New data on the distribution, biology and ecology of the longhorn beetles from the area of South and East Kazakhstan (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) Author Karpinski, Lech Author Szczepanski, Wojciech T. Author lewa, Radoslaw Author Walczak, Marcin Author Hilszczanski, Jacek Author Kruszelnicki, Lech Author Los, Krzysztof Author Jaworski, Tomasz Author Marek Bidas, Author Tarwacki, Grzegorz text ZooKeys 2018 805 59 126 journal article 1313-2970-805-59 89E4F806F173432BAA15C18E53A8FAEF Saperda similis Laicharting, 1784 Fig. 4L Material examined. East Kazakhstan Region: Putintsevo [ Putintsevo ] env. ( 49°52'N , 84°21'E ), 472 m a.s.l., 22 VI 2017, 1♀, leg. MB, coll. MW. Remarks. This is a rather rare but widespread species that is distributed from eastern Europe to the Far East ( Danilevsky 2018a ). It was discussed in a previous paper concerning the longhorn beetles of Mongolia ( Karpinski et al. 2018 ). A single female was beaten down from a dead willow in a mountain deciduous forest dominated by Populus and Salix . The collected specimen represents the white pubescence form (var. albopubescens Pic, 1925), which is characteristic for central-east Asia but rather rare in Europe (e.g. the Czech Republic, France). Very similar specimens are deposited in Abdysalom Kadyrov's collection (Dushanbe) that represents cerambycid material from Tajikistan. Figure 1. Photos of longhorn beetles specimens collected during the expedition to Kazakhstan in 2017: A Psilotarsus brachypterus brachypterus (male) B P. brachypterus brachypterus (female) C P. brachypterus brachypterus (female, abdomen filled with eggs) D P. brachypterus pubiventris (male) E P. brachypterus pubiventris (female) F P. brachypterus pubiventris (female, abdomen filled with eggs) G Leptura duodecimguttata (male) H L. duodecimguttata (female) I Lepturalia nigripes rufipennis (male) J L. nigripes rufipennis (female). Figure 2. Photos of longhorn beetles specimens collected during the expedition to Kazakhstan in 2017: A Anastrangalia sequensi (female, melanistic form) B Brachyta interrogationis russica (female) C Stenocorus minutus (male) D S. minutus (female) E Turanium scabrum (male, dark form) F T. scabrum (female, dark form) G T. scabrum (female, light form) H Xylotrechus adspersus (male) I Xylotrechus alakolensis (male) J Xylotrechus hircus (female) K Xylotrechus capricornus (male) L X. capricornus (female). Figure 3. Photos of longhorn beetles specimens collected during the expedition to Kazakhstan in 2017: A Anoplistes jacobsoni (male) B A. jacobsoni (female) C Anoplistes galusoi (male) D A. galusoi (female) E Anoplistes halodendri halodendri (male, Sibinka River valley) F A. halodendri halodendri (male, Tarbagatay environs) G A. halodendri halodendri (female, Sibinka River valley) H Amarysius duplicatus (female) I Cleroclytus semirufus collaris (male, light form) J C. semirufus collaris (male, dark form) K C. semirufus collaris (female, light form). Figure 4. Photos of longhorn beetles specimens collected during the expedition to Kazakhstan in 2017: A Rhaphuma gracilipes (male) B R. gracilipes (female) C Molorchus schmidti (female) D Aegomorphus obscurior (female) E Ropaloscelis unifasciatus (male) F R. unifasciatus (female) G Exocentrus stierlini (male) H E. stierlini (female) I Saperda alberti (female, whitish form) J Saperda perforata (female, whitish form) K Saperda scalaris (female, whitish form) L Saperda similis (female, whitish form). Figure 5. Photos of longhorn beetles specimens collected during the expedition to Kazakhstan in 2017: A Agapanthia dahli calculensis (male) B A. dahli calculensis (female) C A. dahli spp. (female, Karashota environs) D Agapanthia alternans alternans (male) E A. alternans alternans (female) F Oberea kostini (male) G O. kostini (female) H Oberea ruficeps ruficeps (male) I O. ruficeps ruficeps (female). Figure 6. Photos of longhorn beetles specimens collected during the expedition to Kazakhstan in 2017: A Dorcadion abakumovi sarkandicum (male) B D. abakumovi sarkandicum (female) C Dorcadion tenuelineatum (male) D D. tenuelineatum (female) E Dorcadion crassipes crassipes (male) F D. crassipes crassipes (female) G Dorcadion acutispinum (male) H D. a cutispinum (female) I Dorcadion gebleri gebleri (male, Zaysan environs) J D. gebleri gebleri (male, Kabanbay environs) K D. gebleri gebleri (female) L Dorcadion arietinum arietinum (male). Figure 7. Photos of longhorn beetles specimens collected during the expedition to Kazakhstan in 2017: A Dorcadion absinthium ishkovi (male) B D. absinthium ishkovi (female) C Dorcadion kapchagaicum (male) D D. kapchagaicum (female) E Dorcadion nikolaevi (male) F D. nikolaevi (female) G Dorcadion suvorovi konyrolenum (male) H D. suvorovi konyrolenum (female) I Dorcadion tianshanskii radkevitshi (male) J D. tianshanskii radkevitshi (female) K Dorcadion unidiscale (male) L D. unidiscale (female). Figure 8. Photos of longhorn beetles specimens collected during the expedition to Kazakhstan in 2017: A Dorcadion songaricum (female) B