A revision of Geonoma (Arecaceae) Author Henderson, Andrew text Phytotaxa 2011 2011-02-18 17 1 271 journal article 24911 10.11646/phytotaxa.17.1 65962ba7-eec1-40e7-aed6-cef94e99ca39 1179-3163 3538362 12b. Geonoma concinnoidea subsp. coclensis Henderson , subsp. nov. (Appendix IV, Plate 8) A subspeciebus aliis rachide breviore et rhachillis tenuioribus differt. Type: PANAMA . Coclé : El Copé, 8°40’N 80°35’W , 724 m , 9 May 1999 , A. Henderson & E. Ferreira 3028 ( holotype PMA!, isotype NY!). Leaves rachis 19.9(14.5–27.0) cm long; apical pinna 12.1(9.0–16.2) cm long. Inflorescences rachillae 1.0(0.8– 1.2) mm in diameter. Distribution and habitat:— From 8°35’– 8°45’N and 80°25’– 80°41’W in Panama on the eastern end of the Central Cordillera at 737(500–900) m elevation in lowland rainforest ( Fig. 12 ).