A revision of Geonoma (Arecaceae) Author Henderson, Andrew text Phytotaxa 2011 2011-02-18 17 1 271 journal article 24911 10.11646/phytotaxa.17.1 65962ba7-eec1-40e7-aed6-cef94e99ca39 1179-3163 3538362 60i. Geonoma stricta subsp. submontana Henderson , subsp. nov. (Appendix IV, Plate 66) A subspeciebus aliis foliis pinnatis venis prominentibus atque inflorescentiis ramosis differt. Type: PERU . Pasco : Prov. Oxapampa, W side of Cordillera de San Matias between Iscosacin and summit, 10°11’S , 75°12’W , 680–850 m , 21 June 1982 , D. Smith 2019 ( holotype NY!, isotype MO n.v. ). Leaves undivided or pinnate; veins raised and rectangular in cross-section adaxially; pinnae 1(1–2) per side of rachis. Inflorescences branched; staminate flowers deciduous after anthesis. Distribution and habitat:— From 9°50’– 10°18’S and 75°12’– 75°15’W on eastern Andean foothills in central Peru ( Huánuco , Pasco ) at 437(350–760) m elevation in lowland rainforest ( Fig. 40 ).