Australian Goblin Spiders Of The Genus Ischnothyreus (Araneae, Oonopidae) Author Edward, Karen L. Author Harvey, Mark S. text Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2014 2014-06-06 2014 389 1 144 journal article 10.1206/865.1 0003-0090 5380163 Ischnothyreus julianneae , new species Figures 60–61 , map 10 TYPES: AUSTRALIA : Queensland : Male holotype and female allotype from sifted leaf litter in Davies Creek National Park , Emerald Creek Falls , 17.05083 ° S , 145.54000 ° E (9 Apr. , 2009; K. Edward and J. Waldock ), deposited in QM ( ³ holotype : QM S95974 , PBI _ OON 5532 , allotype : QM S95975 , PBI _ OON 5531 ) . ETYMOLOGY: The specific name is a patronym in honor of Julianne Waldock, one of the collectors of the holotype and many other oonopid spiders. DIAGNOSIS: The male can be distinguished by the slightly swollen and clublike obtusely bent embolic part of the palp and the small basal process of the fang, which has small ridges on the anterior aspect (fig. 61A–D). The female epigynal region has a triangular process that overhangs the anterior edge of an oval epigynal atrium (figs. 60I, 61F). Fig. 60. Ischnothyreus julianneae , sp. nov. Holotype male (PBI_OON 5532): A. habitus, dorsal view; B. habitus, ventral view; C. habitus, lateral view; G. carapace, anterior view; H. sternum, ventral view. Allotype female (PBI_OON 5531): D. habitus, dorsal view; E. abdomen, ventral view; F. habitus, lateral view; I. epigynum, ventral view. Fig. 61. Ischnothyreus julianneae , sp. nov. Holotype male (PBI_OON 5532): A. left palp, prolateral view; B. left palp, retrolateral view; C. left chelicerae, anterior view; D. left chelicerae, posterior view; E. left palp, dorsal view. Allotype female (PBI_OON 5531): F. epigynum, ventral view. Scale lines 5 0.1 mm. MALE (PBI_OON 5532, figs. 60A–C, G– H, 61A–E). Total length 1.50. CEPHALO- THORAX: Carapace yellow-brown, broadly oval in dorsal view, pars cephalica strongly elevated in lateral view, anteriorly narrowed to between 0.5 and 0.75 times its maximum width, anterolateral corners without extension or projections, surface of elevated portion of pars cephalica strongly reticulate, sides strongly reticulate. Clypeus curved downward in front view, high, ALE separated from edge of carapace by their radius or more; setae dark. Eyes: ALE largest, ALE circular, PME circular, PLE oval; posterior eye row straight from above; ALE touching, ALE-PLE touching. Sternum as long as wide, pale orange, uniform. Chelicerae, endites, and labium pale orange. Chelicerae straight, anterior face unmodified; fang shape normal, basal process small and rounded, anterior face with small ridges; setae dark; promargin of chelicerae Map 10. Map of northeastern Queensland showing recorded distributions of Ischnothyreus julianneae () and I. stauntoni ( m ). Wet Tropics upland subregions outlined in grey (see map 1). with one larger denticle. Labium elongated hexagon, not fused to sternum, anterior margin slightly indented at middle, same as sternum in sclerotization; with six or more setae on anterior margin. Endites anteromedian tip with one strong, toothlike projection, much more heavily sclerotized than sternum. ABDOMEN: Cylindrical. Book lung covers elliptical. Dorsal scutum yellowbrown, covering more than 3/4 of abdomen, more than 1/2 to most of abdomen width, middle surface smooth, sides smooth. Epigastric scutum small lateral sclerites absent. Postepigastric scutum pale orange, covering about 2/3 of abdominal length. Dorsum, epigastric area, and postepigastric area setae dark. LEGS: Pale orange, femora and basal half of tibiae darkened. Leg spination: femora: I p0-2-0; II p0-1-0; tibiae: