A revision of Geonoma (Arecaceae) Author Henderson, Andrew text Phytotaxa 2011 2011-02-18 17 1 271 journal article 24911 10.11646/phytotaxa.17.1 65962ba7-eec1-40e7-aed6-cef94e99ca39 1179-3163 3538362 32a. Geonoma lehmannii subsp. lehmannii Geonoma helminthostachys Burret (1930a: 176) . Type : COLOMBIA . Antioquia : Western Cordillera, above Ciudad Antioquia , 1800–2400 m , August 1891 , F. Lehmann 7233 ( holotype B, destroyed, isotypes F!, K!). Geonoma acutangula Burret (1930a: 177) . Type: COLOMBIA . Antioquia : Plateado, 2150 m , 6 April 1880 , W. Kalbreyer 1570 ( holotype B, destroyed). Neotype (designated by Bernal et al. 1989 ): COLOMBIA . Antioquia : Mun. Salgar, camino de ascenso al cerro Plateado, ca. 2200 m , 4 November 1985 , P. Franco et al. 2353 ( neotype COL!, isoneotype AAU, n.v. ). Geonoma parvifrons Burret (1930a: 178) . Type: ECUADOR . Loja : Loja to Zamora, 1500–2000 m , no date, F. Lehmann 5288 ( holotype B, destroyed, isotype K!). Leaves seldom plicate. Inflorescences prophylls 20.8(10.0–35.0) cm long; peduncles 38.7(12.5–63.0) cm long. Distribution and habitat:— From 9°53’N– 13°00’S and 69°56’– 79°03’W in the Andes of South America in Venezuela , Colombia , Ecuador , and Peru at 2100(1200–2900) m elevation in montane rainforest ( Fig. 22 ). Geonoma lehmannii subsp. lehmannii is widespread and variable, and occurs in several, disjunct populations. In Venezuela , most specimens occur in one area in Portuguesa and Trujillo , with an outlier in Lara . They have leaves with 3(3–5) pinnae per side of the rachis. They are geographically isolated and differ from the closest population in northern Colombia in nine variables. In northern Colombia , specimens occur in the Central and Western Cordilleras only. Leaves are usually pinnate with 4(1–8) pinnae per side of the rachis, although rarely they are undivided and plicate. The types of G. lehmannii , G. helminthostachys , and G. acutangula are from this area. In Antioquia , specimens from the Central Cordillera tend to be smaller and those from the Western Cordillera larger, although there are exceptions. One specimen ( Callejas 2138 ) has two inflorescences inserted at the same node. Specimens from southern Colombia ( Caquetá , Huila , Putumayo ) are geographically isolated but similar to those from the Central Cordillera in Antioquia . To the south, specimens are from scattered areas in southern Ecuador and northern Peru , central Peru , and southern Peru . They have leaves with 3(1–7) pinnae per side of the. The type of G. parvifrons is from southern Ecuador . Four specimens from the Cordillera del Condor in Ecuador ( Croat 98964, Neill 14982, 15024, Quizhpe 2222 ) have undivided, plicate leaves, but other specimens from the same region have non-plicate leaves. Most specimens from Cajamarca in Peru have slender peduncles not covered by the bracts. In San Martín , one specimen ( Smith 4475 ) has undivided leaves with more or less parallel sides.