Catalogue of the hymenopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part VI. Formicidae. Author Smith, F. text 1858 British Museum London book 8127 C86CFDBF-61D9-48EE-9C2E-325FC0462B10 28. Formica ligniperda . Pl. III. tig. 17. B.M. Formica ligniperda, Latr. Hist. Nat. Fourm. 88. t. l.H. I. [[male]], K.L. [[queen]], A.B. [[worker]]. St. Farg. Hym. i. 209. 11. t. 2. f. 1 [[queen]], 2 [[worker]]. Lucas, Expl. Sc. d'Alger, iii. 302. Nyl. Adno. Mon. Form. 898. 2; Addit. Mon. Form. 1045; Form. Fr. et d'Alger. 55. 5. Foerst. Hym. Stud. Form. 11. 2. Schenck, Beschr. Nass. Ameis. 20. Mayr. Form. Austr. 32. 1; Ungar. Ameis. p. 4. 1. Hab. France; Germany; Austria; Northern Europe; Hungary.