The identity of Syllepte incomptalis Hübner (Lepidoptera: Crambidae: Spilomelinae) with synonymies, new combinations and new species Author Becker, Vitor Osmar Reserva Serra Bonita, Camacan, BA, Brasil. urn: lsid: zoobank. org: pub: E 1989527 - FDF 6 - 46 F 3 - 90 FD-E 4078 A 31 A 25 C text Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 2023 e 20220093 2023-02-13 67 1 1 12 journal article 10.1590/1806-9665-RBENT-2022-0093 1806-9665 8111457 Syllepte confusalis Becker , sp. n. 6999ECDE-880B-4343-A36B-E614C12224BD Figs. 1j , 3 k-l, 5n Material examined: Holotype , BRAZIL : São Paulo (SP), São José do Barreiro , 1640 m , S 22,72° , W 44,61° , x.2021 ( VOB 165009 ) ; Paratypes : 1 ♂ , 3 ♀♀ , same data as holotype, g. s. 5737 ( VOB ) ; 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ , Paraná ( PR ): Curitiba , 920 m , 14.x.1974 , , g. s. 5738 ( Becker 8201, 8448) ; 1 ♂ , Guaratuba , 1600 m , 5.viii.1975 , g. s. 5725 ( Becker 8233) ; 1 ♀ , Quatro Barras , 800 m , 2.v.1970 , ex Bakeridesia rufinervia ( VOB 8446 ) ; Rio de Janeiro ( RJ ), 1 ♂ , Nova Friburgo , 1100 m , 9.xi.1998 ( Becker 117807) ; 2 ♂♂ , Itatiaia , 2000 m , S 22, 37° , W 44, 75° , 24-27.ix.2021 , g. s. 5727, 5730 ( Becker 164270) , 1♂ , Teresópolis , Casa do Pesquisador , 22°27’17” S 42°59’50” W, 1134m , 13-16.VI.2021 , C.C.D. Corrêa leg., MN-LEP 0002626, DNA-LAPEL 436 ( MNRJ ), 1♂ , Itatiaia, Parque Nacional do Itatiaia, Casa do Pesquisador, Casa do Pesquisador, 22°27’16” S 44°36’29” W, 807m , 07-08.IV.2021 , T.Zacca leg., MN-LEP 0002247, DNA-LAPEL 245 ( MNRJ ) , 1♂ , Itatiaia , Parque Nacional do Itatiaia , 910m , 23-27.X.2019 , A. Soares , G. Marconato , M. A. Costa & N. Tangerini leg., MN-LEP 0001448 ( MNRJ ) , 1♂ , Itatiaia , Parque Nacional do Itatiaia , 910m , 07-10.II.2019 , A. Soares , G. Marconato , M.A.Costa & N. Tangerini leg., MN-LEP 0001445 ( MNRJ ) ; SP, 1 ♂ , Campos do Jordão , 1600 m S 22º46’ , W 45º31, 27 .ii.2001 ( Becker 131349) ; 1 ♂ , Campos do Jordão , Parque Estadual Campos do Jordão , Alojamento , 1514m , 22°41’25” S 45°29’13” W, 05-06.X.2021 , C. C. D. Corrêa leg., MN-LEP 0003497 ( MNRJ ) ; 1 ♂ , São Luis do Paraitinga , 900 m , S 23º20’ , W 45º06’ , 13-20.iii.2001 , g. s. 5726 ( Becker 132329) ; 1 ♂ , Salesópolis , Estação Biológica de Boracéia , 900 m , S 23°38’ , W45°52’ , 1-4.iv.2022 ( Becker 166180) ; 2 ♂♂ , Minas Gerais ( MG ) , Aiuruoca , 1600 m , S 22,03° , W 44,68° , 24.i.2019 , 4-9.x.2021 ( Becker 157695, 165325) ( VOB ) . Diagnosis: Large ( Fig. 1j ). Male FW length 17-19 mm ( 37-42 mm wingspan), female 16-18 mm ( 35-40 mm wingspan). Yellowish. Wings ornate with an intricate net of curved and lunulate lines; FW apex acute, a large fuscous patch beyond the median line to termen, from R4 to tornus; HW with a fuscous area at apex, distad of postmedial band, narrowing along termen to M3; an elongate, irregular fuscous band at middle, delimiting a yellowish orbicular. Male genitalia with uncus short, expanded distally forming lateral, broad triangles. Description: Sexes similar. FW 17-19 mm ( 37-42 mm wingspan) ( Fig. 1j ). Head and thorax pale yellow. Labial palpi pale yellow, fuscous distally. Patagia with a fuscous line across middle; tegula with row of fuscous scales at base. Legs pale yellow; fore and mid coxae and femora fuscous, tarsi ringed fuscous. FW pale yellow, basal and antemedial bands curved, fuscous; antemedial band followed with three orbicular spots; reniform spot extending to near costa; large, fuscous patch beyond postmedial band, from R4 to tornus. HW with orbicular and reniform spots well defined; postmedial line double, forming lunules on vein interspaces; broad fuscous patch on apex, narrowing along termen towards M3; terminal line fuscous; internal margin white; cilia fuscous from apex to M3, pale yellow to tornus. Abdomen pale yellow, banded fuscous on articulations. Male genitalia ( Figs. 3k ): Uncus short, broad, with lateral triangular expansions; valva two times longer than wide, margins nearly parallel, costa straight, distal third of ventral margin round to acute apex; fibula a thin, sharp, bent hook. Juxta an elongate shield. Vinculum expanded basally, round. Phallus ( Fig. 3l ) straight, thin; vesica with an irregular, small plate. Female genitalia ( Fig. 5n ): Ostium bursae long, narrow; ductus bursae, long, almost as long as abdomen, straight, broadened slightly basad; corpus bursae oblong, signum a small, round, spined plate. Distribution: Endemic to the Atlantic Forest of southeastern Brazil , at high elevations. Etymology: From the Latin confusion -onis =mixture, disorder; in reference to the confusion caused by the earlier workers misidentifications of P. scripturalis. Remarks: A large species, the same size and externally almost identical to S. limata. Easily separated by their distribution: S. limata from North America to Ecuador , at high elevations; S. confusalis restricted to the Atlantic Forest of southeastern Brazil . Also by their male genitalia: inS. limata the uncus ( Fig. 3i ) is long, with the margins nearly parallel, and slightly concave at apex, whereas in S. confusalis ( Fig.3k ) the uncus is short, broadly expanded laterally into a triangular projection. This species has been misidentified as S.scripturalis by earlier workers, and under this name curated in all collections. S. scripturalis ( Figs. 1 k-l) is a smaller [FW 12 mm ; 27 mm wingspan], the same size and externally identical to S. suffusalis ( Fig. 1m ), if not the same species.As, unfortunately, no male ofS. scripturalis is available to allow comparing their genitalia, the two are retained as distinct. S. limata is treated as P.scripturalis, byAmsel (1956-1957: 129), a misidentification; the male genitalia (Pl. 81, fig. 8) martch those of other specimens from Mexico and Central America.