Revision of the subgenus Dicranomyia (Erostrata) Savchenko, 1976 (Diptera, Limoniidae) of Japan Author Kato, Daichi Author Tachi, Takuji Author Gelhaus, Jon text Zootaxa 2018 2018-06-26 4441 1 181 194 journal article 29827 10.11646/zootaxa.4441.1.11 026482e5-b6b7-4ba0-a46f-6b57c1a6a620 1175-5326 1301981 E8507163-0F19-4BF2-8917-2E6C2C7A53A2 Dicranomyia ( Erostrata ) globulithorax Alexander, 1924 ( Figs. 7 , 36 , 41 ) Dicranomyia globulithorax Alexander, 1924 : 547 . Type locality: Japan , Hokkaido , Chitose-shi , Shikotsu ; Limonia ( Limonia ) globithorax globulithorax : Alexander, 1955 : 278 ; Dicranomyia ( Erostrata ) globithorax globulithorax : Savchenko & Krivolutskaya, 1976 : 132 ; Savchenko, 1983 : 138 ; Savchenko, 1989 : 307 ; Savchenko et al , 1992 : 342 ; Nakamura et al , 2014 : 41 ; Oosterbroek, 2018 . Specimens examined: Holotype , male, JAPAN , Hokkaido , Shikotsu , 27.IX.1922 , T. Esaki ( USNM ) . Paratype , male, JAPAN : [ Hokkaido ], L. Shikotsu , 27.IX.1922 , T. Esaki ( USNM ) . Diagnosis. General coloration ( Fig. 36 ) brown to dark brown. Head blackish; palpus one segmented. Abdomen dark brown. Male genitalia with tergite 9 bearing a pair of rounded lobes on posterior margin (as in Fig. 4 ); gonostylus ( Fig. 7 ) concaved on distal 1/6 of inner margin, covered with strong setae at tip. Description. Male. Body length 4.8 mm . Wing length 6.2 mm . Head . Dark brown. Antenna dark brown, pedicel almost as wide as basal flagellomeres, flagellar segments with distinct pale pubescence; palpus oval, one segmented. Thorax. Brown, lateral sides of postpronotum and anepimeron near wing base weakly paler. Wing blackish tinged. Legs brown, coxae, trochanters, and base of femora paler. Halter brown. Abdomen. Brown, sternite 7 with a small, conical internal sac on posterior margin (as in Fig. 10 ). Male genitalia with tergite 9 oval, bearing a pair of rounded lobes on posterior margin, each lobe separated by wide U- or V-shaped notch, longitudinal internal ridge distinct on middle of tergite 9 (as in Fig. 4 ); gonocoxite cylindrical, about as long as width of tergite 9, ventromesal lobe finger-shaped, about 1/3 as long as gonocoxite and 1.5–2 times as long as width (as in Fig. 4 ); gonostylus ( Fig. 7 ) slightly shorter than gonocoxite and slightly wider on distal half than basal half, apex with outer edge produced about 1/5 as long as whole length of gonostylus, mesal surface of gonostylus weakly sclerotized and darkened, covered with strong setae, outer surface of gonostylus with a small protuberance bearing two setae near base; paramere (as in Figs. 5–6 ) with mesal-apical lobe slender, pointed at tip, lateral part of paramere produced into ribbon-like plate, curled laterally and ventrally, the plate 1/4 as long as width of paramere in lateral view; aedeagus (as in Fig. 5 ) cylindrical, narrowed near tip; tip shortly bilobed, directed ventrally. Female. Not examined. Distribution. Japan ( Hokkaido , Shikoku ( Fig. 41 )), Russian Far East (Primorskiy kray, Kuril islands). FIGURES 4–13. Male genitalia of Dicranomyia ( Erostrata ) globithorax and D. ( E. ) globulithorax , and female ovipositor of the former species. 4–6, 11–13. D. globithorax (non-type, Japan, Aomori). 7. D. globulithorax (holotype), 8–10, D. globithorax (non-type, USA, Pennsylvania). 4: Male genitalia in dorsal view; 5: Internal structure of male genitalia in dorsal view; 6: Paramere of male genitalia in outer view; 7: Gonostylus in dorsal view; 8: Paramere in dorsal view; 9: Paramere, outer surface; 10: Internal sac on male sternite 7 (non-type, Canada); 11: Female ovipositor in lateral view; 12: Sternite 8 and hypogynial valve in ventral view; 13: Furca in ventral view. Scale bars = 0.1 mm. Abbreviations: aed, aedeagus; cer, cercus; fu, furca; gc, gonocoxite; gs, gonostylus; hyp vlv, hypogynial valve; ma l, mesal-apical lobe; S8, sternite 8; T8–10, tergites 8–10; vm l, ventromesal lobe. Remarks. As mentioned in the remark of D. globithorax , D. globithorax globulithorax is elevated to species rank based on the distinct differences in their male genitalia. This species is also somewhat similar to a Taiwanese species, D. ( E. ) melas ( Alexander, 1934 ) , but is differentiated from it by the following male genital structures: male genitalia (as in Figs. 4–6 ) with ventromesal lobe of gonocoxite longer, about 1.5–2 times as long as width (about as long as width in D. melas ); mesal-apical lobe of paramere without a ridge-like short extension near base of dorsal margin (with a ridge-like short extension near base of dorsal margin D. melas ).