A new species of Zeraikia Gil-Santana & Costa with taxonomic notes on Zeraikianovafriburguensis Gil-Santana & Costa (Hemiptera, Reduviidae, Peiratinae)
Gil-Santana, Helcio R.
journal article
Zeraikia zeraikae
sp. n.
Figures 19, 20-25, 26-30, 31-34, 35-38, 39-42
BRAZIL, Rio de Janeiro, Nova Friburgo Municipality (
, ca. 1049 m a.s.l.), 05.xi.1997, Holotype (male); iii.1996, Paratype (female).
General coloration black with bluish luster. General color of corium, clavus and basal half of membrane of hemelytra dull blackish. Labium, coxae, trochanters, tibiae and tarsi mostly or completely darkened, without conspicuous pale markings. Pale markings of connexivum relatively small, occupying approximately basolateral third and fifth of segments
and VII, respectively. Long stiff dark setae on ventral surface of femora relatively smaller and not implanted in tubercles.
Male. Figures 19-38. Measurements are given in Table 1.
Figure 19.
Zeraikia zeraikae
sp. n., male holotype, dorsal view. Scale bar: 2.0 mm.
Coloration: general coloration black with bluish luster, mostly very shiny, except on hemelytra, which are completely dull (Fig. 19). Extreme base of antennal segment I pale whitish. Apex of labial segment III (second visible) paler; apical half of labial segment IV reddish brown. Extreme base of trochanters somewhat paler; extreme apex of mid and hind trochanters pale. Mid and hind femora with a subbasal whitish marking that occupies the dorsal and lateral surfaces, but does not form a ring because it does not reach the ventral surface; larger on hind femora. Fore tarsomere I paler. Hemelytra: apical portion of clavus and adjacent portion of corium with a faintly smoky grayish marking just below level of apex of scutellum; an arcuate marking with similar coloration present just above mid portion of hemelytra, which crosses median third of upper closed cell, running as far as inner (posterior) margin; the latter somewhat paler to faintly smoky grayish from this arcuate marking to level of approximately mid portion of membrane (Figs 19-20). Membrane with a large subrounded yellowish orange spot at approximately distal half (Figs 19-20). Pale whitish spots on basolateral third and fifth of connexival segments
and VII, respectively (Figs 19-20).
Figures 20-25.
Zeraikia zeraikae
sp. n., male holotype. 20 distal portion of hemelytra and connexivum, dorsal view (the arrow points to a single conspicuous long, stiff, darkened seta implanted just above posterolateral angle of a connexival segment) 21 distal portion of abdomen, ventral view 22 apical portion of abdomen, posterior view (hemelytra omitted) 23 sternite VIII, ventral view 24-25 pygophore without parameres 24 lateral view 25 ventral view. Scale bars: 1.0 mm (20-21); 0.5 mm (22-25).
Structure and vestiture: generally as in generic description. Tip of scutellum directed obliquely upwards. Long stiff dark setae on ventral surface of femora relatively smaller and not implanted in tubercles. Hemelytra with thinner and less numerous setae in costal area and on veins of corium, surpassing abdomen by somewhat more than one millimeter.
Male genitalia (in addition to generic characteristics described above) (Figs 21-38): subapical process (sp) of right paramere spiniform (Fig. 30); blunt on left paramere (Figs 27-28). Dorsal phallothecal sclerite (dps) (Figs 31-34): less curved in lateral view at basal third; flat lateral expansions (fle) of mid third prolonged laterally approximate
only to a third of distance between dorsal and ventral surfaces; faintly sclerotized; left (in dorsal view) flat lateral expansion (fle) approximately a third larger than right flat lateral expansion; apical third of dorsal phallothecal sclerite slightly curved in lateral view. Subapical tubular projection of endosoma wall (stp) conspicuously enlarged at apical portion, which is subtriangular in shape, with several low rugose crests and a very thin elongated appendix (app) at its tip, which is rounded (Figs 34, 37-38); inside its basal portion, an elongated, thin, slightly curved process (ep) formed by numerous, small, subtriangular to spined, somewhat sclerotized elements (Figs 34-35). An additional very small, rounded, somewhat sclerotized, subapical process (ssa) present just ventral to basal portion of the elongated curved apical process (ap) (Figs 31, 34, 36).
Figures 26-30.
Zeraikia zeraikae
sp. n., male genitalia, parameres. 26-28 left paramere 27-28 apical portion 29-30 right paramere 30 apical portion. (sp subapical process; lc longitudinal crest). Scale bars: 0.3 mm (26, 29); 0.2 mm (27, 30); 0.1 mm (28).
. Figures 39-42. Similar to male in general. Measurements presented in Table 1. Pale markings on femora and connexivum yellow to yellowish orange (Fig. 39). Hemelytra not surpassing abdomen, ending shortly before posterior margin of tergite VII; large yellowish orange spot at distal half of membrane smaller and more rounded in shape (Fig. 39). Tip of scutellum straight, directed upwards. Abdomen larger; dorsal connexival segments more evident (Fig. 39).
Figures 31-34.
Zeraikia zeraikae
sp. n., male genitalia, lateral views. 31-32 phallus not inflated 33 pedicel and dorsal phallotecal sclerite 34 phallus with endosoma inflated. (ap apical process of endosoma; app appendix; bpa basal plate arm; bpb basal plate bridge; dps dorsal phallothecal sclerite; ep elongated process inside basal portion of subapical projection of endosoma wall; fle flat lateral expansion; ge globose expansion of endosoma; pd pedicel; sbp subbasal process of endosoma; ssa small subapical process of endosoma; stp subapical tubular projection of endosoma wall; stpp visible portion of subapical tubular projection not extended). Scale bars: 0.5 mm (31-32, 34); 0.2 mm (33).
Figures 35-38.
Zeraikia zeraikae
sp. n., male genitalia, lateral views. 35 apical process and basal portion of subapical tubular projection of endosoma wall. (ep elongated process inside basal portion of subapical tubular projection of endosoma wall) 36 small subapical and apical processes of endosoma. (ap apical process; ge globose expansion of endosoma ssa small subapical process) 37-38 endosoma wall projection portions 37 midportion 38 apical portion. (app appendix). Scale bars: 0.3 mm (35, 37-38); 0.1 mm (36).
Table 1. Measurements of
Zeraikia zeraikae
sp. n.
Measurements |
Holotype male |
Paratype female |
Figures 39-42.
Zeraikia zeraikae
sp. n., female paratype. 39 dorsal view 40 thorax, ventral view 41-42 female genitalia 41 posterior view 42 lateral view. (IX tergite IX; X tergite X). Scale bars: 2.0 mm (39); 1.0 mm (40); 0.5 mm (41-42).
The new species is named in honor of my beloved wife, Soraya Orichio Zeraik, who has always stimulated and helped me in my entomological studies.
Brazil, in state of Rio de Janeiro.