Two new species and a new record of Entolomatoid fungi (Entolomataceae, Agaricales) from Pakistan Author Khalid, Abdul Nasir 0000-0002-5635-8031 Fungal Biology and Systematics Research Laboratory, Institute of Botany, University of the Punjab, Quaid-e-Azam Campus- 54590, Lahore, Pakistan Author Razzaq, Fauzia 0000-0001-5080-3811 Fungal Biology and Systematics Research Laboratory, Institute of Botany, University of the Punjab, Quaid-e-Azam Campus- 54590, Lahore, Pakistan Author Naseer, Arooj 0000-0002-4458-9043 Fungal Biology and Systematics Research Laboratory, Institute of Botany, University of the Punjab, Quaid-e-Azam Campus- 54590, Lahore, Pakistan Author Qasim, Tayyaba 0000-0003-1421-2322 Fungal Biology and Systematics Research Laboratory, Institute of Botany, University of the Punjab, Quaid-e-Azam Campus- 54590, Lahore, Pakistan Author Kanwal, Sobia 0009-0008-2108-5177 Fungal Biology and Systematics Research Laboratory, Institute of Botany, University of the Punjab, Quaid-e-Azam Campus- 54590, Lahore, Pakistan text Phytotaxa 2024 2024-09-26 666 1 1 16 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.666.1.1 1179-3163 14518562 Entoloma pakistanicum Khalid, Naseer , A., sp. nov . Fig. 2 MycoBank:—MB 837771 Etymology:—‘ pakistanicum’ refers to Pakistan , the type locality. Diagnosis:— Entoloma pakistanicum is characterized by a convex pileus, 3.2–4 cm in diam., lamellae adnexed, with serrate margins, and larger subisodiametrical basidiospores (9.9–13.9 × 7.1–11.1 μm with 4–7 angles) than the similar E. lacus (7.1–7.3–8.1 × 6.2–6.8–7.1 μm with 5–6 angles). Type :— PAKISTAN . Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province , Kurram District , Parachinar , elev. 1740 m a.s.l. , 30 July 2019 , Arooj Naseer & Abdul Nasir Khalid , ANK-252 , ( LAH36758 ; ITS: MW218151 ; LSU : MW142504 ) . Description:— Pileus 3.2–4 cm diam., convex, umbilicate, light brown (7.5Y 7/2) in the center and slightly darker brown (5Y 7/2) towards the margin, becoming dark brown (5Y 7/2) when mature, pileus surface smooth, matt, with a shiny appearance, margin incurved, hygrophanous. Lamellae adnexed, creamy white (1.3BG5/0.6), pink (5YR7/4) at maturity, margin serrate and concolorous with faces, close, with 2–3 tiers lamellulae. Stipe centrally attached, 5–5.7 cm length, 0.9–1.2 cm diam., subclavate, solid, dry, fibrillose, creamy white (1.3BG 5/0.6), with a brown tinge in the lower portion, with a broad base. Odor aromatic resembling fruit. Taste not recorded. Spore print not taken. Basidiospores (9.9–) 10.1–13.1 (–13.9) × (7.1–) 7.9–10.8 (–11.1) µm, (avl × avw = 11.7 × 9.2 µm,) Q = 1–1.7, Qav = 1.3, subisodiametrical, with 4–7 angles, hyaline, thick-walled. Basidia 33.5–57.4 × 11.5–17.4 µm, clavate to broadly clavate, hyaline, thin-walled, 2–4-spored. Cheilocystidia 21.6–29 × 8–9.9 µm, narrowly clavate to narrowly utriform, hyaline, thin-walled. Pileipellis a cutis composed of septate, branched, thick-walled hyphae, 3.9–14.2 µm diam., hyaline to light brown in 5 % KOH. Stipitipellis a cutis composed of thin-walled hyphae, septate, branched, hyaline, 4.2–16.7 µm diam., Caulocystidia present throughout the stipe, clavate to cylindro-clavate, l×w= 106.1–133 × 20.4–27.1 µm, thick-walled, hyaline. Clamp connections abundant in all tissues. Ecology:—Growing on loamy soil in a moist temperate forest dominated by Quercus baloot . Material examined:— PAKISTAN . Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province , Kurram District , Parachinar , August 2019 , Arooj Naseer & Abdul Nasir Khalid , PC-26 ( LAH36759 ; ITS: MW218150 ; LSU : MW142505 ) .