Dorcadion morozovi (female) C Dorcadion semenovi semenovi (male) D D. semenovi semenovi (female) E Dorcadion sokolowi (male) F D. sokolowi (female) G Eodorcadion carinatum carinatum (male) H Politodorcadion politum politum (male) I P. politum politum (female) J Politodorcadion ribbei bobrovi (male) K P. ribbei bobrovi (female). Figure 9. Field photos of imagines in nature and habitats of typical Kazakh cerambycid species: A male of Psilotarsus brachypterus brachypterus B female of P. brachypterus brachypterus C female of P. brachypterus brachypterus while spraying pheromones with raised ovipositor D massive occurrence of the males of P. brachypterus brachypterus attracted to an artificial light source E male of P. brachypterus brachypterus hunted by Latrodectus tredecimguttatus F Artemisia -desert in Kurshim environs, the habitat of P. brachypterus brachypterus G male of Psilotarsus brachypterus pubiventris H female of P. brachypterus pubiventris . Figure 10. Field photos of imagines in nature, host plants and habitats of typical Kazakh cerambycid species: A semi-shrub desert in Kapchagay environs, the habitat of Psilotarsus brachypterus pubiventris B flood barrier formed with oleasters branches, the habitat of Turanium scabrum and Chlorophorus elaeagni C blossoming tamarisks in the habitat of Ch. elaeagni and Anoplistes jacobsoni D bank of the Syr Darya River in Tartogay environs, the habitat of Oberea ruficeps ruficeps E male of Anoplistes galusoi F A. galusoi on Ephedra strobilacea G shrubs of E. strobilacea , the host plant of A. galusoi H mountain slopes in Altyn-Emel National Park, the habitat of A. galusoi . Figure 11. Field photos of imagines in nature, host plants and habitats of typical Kazakh cerambycid species: A male of Anoplistes jacobsoni B female of A. jacobsoni C pair of A. jacobsoni in copula on Halimodendron halodendron D tugays with Halimodendron , Tamarix and Eleagnus in Tartogay environs, the habitat of A. jacobsoni and Chlorophorus elaeagni E shrub of H. halodendron , the host plant of A. jacobsoni F larval feeding gallery of A. jacobsoni in a stem of H. halodendron G Caragana shrubs in Tarbagatay environs, the habitat of Anoplistes halodendri halodendri H Caragana sp., the host plant of A. halodendri halodendri . Figure 12. Field photos of host plants, larval feeding galleries and habitats of typical Kazakh cerambycid species: A river bank overgrown by willows, the habitat of Xylotrechus adspersus B larval feeding gallery of X. adspersus in a branch of Salix sp. C roadside vegetation strip in Taskesken environs, the habitat of Xylotrechus alakolensis D hilly grove with birches, the habitat of Xylotrechus hircus E inflorescences of Lepidium draba , the food plant of Cleroclytus semirufus collaris F Berberis vulgaris , the host plant of C. semirufus collaris G Astragalus sieversianus , possible host plant of Agapanthia violacea H roadside strip with herbaceous vegetation, the habitat of Agapanthia alternans alternans . Figure 13. Field photos of imagines in nature and habitats of typical Kazakh cerambycid species: A steppe area in Arkhaly environs, the habitat of Dorcadion absinthium ishkovi B male of Dorcadion acutispinum C male of Dorcadion arietinum arietinum D mountain steppe area in Kegen environs, the habitat of D. arietinum arietinum , Dorcadion crassipes crassipes and Dorcadion semenovi semenovi E female of Dorcadion gebleri gebleri F mountain steppe area in Zaysan environs, the habitat of D. gebleri gebleri G male of D. semenovi semenovi H particular behavior of a few individuals of Dorcadion sokolowi . Figure 14. Field photos of imagines in nature and habitats of typical Kazakh cerambycid species: A female of Dorcadion suvorovi konyrolenum B steppe area in Karlygash environs, the habitat of D. suvorovi konyrolenum C female of Dorcadion tianshanskii radkevitshi D pasture in Kenen environs, the habitat of D. tianshanskii radkevitshi E male of Dorcadion unidiscale F mountain steppe area in Kyzyl Kesik environs, the habitat of Dorcadion songaricum G pasture in Verkhnie Tainty environs, the habitat of Eodorcadion carinatum carinatum H male of Politodorcadion politum politum . Figure 15. Field photos of habitats of typical Kazakh cerambycid species and some methods used: A general view on Sibinka River valley, the habitat of several collected species B pea shrubs on stony hills in Sibinka River valley, the habitat of Stenocorus minutus and Anoplistes halodendri halodendri C mountain deciduous grove in Bykovo environs, the habitat of numerous collected species D general view on mountain deciduous forest along the Khamir River in Putinsevo environs, the habitat of numerous collected species E river bank with poplar windfalls, the habitat of Saperda alberti F wine trap in poplars forest, the habitat of inter alia Macroleptura thoracica , Rhaphuma gracilipes and Exocentrus stierlini G attracting insects to artificial light source in Artemisia -desert habitat H attracting insects to artificial light source at the edge of a mountain deciduous forest.