A review of mites of the subfamily Speleognathinae (Acariformes: Ereynetidae) parasitizing respiratory tracts of birds in the Afrotropical region Author Skoracki, Maciej Author Schmidt, Karl-Heinz Author Marciniak, Natalia Author Marciniak, Martyna text Zootaxa 2018 2018-04-05 4403 3 401 440 journal article 30335 10.11646/zootaxa.4403.3.1 88bca5aa-d612-4ca7-9c2b-a6eb82b280e6 1175-5326 1212849 EBC0B6E0-7308-47F4-A10F-1AF8D012AD11 Genus Meropiboydaia Fain, 1985 Meropiboydaia Fain, 1985a : 145 . Type species: Boydaia merops Fain, 1956 by original designation. Diagnosis. Palps with 1 segment. Hypostome without setae. Propodonotal shield absent. Propodonotal region with 3 pairs of setae ( vi , ve , se absent). Hysteronotal region with 6 pairs of setae. Genital series with 3 pairs of setae. Pseudanal setae absent. Agenital setal series with 2 pairs. Setae 1a , 3a , 4a present. Number of leg setae: coxae 1– 1–1–0, trochanters 0–0–0–0, femora 5–3–3–2, genua 4–4–3–3, tibiae 5–3–3–3. Setae situated in anterior part of tarsi I–IV normally developed. Remarks. The monotypic genus associated with birds of the order Coraciiformes and recorded in the Afrotropical and Australian regions ( Fain 1955b , 1956a , 1956c ; Domrow 1966 , 1969 , 1991 ).