Original elemets and typification of the names included in the Ononis tridentata complex (Fabaceae) Author Ferrer-Gallego, P. Pablo 0000-0001-7595-9302 Servicio de Vida Silvestre y Red Natura 2000, Centro para la Investigación y la Experimentación Forestal (CIEF), Generalitat Valenciana, Avda. Comarques del País Valencià 114, E- 46930 Quart de Poblet, Valencia, Spain. & flora. cief @ gva. es; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 7595 - 9302 flora.cief@gva.es text Phytotaxa 2023 2023-05-19 598 1 32 58 http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.598.1.3 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.598.1.3 1179-3163 7958772 Ononis barrelieri Dufour (1860: 324) The protologue of the name Ononis barrelieri Dufour (1860: 324) includes three names “ O. tridentata var. 2ª Asso Syn. p. 95.” cited from Asso (1779: 95 [2. Varietas: foliis cuneiformibus, quinquedentatis, pedunculis unifloris. Hujus synonymum est / Cicer montanum, fruticans, incanum, angustifolium, serratum minus Barrel. Ic. 419. Provenit in collibus Casarauguste , circa Epila , Calatayud , Pozuelo , Hijar , Belchite , ubi gypsum adest]), “Cicer montanum fruticans incanum angustifolium serratum minus Barr. ic. 419 (et 299?)” cited from Barrelier (1714 : ic. 419), and “C. latifolium, etc. (haud floridum) Barr. ic. 420” cited from Barrelier (1714 : ic. 420), followed by a brief description in Latin. The protologue also includes some greographical provenances “Hab. in montibus aridis Navarrae (Tudela, Peralta), Aragoniae (Fuentes, Sanper, etc.), and a relevenat description in French “L’espèce décrite et figurée par Cavanilles (tab. 152) sous le nom d’O. tridentata L. diffère de celle-ci par ses feuilles linéaires, la plupart entières. – Stipule embrassant la moitié de la tige et adherente, s’avançant de chaque côté en un lobe lancéolé-aigu entier, par conséquent bifide. Le pétiole s’unit par une articulation si faible à la feuille que celle-ci se détache très facilement. Pédoncule tomenteux; calice velu, à dents aiguës; corolle de moyenne grandeur. / La figure 420 de Barrelier représente un individu qui n’est ni fleuri ni à même de fleuir. Les folioles y sont larges, arrondies. L’épithète d’ angustifolium (fig. 419) est évidemment comparative avec la fig. 420; elle se rapporte à un individu non-seulement en fleur, mais très avancé dans la fructification; et, malgré l’épithète, les folioles son ovalaires. J’ai rencontré ces modifications dans les mêmes montagnes, et Barrelier dit aussi les avoir trouvées ensemble”. The references of Barrelier (1714 : t. 419 and 420) provided illustrations that can be considered original material used by Dufour to describe O . barrelieri , and are identifiable with the species to which this name is generally applied. Jean-Marie Léon Dufour (1780-1865) was a French physician, botanist, and entomologist, born in Saint-Seversur-Adour, Landes ( France ). This author described a large number of species for the Spanish flora. The herbarium of this author is preserved at NTM, and further material is preserved at BORD, BR, CN, FI, K, LD, LY, P, P-JU ( Stafleu 2000 , Boone 2003 ). We have found a relevant original material of this species in the herbarium of Léon Dufour at BORD. The sheet Herbier Léon Dufour 5.1.061 (BORD) bears five stems, with leaves, flowers and fruits, and two labels: 1) “298. hisp. / Ononis Barrelieri. Duf. / O. tridentata var. Asso / Cicer montanum fruticans / incanum Barrel. ic. 420 / in montib. arid. / Peralta, / Fuentes”; 2) “ Ononis tridenta- / ta. Lin. / Benamaurel” ( Fig. 8 ). Therefore, this material belonging to two different gatherings. The stem mounted on the lower left corner of the sheet can be identified as belonging to O. tridentata subsp. tridentata and could be linked to the label annotated as “Benamaurel” a locality of Granada province ( Spain ). The other four stems can also be identified as belonging to O. tridentata subsp. tridentata , and could be linked to the label annotated as “Peralta”, a locality cited in the protologue ( Navarra province , Spain ), and “Fuentes” another locality cited in the protologue and located in Aragón ( Spain ). In conclusion, among the original elements mentioned, i.e., the illustrations of Barrelier (1714 : t. 419 & 420), and the specimens at BORD, I prefer to designate the specimen on the sheet Herbier Léon Dufour 5.1.061 (BORD) [except the stem mounted on the lower left corner of the sheet] as the lectotype of Ononis barrelieri . This specimen corresponds with the traditional concept and current use of the name Ononis tridentata subsp. tridentata .