Annotated list of anurans from the lateritic plateau of western India with notes on malformations Author Mudke, Madhushri Author Gururaja, K. V. Author Aravind, Neelvara Author Singal, Ramit text Check List 2020 2020-06-05 16 3 685 698 journal article 10.15560/16.3.685 1809-127X Duttaphrynus melanostictus (Schneider, 1799) New records. INDIAKarnataka : Udupi : Manipal , Dashrath Nagar , site code A ( 13.3394°N , 074.8021°E ), obs. by MM and RS , 30 May 2017 , 11 individuals; Fig. 3A . Identification. The SVL is up to 150 mm . This species has a pair of elongated poison glands on the dorsum just Table 1. Species present by sampling sites in the study area and their IUCN (2019) Red List categories. The total number of species at each site is given.
Family,species A B C D Site code E F G H I J Red List category
Duttaphrynus melanostictus + + + + + Least Concern
Euphlyctis aloysii + + + Not Evaluated
Euphlyctis karaavali + + Not Evaluated
Euphlyctis mudigere + + + + + + + + Not Evaluated
Minervarya caperata + + + + + + + + Not Evaluated
Minervarya sahyadris + + + + + + + + Endangered
Minervarya rufescens + + + + + + + Not Evaluated
Hoplobatrachus tigerinus + + + + + + + + + Least Concern
Sphaerotheca dobsonii + + + Least Concern
Microhyla laterite + + + + + + + + Not Evaluated
Microhyla nilphamariensis + + + + + + + Not Evaluated
Uperodon mormoratus + + + + + + Endangered
Hydrophylax bahuvistara + + + + + Not Evaluated
Indosylvirana intermedia + + + + + + + Not Evaluated
Indirana duboisi + + Least Concern
Polypedates maculatus + + + + + + + + + Least Concern
Polypedates pseudocruciger + + + + + + + Least Concern
Pseudophilautus wynaadensis + + + + + + + + Endangered
Rhacophorus malabaricus + + + Least Concern
Total species at each site 13 13 12 8 16 7 11 11 15 9
Figure 3. Reference images of all anurans from the laterite plateaus of Manipal. A. Duttaphrynus melanostictus . B. Euphlyctis aloysii . C. Euphlyctis karaavali . D. Euphlyctis mudigere . E. Minervarya caperata . F. Minervarya sahyadris . G. Minervarya rufescens . H . Hoplobatrachus tigerinus . I. Sphaerotheca dobsoniii . J. Microhyla laterite . K. Microhyla nilphamariensis . L. Uperodon mormoratus . M. Hydrophylax bahuvistara . N. Indosylvirana intermedia . O. Indirana duboisi . P. Polypedates maculatus . Q. Polypedates pseudocruciger . R. Pseudophilautus wynaadensis . S. Rhacophorus malabaricus . Table 2. Habitats at sampling sites in the town of Manipal ( Thorpe et al. 2018 ).
Sampling sites Site code Habitat Latitude (°N) Longitude (°E)
Dashrath Nagar A Dense,mixed vegetation of tree cover and associates,with small ephemeral pools interspersed with exposed laterite rocks 13.3394 074.8022
End Point B Public park;patches of dense,mixed vegetation;tree cover;on slope of laterite hill/rock;acacia and other (e.g.coconut and areca nut) plantations;grass patches and football fields 13.3704 074.7849
Eshwar Nagar C Dense mixed vegetation of tree cover and associates;on slope of laterite hill/rock,with small ephemeral pools 13.3478 074.8006
Golikatte D Mixed, Acacia and Dipterocarpus with vegetation patches of tree cover and associates;edge of a river with soil-filled shallow depressions;soil rich areas;paddy fields and plantations 13.3759 074.8150
Herga E Dense,mixed, Acacia and Dipterocarpus vegetation;edge of a river;soil rich areas;paddy fields and exposed laterite rock 13.3729 074.8015
Manchikere F Large,ephemeral pool and exposed laterite patch with rocky crevices,grass,and shrubs;ephemeral flush vegetation;no trees 13.3217 074.788
Manipal Lake G Lake with ephemeral,flush vegetation,boulders;soil rich areas interspersed with patches of natural and planted vegetation;tree cover 13.3424 074.7854
Pragathi Nagar H Small,ephemeral pools on laterite rocks surrounded by dense vegetation of Dipterocarpus ; Acacia plantations 13.3142 074.8014
Saralebettu I Mixed vegetation on edge of river,exposed laterite patch,grasses,and shrubs;paddy fields and patches of Dipterocarpus vegetation;tree cover and associates 13.3698 074.7975
Shanthi Nagar J Dense Dipterocarpus vegetation interspersed with Acacia plantations on laterite slope;ephemeral flush vegetation 13.3269 074.7968
Baba Point* Small restaurant surrounded with dense,mixed vegetation of Dipterocarpus and Acacia on edge of river 13.3729 074.7831
Egg Factory* Restaurant with mixed vegetation on laterite plateau 13.3511 074.7878
*Sites not included in our sampling but having malformed frogs recorded by citizen scientists. Total Number of Sightings Figure 4. Number of sightings of each species in this study. The colors group the species into families. above the eyes. There are prominent, black, V-shaped, bony ridges on the dorsal snout. The dorsal skin is marked with tiny, reddish warts. The coloration is usually dusty brown, but changes to yellowish brown during the breeding season, which coincides with monsoons. Habitat. This toad lives in relatively dry areas and is often found foraging in the leaf litter, under lampposts that fringe roads, and on terrain with few vehicles. Distribution. This frog is distributed across Asia, and is introduced in Sulawesi, East Timor , Madagascar , and Papua-New Guinea .