A taxonomic review of the genus Euboeus Boieldieu, 1865 (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Helopini) of the Caucasus, Iran and Turkmenistan Author Nabozhenko, Maxim V. text Zootaxa 2022 2022-07-01 5159 4 451 486 journal article 88477 10.11646/zootaxa.5159.4.1 cffc486a-265f-4d35-a289-a4a54845c77d 1175-5326 6785909 CA6AF6AD-9E4A-4BE3-8B52-6D8E5EA3641F Euboeus ( Pelorinus ) zubovi sp. nov. ( Fig. 18 ) Type material. Holotype , ( ZIN ): Iran , Kurdistan Prov. , between Saqqez and Baneh, 36°46ʹ37ʺ N , 48°48ʹ13ʺE (leg. A. Zubov ). Description. Male. Body slender, black, moderately shiny. Measurements: Y = 1.56; PH w = 1.35; P w P l = 1.15; E l E w = 1.7; EH w = 1.8; EP w = 1.34; EP l = 2.7. Body length 11.5 mm , width 3.9 mm . Head ( Figs 18A ). Anterior margin of epistoma straght. Head widest at eye level. Eyes moderately convex, large in dorsal view, circumocular impression wide ( Fig. 18D ). Lateral margins of genae angularly rounded. Puncturation of head moderately coarse and sparse, interpuncture distance 1.5–2 times as long as puncture diameter. Head pubescent with sparse, reddish, moderately long, recumbent setae ( Figs 18D, E ). Ventral side of epicranium coarsely and densely punctured by raduliform punctures, gula almost smooth ( Fig. 18B ). Antennae comparatively short, with only two apical antennomeres, extending beyond base of pronotum, reaching 1/6 of elytral length. Prothorax ( Figs 18B, D–F ). Pronotum weakly cordate, widest at middle, weakly transverse ( Fig. 18D ). Lateral margins of pronotum moderately rounded, slightly emarginated near antero-lateral corners and stronger emarginated near postero-lateral corners; anterior margin slightly rounded at middle and widely emarginated laterally; base weakly bisinuate. Antero-lateral corners projected, acute and pointed at apex; postero-lateral corners straight, pointed at apex. Lateral margins beaded ( Figs 18D, E ); anterior margin with interrupted bead at middle. Disc of pronotum evenly strongly convex, not flattened along lateral margin, only lateral sides more gentle. Puncturation of disc fine and sparse, puncture diameter near 3–4 times as short as interpuncture distance in middle and 3 times on lateral sides; punctures round ( Fig. 18D ). Prosternum with coarse, sparse, short transverse wrinkles and pubescent with long, recumbent, sparse setae ( Fig. 18B ). Prothoracic hypomera not flattened along margin, with smooth, weak, sparse wrinkles and distinct sparse granules bearing long seta ( Fig. 18F ). Prosternal process shiny, moderately punctured on sides, densely pubescent with subrecumbent reddish setae slightly convex at apex, beaded ( Figs 18B, F ). Pterothorax ( Figs 18A, B ). Scutellar shield triangle, with straight margins, coarsely and densely punctured. Elytra elongate-oval, widest at middle; punctures in striae fine, slightly elongate, widely spaced; punctures in interstriae fine and sparse, with almost the same size than strial ones, but deeper ( Fig. 18A ). Anterior half of mesoventrite densely pubescent, coarsely and densely wrinkled. Mesepisterna, mesepimera and metepisterna with coarse and dense puncturation and long recumbent setae; intercoxal part of mesoventrite finely and sparsely punctured and sparsely pubescent; metaventrite with moderately coarse and moderately dense punctures, pubescent with long recumbent setae ( Fig.18B ). Legs. Trochanters with brush of short dark-reddish setae and one long seta ( Fig. 18B ). Basal third of meso- and metafemora without the same brush on flex side ( Fig. 18B ). Tibiae straight. Pro- and mesotarsomeres 1–4 strongly widened, trasverse, subequal to width of apex of protibia. Abdomen ( Figs 18B, C, G–J ). Abdominal ventrites with moderately sparse, fine raduliform puncturation and pubescence of long, recumbent, reddish setae. Genitalia ( Figs 18C, G–J ). Apical part of the basal piece of aedeagus almost smooth, with only pair small areas of fine longitudinal rugosity ( Fig. 18J ). Apical piece strongly narrower from base to apex, widely rounded at apex, dorsal surface without median groove or keel ( Fig. 18J ). Female unknown. Etymology. The new species is named in honour of Andrey Zubov ( Moscow , Russia ), my colleague and excellent insect collector. Differential diagnosis. The new species differs from all representatives of the huedepohli species-group by the following characters: head pubescent with recumbent setae; pronotum with projected, acute, pointed at apex anterolateral corners; prothoracic hypomera with sparse distinct granules; the apical piece of the aedeagus sub-triangle, strongly narrowed from base to apex.