- internodes, length | 220-285 |
- internodes, diameter at node | 45-95 |
- cladial apophyses, length | 40-45 |
- ahydrothecate internodes, length | 65-95 |
- hydrothecate internodes, length | 255-300 |
- diameter at transverse node | 30-40 |
- abaxial wall, length | 180-195 |
- free adaxial wall, length | 75-85 |
- adnate adaxial wall, length | 110-120 |
- diameter at rim | 100-115 |
- axillar, length | 60-65 |
- axillar, diameter at rim | ca. 25 |
- of ahydrothecate internodes, length | ca. 40 |
- of ahydrothecate internodes, diameter at rim | ca. 25 |
- mesial, length | ca. 55 |
- mesial, diameter at rim | ca. 25 |
- lateral, length | 55-60 |
- lateral, diameter at rim | ca. 35 |
- length | 195-220 |
- maximum width | 135-140 |
- pedicel, length | 45-50 |
- pedicel, width | 40-45 |
Nominal species indistinguishable morphologically from
Australia (
Nominal species created by
Australia, Tasmania (
Stem internodes moderately-long, geniculate; cladial apophyses with a mamelon and an axillar nematotheca; cladia composed of a proximal, short, athecate internode, followed by a hydrothecate internode; hydrotheca seated in a concavity of internode, slightly compressed laterally, abaxial wall distinctly cambered, adaxial wall projecting a strong, oblique intrathecal septum, rim weakly to noticeably sinuous; dioecious, 1-3 gonothecae on lower stem internodes, large, flask-shaped, body narrowing distally to an upwardly bent, cylindrical neck, with a wide, circular, thickened aperture with broadly everted rim. Epiphytic |
Australia (
Stem internodes moderately-long, slightly geniculate, with internal septa at both ends, and 1 nematotheca; cladial apophyses with low mamelon and 1 axillar nematotheca; cladia heteromerous, internodes with septa at both ends, up to 5 hydrothecate internodes; hydrothecae cup-shaped, shallow, fully adnate, abaxial wall thickened and swollen basally; monoecious, gonothecae forming a continuous row on front of stem, attached to successive cladial apophyses just under mamelon, female globular with external marsupium, male elongated. Epiphytic |
Australia, New Zealand, Japan (
The hydro- and gonothecae of this nominal species appear indistinguishable from those of
Australia (
Nominal species inaccurately described. Stem internodes with 1 nematotheca; cladial apophyses with 2 nematothecae; cladia heteromerous, hydrothecate internodes distinctly swollen; hydrothecae small, cup-shaped, shallow, about as deep as wide, fully adnate, rim everted frontally, aperture somewhat oblique; gonothecae unknown. Presumably epiphytic |
Australia (
Stolon with nematothecae. Stems divided by strongly oblique nodes; internodes short, robust, with several thick complete internal septal ridges, and 1 nematotheca; cladial apophyses with 1 axillar nematotheca; ahydrothecate internodes with 1 nematotheca, with the exception of the proximal most; hydrothecae perched on bulges of upper side of hydrothecate internodes, alternating with 3 strong septal ridges; symmetrical, cup-shaped, walls expanding to margin, base rounded, aperture outrolled; 1-3 gonothecae in lower stem region, often of both sexes, urn-shaped, distally a dome-shaped cap, gonophore with row of refringent corpuscles. Epiphytic |
Australia (
Nominal species inaccurately described. Stolon with nematothecae; stem internodes “with about three transverse wrinkles” and 1 nematotheca; cladial apophyses with 1 nematotheca; cladia heteromerous; hydrothecae cup-shaped, rather shallow, expanding upwards, partly adnate to the corresponding internode; gonothecae given off singly from base of stem, “somewhat flattened beneath, convex on top, obliquely truncated, aperture very large, margin everted”. Presumably epiphytic |
Australia (
Stem divided by strongly oblique nodes; internodes with 3-4 internal ridges of perisarc, and 1 nematotheca; cladial apophyses with an axillar nematotheca besides the adaxial pore; cladial hydrothecate internodes with 4-5 internal ridges of perisarc; hydrothecae wide, shallow, cup-shaped; abaxial wall distinctly thickened; adaxial wall adnate to hydrocladium only near base, the remainder joined to the internode by a wedge of perisarc; margin sinuated, with a thickened outwardly rolled rim, the line of the margin curved down posteriorly to meet the internode; aperture truncated adaxially by a delicate transverse sheet of perisarc; a couple of large, piriform gonothecae arising from old, basal hydrocladial apophyses. Epiphytic |
Australia, New Zealand (
Nominal species inaccurately described. Stem “annulated”, without nematothecae; cladia bearing single, concave hydrothecate internodes; hydrothecae cup-shaped, partly adnate, abaxial wall distinctly sigmoid (strongly concave proximally, convex distally); gonothecae unknown. Presumably epiphytic |
Australia (
