Original elemets and typification of the names included in the Ononis tridentata complex (Fabaceae) Author Ferrer-Gallego, P. Pablo 0000-0001-7595-9302 Servicio de Vida Silvestre y Red Natura 2000, Centro para la Investigación y la Experimentación Forestal (CIEF), Generalitat Valenciana, Avda. Comarques del País Valencià 114, E- 46930 Quart de Poblet, Valencia, Spain. & flora. cief @ gva. es; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 7595 - 9302 flora.cief@gva.es text Phytotaxa 2023 2023-05-19 598 1 32 58 http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.598.1.3 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.598.1.3 1179-3163 7958772 Ononis crassifolia var. intricata Willkomm (1852: 114) Willkomm (1852: 114) indicates in the protologue of Ononis crassifolia var. intricata : “β. intricata. Caules humiles, saepe prostrati inde a basi ramosissimi, ramulis intricatis.Foliola floresque dimidio minores, calycis laciniae angustiores. Hab. in argillosis salsuginosis Aragoniae inferioris (v. c. inter Magallón et Borja, Zaragoza et Muel copiose) atque in Castella nova cum varietate primaria et genuina. Flor. Julio.”. I have found several specimens that are part of the original material cited in the protologue. The specimen with barcode COI00053668 bears two stems poorly preserved, and two labels, a label handwritten by Willkomm is annotated as “ Ononis tridentata L. / b. intermedia Lge. / β. intricata.”, and the second one is a printed label “Willkomm. it. hisp. secund. / 397. / Ononis crassifolia Duf. β. intricata Wk. / In gypsaceis Arragoniae inferioris copiose, v. c. / inter Magallon et Borja. / Julio 1850 ” ( Fig. 7 ). There are duplicates of this specimen at BM and P, with barcodes BM000751116, P03447783 [stem mounted on the left half of the sheet], and P03447652, with the same printed label of the Willkomm herbarium. These three specimens are syntypes . On the other hand, the specimen with barcode COI00053669 bears two stems, with leaves and flowers, and a label annotated as “Joh. Lange, plantae ex Hispania 1851-52. / Ononis crassifolia L. Duf. / β. intricata Willk. / In collibus gypsaicis ad Valladolid / 1 Jul.”. There are duplicates of this gathering preserved at JE and P, with barcodes JE00010313 and P03447749 ( QR code PL01757118) .