Two new species of quill mites (Acari: Syringophilidae) associated with the Chestnut-fronted Helmetshrike Prionops scopifrons (Peters) (Passeriformes: Vangidae) in Kenya Author Klimovičová, Miroslava Author Skoracki, Maciej Author Hromada, Martin text Zootaxa 2016 4137 4 578 584 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4137.4.10 92743a91-4fab-454e-905a-148bd35305ad 1175-5326 255252 F8BB4732-4CB2-499A-AF44-9D37592839D5 Neoaulonastus prionops sp. nov. ( Fig. 1 ) Description. FEMALE. Total body length of holotype ( 630–760 in 5 paratypes ). Gnathosoma . Infracapitulum apunctate. Stylophore constricted posteriorly, apunctate. Each medial branch of peritremes with 2–3 chambers, each lateral branch with 5 chambers. Length of stylophore and movable cheliceral digit 205 (190–200) and 155 (140–145) respectively. Idiosoma . Propodonotal shield with indiscernible posterior margin, punctate, bearing bases of setae ve , si and c1 . Length ratio of setae ve:si 1:1.2–1.4. Setae se situated slightly anterior to level of setae c1 . Bell-shaped hysteronotal shield situated between bases of setae d1 and e2 , not fused to pygidial shield, apunctate. Pygidial shield weakly sclerotized, apunctate. Length ratios of setae f1:f2 and ag1:ag2:ag3 1:3 and 1.7:1:2.3, respectively. Pseudanal setae ps2 slightly longer (1.3 times) than ps1. Genital setae subequal in length or setae g1 slightly longer (1.2 times) than setae g2 . Genital plate invisible. All coxal fields well sclerotized, apunctate. Setae 3c 1.7 times longer than 3b . Legs. Fan-like setae p’ and p” of legs III and IV with 11 tines. Setae tc’III–IV 1.6 times longer than tc”III–IV. Lengths of setae : ve 35 (40–45), si 45 (45–55), se 210 (215–250), c1 305 (280), c2 200 (180– 225), d1 195 (210–245), d2 215 (200–240), e2 170 (150–170), f1 45 (30–45), f2 125 (95–115), h1 35 (30–40), h2 310 (275–350), ps1 15 (15–20), ps2 20 (20–25), g1 40 (30–45), g2 (30–40), ag1 100 (95–120), ag2 60 (75–95), ag3 140 (100–145), tc’III– IV 35, tc” III–IV 55, 3b 35 (30), 3c 60 (70). MALE. Unknown. Type material. Female holotype and 6 female paratypes from tertiary quill of Prionops scopifrons (Peters) ( Passeriformes : Vangidae ), KENYA : Meru forest, alt. about 1676 m .a.s.l., 16 February 1944 , coll. unknown. Type material deposition. Female holotype and 3 female paratypes are deposited in the AMU (Reg. No. AMU-SYR.824), 2 female paratypes in the LMEE (Reg. No. LMEE /S/28) and 1 female paratype in the NMK (Reg. No. NMKorn.19MH). Differential diagnosis. Neoaulonastus prionops sp. nov. is morphologically similar to N. remizus Skoracki, 2011 , described from Remizus pendulinus (Linnaeus) ( Passeriformes : Remizidae ) from Poland ( Skoracki 2011 ). In females of both species the propodonotal shield have indiscernible posterior margins; the bases of setae se are situated anterior to the level of c1 ; the apunctate hysteronotal shield is situated between bases of setae d1 and e2 , and not fused to the pygidial shield; length ratio of setae f1:f2 is 1:3, and setae tc’III–IV are 1.6 times longer than tc”III–IV . This new species differs from N. remizus by the following features: in females of N. prionops , the infracapitulum is apunctate; each medial branch of the peritremes has 2–3 chambers, each lateral branch has five chambers; the stylophore is apunctate; the propodonotal shield is punctate; setae si are longer than ve ; the pygidial shield is apunctate; pseudanal setae ps2 are slightly longer than ps1 ; all coxal fields are apunctate and fan-like setae and p” of legs III and IV are with 11 tines. In females of N. remizus , the infracapitulum is punctate; each medial branch of the peritremes has two chambers, each lateral branch has 7–8 striated chambers; the stylophore is sparsely punctate; the propodonotal shield is apunctate; setae ve and si are equal in length; the pygidial shield is sparsely punctate; pseudanal setae ps1 and ps2 are subequal in length; all coxal fields are densely punctate and fanlike setae p’ and p” of legs III and IV are with six tines. Etymology. The name prionops is taken from the generic name of the host.