Colonies with sessile cladia and/or erect stems; stem divided by oblique nodes; internodes moderately-long, with 1 nematotheca; cladial apophyses with mamelon and 1 axillar nematotheca; cladia heteromerous, with up to 6 hydrothecate internodes; hydrothecae cup-shaped, basally adnate, abaxial wall slightly rounded, adaxial wall giving rise to an intrathecal septum, margin forming an angle of 45° with the internode, produced to form a peak on both the ad- and abaxial sides; gonothecae borne on hydrorhiza, firmly applied to substratum, flattened, thick-walled, irregularly ovate in outline, aperture small, circular on upper surface of distal end, a number of minute pores on upper surface. Epiphytic |
South Africa, Australia, Japan, Madagascar (
Stem occasionally branched; internodes moderately-long, geniculate, with 1 nematotheca; cladial apophyses with 1-2 axillar nematothecae, as well as an additional nematotheca on the apophysis itself; hydrothecae deeply campanulate, expanding to aperture, abaxial wall weakly concave, adaxial wall almost straight, a small portion free from the internode; dioecious, gonothecae on lower stem internodes, elongate-ovoid, twice as long as wide, distal end tapering, truncate above and there provided with a rather small, somewhat oblique aperture, without submarginal teeth. Epiphytic and epizoic |
Australia, New Zealand, Japan (
Stem internodes relatively long, slender, slightly geniculate, each with an internal perisarc ridge at each end, and 1 nematotheca; cladial apophyses with mamelon and 2 axillar nematothecae; cladia heteromerous, ahydrothecate internodes moderately-long and with 1 nematotheca, hydrothecate internodes with a centrally-placed hydrotheca; the latter fairly deep, cylindrical, half adnate; gonothecae small, globular, thin-walled, borne on cladial apophyses. Epiphytic |
Circumglobal in warm waters (
Stem internodes long, slender, with 2 nematothecae on opposite sides; cladial apophyses with a bun-shaped mamelon and 2 axillar nematothecae; cladia heteromerously segmented into long a- and hydrothecate internodes, the former with 1 nematotheca; hydrothecae seated about halfway along the internodes, small, deep bowl-shaped, abaxial wall deeply concave to straight, adaxial wall weakly concave and fully adnate to internode, margin oblique to internode axis, circular, rim everted; gonothecae unknown. Epizoic |
Australia (
Nominal species inadequately described, though easily recognizable through the peculiar shape of its hydrothecae. Cladia heteromerous, with up to 4 hydrothecate internodes; hydrotheca slipper-shaped, long axis strongly sigmoid, base distinctly swollen, aperture facing away from the internode; gonothecae unknown. Epiphytic |
Australia (
Stem internodes of varied length, with or without internal septa, with 0-1 nematotheca; cladial apophysis with conical mamelon and 1 axillar nematotheca; hydrotheca deep bowl-shaped, abaxial wall slightly convex, adaxial wall concave and fully adnate to internode, margin a broad sinuous curve down to internode; one to several gonothecae in a row around lower stem, large, piriform, walls smooth to obscurely undulated, when mature flattened at top, and opening by a large, smooth-edged, circular aperture, gonophore with belt of refringent corpuscles. Epiphytic and epizoic |
Australia (
Very likely a stemless variety of
Australia (
Stem internodes long, slender, occasionally with 1-2 nematothecae, often absent; cladial apophyses with prominent mamelon (with 1-2 apertures) adaxially and 1 axillar nematotheca, the latter often absent; hydrothecae campanulate, abaxial wall straight for most of its length, expanding below aperture; margin everted, slightly sinuated, curving down adaxially; gonothecae unknown. Epizoic |
Australia (
Stem internodes relatively short, sturdy, each with 1 nematotheca; cladial apophyses with 1 axillar nematotheca; cladia heteromerous, with up to 4 relatively short hydrothecate internodes, each with a centrally-placed hydrotheca; the latter bowl-shaped, shallow, inclined downward at 45° with the internode; 1-2 gonothecae near stem bases, borne on laterally-set pedicels, urn-shaped, perisarc undulated, outer surface with scattered nematothecae. Inert substrates |
French Polynesia, Fiji (
Stem internodes short, sturdy; cladial apophyses with mamelon and 1-2 nematothecae; cladia with single, short, concave hydrothecate internode, accommodating distally a hydrotheca; the latter laterally compressed, abaxial wall sigmoid, adaxial wall fully fused, concave, giving rise to a forwardly and upwardly-directed intrathecal ridge, margin sinuous, somewhat everted abaxially, distinctly lowered adaxially; gonothecae unknown. Epiphytic |
Australia (
Stem internodes moderately long, geniculate, with 1 nematotheca; cladial apophyses with conical mamelon and 1 axillar nematotheca; hydrothecate cladial internode with 2 internal septa behind the hydrotheca, the latter distal on internode, scoop-shaped, fully adnate, abaxial wall smoothly convex, thickened or not, margin cut obliquely back to internode, rim slightly everted, a perisarc thickening behind; gonothecae on lower stem internodes, large, urn-shaped, perisarc fairly thick, distally truncate, aperture closed by sheet of tissue; gonophore a medusoid. Epiphytic |
