus, distally separated, broad, lamelliform, elongated, with ragged distal end (probably some parts broken off), longer than embolus. FEMALE: Unknown. OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: None. DISTRIBUTION: Mexico ( Chiapas ).