A revision of Geonoma (Arecaceae) Author Henderson, Andrew text Phytotaxa 2011 2011-02-18 17 1 271 journal article 24911 10.11646/phytotaxa.17.1 65962ba7-eec1-40e7-aed6-cef94e99ca39 1179-3163 3538362 49e. Geonoma pinnatifrons subsp. mexicana (Liebman ex Martius) Henderson , comb. & stat. nov. Basionym: Geonoma mexicana Liebman ex Martius (1853: 316) . Type : MEXICO . Oaxaca : Lobani, Chinantla, 900 m , no date, F . Liebman 10804 ( holotype C !, isotypes MO !, P !, US !). Leaf pinnae 4(3–7) per side of rachis. Inflorescences peduncular bracts inserted 3.8(1.8–7.4) cm above the prophyll; peduncles 28.4(19.0–37.0) cm long, 7.0(3.8–10.7) mm in diameter; rachillae 12.3(7.0–18.0) cm long, 2.3(1.6–3.3) mm in diameter; fruits 4.1(3.7–4.5) mm in diameter. Distribution and habitat:— From 7°43’– 18°01’N and 79°55’– 96°40’W in Mexico , Guatemala , Belize , Honduras , Nicaragua , Costa Rica , and western Panama ( Bocas del Toro , Coclé , Herrera ) at 553(50–1100) m elevation in lowland or montane rainforest ( Fig. 32 ). FIGURE 32 . Distribution maps of Geonoma pinnatifrons subsp. mexicana , G . pinnatifrons subsp. oxycarpa , G . pinnatifrons subsp. platybothros , and G . pinnatifrons subsp. ramosissima . Four specimens ( Cook 35, 728, Doyle 10, Hernández 1171 ) from scattered localities in Mexico , Guatemala , and Costa Rica have many more pinnae than usual and the leaf appears regularly pinnate. One possible explanation for this is that these specimens represent a mixture of inflorescences from G. pinnatifrons subsp. mexicana and leaves from G. interrupta subsp. magnifica . The latter has many more pinnae and occurs sympatrically with G. pinnatifrons subsp. mexicana . Leaf measurements from these four specimens are omitted.