Circumglobal in temperate to tropical waters (
Stem internodes robust, moderately long, with several transverse internal septa and 1 nematotheca; cladial apophyses with 2 axillar nematothecae; hydrothecate internodes short, concave, hydrotheca distally-placed, fully adnate, cupshaped, slightly flaring, abaxial wall weakly concave, variably thickened; dioecious, gonothecae on lower stem internodes, at base of a cladial apophysis, large, globular, thick-walled, smooth to faintly rugose, aperture distal, set obliquely, aperture narrow, circular, with a row of large, internal submarginal cusps. Epiphytic |
Australia (
Stem internodes moderately long, slightly geniculate, with 1 nematotheca; cladial apophyses with 1 axillar nematotheca; cladia heteromerously segmented, ahydrothecate internodes short and with 1 nematotheca, hydrothecate internodes up to 2, comparatively longer, each with a hydrotheca distally; hydrothecae elliptic, abaxial wall strongly arched, becoming thicker towards aperture where it is incurved, appearing as a submarginal septum, aperture small, set obliquely forwards, subrectangular, rim weakly lobate; gonothecae unknown. Epiphytic |
Australia (
Stem internodes moderately long and slender, with 1 nematotheca; cladial apophyses with mamelon and 1 axillar nematotheca; cladia with single, concave hydrothecate internode, ending in a distal spine of variable length, projecting beyond hydrotheca; the latter bonnet-shaped, fully adnate, laterally compressed, abaxial wall convex, a strong adaxial intrathecal septum projecting halfway across lumen, aperture sinuated adaxially; one to several gonothecae on lower cladial apophyses, large, elongated-conical, sometimes curved asymmetrically, with wide terminal aperture set perpendicularly to long axis. Epiphytic and epizoic |
Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Japan (
Stolon with nematothecae; cauline internodes long, slender, slightly geniculate, with 1-2 nematothecae; cladial apophyses with mamelon and 1 axillar nematotheca; cladia heteromerous, ahydrothecate internodes relatively long, with internal septa at both ends and 1 nematotheca; hydrothecate internodes comparatively longer, with up to 3 internal septa; hydrothecae conical, fully adnate, margin rounded, tilted abaxially; gonothecae borne below lower cladial apophyses, large, partly or fully seated on substrate, barrel-shaped in frontal view, flattened dorso-ventrally, distinctly transversely ridged, aperture distal, circular. Epiphytic, epizoic, also growing on inert substrates |
Circumglobal in warm waters (
Cauline internodes moderately long and slender, with 1 nematotheca; cladial apophyses with conical mamelon and 1 axillar nematotheca; hydrotheca slipper-shaped, longitudinal axis S-shaped, abaxial wall considerably produced frontally, aperture narrowed and tilted adaxially; gonotheca borne beside apophysis of first stem internode, large, urnshaped, distally truncate, walls smooth to weakly undulated, aperture closed by sheet of tissue. Epiphytic |
Australia (
Cauline internodes long, each with 1-4 cladial apophyses (usually 2) and a variable number of nematothecae, 1 in axil of apophysis, 1 beside apophysis, 1 halfway between hydrocladia and sometimes 1 at side of internode just above node; cladia divided homomerously into quite long hydrothecate internodes; hydrothecae deep cup-shaped, adaxial wall entirely adnate, abaxial wall straight to faintly sinuous, concave just behind margin; gonothecae exceedingly long, tubular, rounded apically. Epizoic |
Australia (
Stem internodes moderately long, with 1 frontal nematotheca; cladial apophyses with 1 axillar nematotheca; cladia heteromerous, ahydrothecate internodes short, with internal septa near ends, and 1 nematotheca, hydrothecate internode comparatively longer, with internal septa near ends and a centrally-placed hydrotheca; the latter inverted conical, completely adnate, margin slightly oblique; monoecious, gonothecae on cladial apophyses, elongate-ovoid, outline irregular, slightly flattened dorso-ventrally. Epiphytic |
From South Africa to Australia (
Stolon with internal pegs and nematothecae; stem internodes relatively short, with internal ridges near their ends, and 1 nematotheca on side opposite to cladial apophysis; the latter with 2 axillar nematothecae; cladia heteromerous, hydrothecate internodes relatively long, with a centrally-placed hydrotheca; abaxial wall sigmoid, thickened, adaxial wall free for 1/3 from corresponding internode, concave, aperture tilted abaxially; gonothecae borne on lower stem internodes, large, piriform, transversely ridged, distal end truncate. Presumably epiphytic, also epizoic |
Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand (