Checklist of the earthworm fauna of Croatia (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) Author Kutuzović, Davorka Hackenberger Author Kutuzović, Branimir Hackenberger text Zootaxa 2013 3710 1 1 30 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3710.1.1 efe2cf5c-7d5a-4f64-8359-1f65feeef338 1175-5326 284655 19EA61C9-17DF-48D6-A72D-32BF565D977B Aporrectodea jassyensis (Michaelsen, 1891) ( Fig. 2 B) 1891 Allolobophora jassyensis Michaelsen, Jb. Hamb. Wiss. , 8: 15. 1991 Aporrectodea (Aporrectodea) jassyensis : Mršić, Acad. Sci. Art. Slov. (Hist. Nat.) , 31: 316. 2003 Aporrectodea jassyensis : Csuzdi & Zicsi, Pedozool. Hung. , 1: 87. Ecological category. Endogeic, hygrophilous. Habitat. Forests, meadows and cultivated soils. Zoogeographical distribution type . Trans-Aegean. Distribution in Croatia . Only two records for Croatia , one in the Continental (Hackenberger: Križnica) and the other in the Alpine region, Mršić (1984): Risnjak.