I, II p2-2-0; v2-2- 0; metatarsi: I, II p1-1-0; v1-1-0. GENITA- LIA: Palp proximal segments dark redbrown; embolus dark; femur shorter than trochanter, without posteriorly rounded lateral dilation; patella about as long as femur; tibia with three trichobothria; cymbium dark red-brown; bulb dark red-brown, more than two times as long as cymbium, stout; embolic region obtusely bent, short (less than 1/2 length of bulb), distally rounded, and slightly clubbed. FEMALE (PBI_OON 5531, figs. 60D–F, I, 61F). Total length 1.78. CEPHALOTHO- RAX: Carapace pars cephalica slightly elevated in lateral view, anteriorly narrowed to 0.49 times its maximum width or less; nonmarginal pars cephalica setae present in one row. Clypeus straight in front view, low, ALE separated from edge of carapace by less than their radius. Eyes: PME oval; posterior eye row procurved from above. Sternum longer than wide, lateral margins unmodified. ABDOMEN: Ovoid. Dorsal scutum covering 1/2 to 3/4 of abdomen, between 1/4 and 1/2 abdomen width. Epigastric scutum small lateral sclerites present. Postepigastric scutum pale orange, widely hexagonal, only around epigastric furrow. LEGS: Without color pattern. Leg spination: femora: I p0-1- 1; II p0-1-0; tibiae: I, II p2-2-0; v2-2-0; metatarsi: I, II p1-1-0; v1-1-0. GENITALIA: Ventral view: epigynal atrium oval, triangular process over anterior edge; convoluted duct very dark, thicker than apodemes, weak horizontal sclerotization anterior to epigynal atrium clearly joins posteriorly directed apodemes (figs. 60I, 61F). OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: AUS- TRALIA: Queensland : Bakers Blue Mountain , 17 km W Mount Molloy , vacant lots, 900 m , 16.70000 ° S , 145.16670 ° E , Jan. 1–18, 1990 ( ANZSES expedition, QM S16436 , PBI _OON 25940), 1 ♀ ; Bakers Blue Mountain , 17 km W Mount Molloy , rainforest, 1050 m , 16.70000 ° S , 145.16670 ° E , Jan. 1–18, 1990 ( ANZSES expedition, QM S16435 , PBI _OON 25948), 1 ³, 3 ♀ ; Bally Knob , summit, open forest, 1100 m , 17.65000 ° S , 145.50000 ° E , Dec. 6, 1998 , to Feb. 6, 1999 ( G. Monteith , D. Cook , QM S57178, PBI _OON 21998), 1 ³ ; Copperlode Dam Road , rainforest, 16.97500 ° S , 145.70833 ° E , July 23–Nov. 26, 1992 ( R. Raven , P. Lawless , E. Lawless , M. Shaw , QM S24384 , PBI _ OON 21694), 1 ³ ; Kirrama Range , Yuccabine Creek , rainforest, leaf litter, 700 m , 18.20000 ° S , 145.75000 ° E , Dec. 10, 1986 ( G. Monteith , G. Thompson , QM S31966 , PBI _ OON 25933), 1 ♀ ; Mount Fisher , Kjellberg Road , rainforest, 1100 m , 17.53333 ° S , 145.55000 ° E , May 17, 1995 ( G. Monteith , QM S38141 , PBI _OON 21753), 1 ³ ; Mount Molloy , riparian forest, 400 m , 16.74083 ° S , 145.32000 ° E , Jan. 1, 1992 , to Jan. 1, 1993 ( S. Burnett , QM S72983 , PBI _OON 22112), 1 ³ ; Mount Molloy , riparian forest, 400 m , 16.74083 ° S , 145.32000 ° E , Jan. 1, 1992 , to Jan. 1, 1993 ( S. Burnett , QM S79705 , PBI _OON 22503), 2 ♀ ; Paluma Range National Park , Jourama Falls track, rainforest, leaf litter, 18.86416 ° S , 146.12777 ° E , May 7, 2009 ( K. Edward and P. Cullen , QM S95976 , PBI _ OON 5546 ), 1 ³ ; Paluma Range National Park , Jourama Falls track, rainforest, leaf litter, 18.86416 ° S , 146.12777 ° E , May 7, 2009 ( K. Edward and P. Cullen , QM S95977 , PBI _OON 26308), 1 ³, 1 ♀ ; Spear Creek , Mount Molloy (site 37), vine forest, leaf litter, 16.70000 ° S , 145.40000 ° E , Nov. 3–10, 1975 ( R. Raven , V. Davies , QM S16139 , PBI _OON 25883), 6 ³, 10 ♀ . DISTRIBUTION: This species is widespread from Bakers Blue Mountain (east of CU) south to Paluma Range National Park, Wet Tropics Bioregion, in northeastern Queensland (map 10).