Review Of The Genus Geloemyia (Diptera, Pyrgotidae), With Discussion Of Its Taxonomic Position
Korneyev, V. A.
Vestnik Zoologii
journal article
Hendel, 1908
Hendel, 1908: 151
1909: 21
1933: 13
Steyskal, 1977: 41
Geloemyia stylata
Hendel, 1908
(by monotypy).
Hendel, 1934: 142
Soós, 1984: 37
Kim, Han, 2001: 281
; Korneyev, 2004: 42,
Korneyev, Nartshuk, 2004: 408
syn. n.
Geloemyia quadriseta
Hendel, 1933
(by original designation).
Malloch, 1930: 466
Steyskal, 1977: 42
1980: 362
syn. n.
Trichempodia cockerelli
Malloch, 1930
(by original designation).
Enderlein, 1942: 111
Soós, 1984: 37
; Korneyev, 2004: 42,
syn. n.
Parageloemyia ornata
Hering, 1940
(by original designation, as “
D. ornata
D i a g n o s i s. Medium-sized flies (wing length 4.5–8.5) with moderately developed subocular sclerite, variously developed or lacking facial carina; mesonotum with 0–1 presutural and 3 (rarely 2) postsutural dorsocentral setae (dc), presutural supra-alar (prst sa) setae, and prescutellar acrostichal setae (prsc ac) present; scutellum with 2 pairs of setae, normally without or with a few additional setulae; wing with short or without spurious vein on R
, vein R
dorsally setulose though all its length (in most species) or bare (in
G. dorsocentralis
G. wonjuensis
), vein Sc broken at apex and not reaching costa; costal vein basally with humeral and more or less conspicuous subcostal break, apically reaching vein M; femora only with normal setae, without ventral rows of spurs; empodium clearly microtrichose at base; female mid femur anterodorsally with or without femoral organ; epandrium dorsally bare, usually with a few dorsolateral setae; surstyli large, strongly extended postero-ventrally, papillose, without prensisetae or long setae; oviscape apically straight, almost cylindrical, with apex blunt or slightly curved dorsally and moderately long medioventral lobe and short lateral lobes apically; aculeus moderately long, at least 5–7× as long as wide at middle, usually with clear subapical constriction.
shares the broken subcosta, numerous dc, setulose R
, and large posteroventrally directed surstyli with
, differing by having short pedicel and flagellomere 1, well developed prst sa and prsc ac setae, and body more robust and microtrichose (slender and shining in
). Another genus that also shares with them more than 2 dorsocentral setae and long posteriorly directed surstyli is
Enderlein, 1942
from the Far
East Asia
; that genus can be differentiated by the long antenna, palp and legs, completely developed facial carina, oviscape with aperture on its ventral side, and prescutellar acrostichal and presutural supra-alar seta lacking.
D i s t r i b u t i o n. Far East of the Palaearctic Region (
, Korean Peninsula,
), Oriental (Indochinese Peninsula to Borneo), and Afrotropical Region (
Description. Flies of medium size (wing length
4.5–8.5 mm
) and ordinary habitus, matt yellow to gray-and-brown body coloration; wings either grey, with mottled pattern of white spots or with brown or gray pattern of irregular bands and spots.
Head higher than long, rarely longer than high (in
G. namibica
sp. n.
), and wider than long and high; ocelli absent and ocellar triangle very poorly defined or absent; parafacial bare, with distinctive subocular dilation; face concave, with (in
G. dosrsocentralis
) or without facial carina; epistome (supraclypeal sclerite) either high (
G. namibica
sp. n.
G. trifasciata
) to very low (in
G. cheni
sp. n.
G. quadriseta
); lateral vertical seta moderately developed; antenna shorter than face, flagellomere 1 micropubescent, short and round, 1.5× as long as pedicel; arista micropubescent, 2-segmented; palp variously developed: oval, 2–4× as long as wide and 1.5× as long as flagellomere
1 in
Asian and 1–2× as long as wide and at most as long as flagellomere
1 in
African species; and, 0.7× as long as flagellomere 1, 1.7–1.9× as long as wide, rounded; labellum 0.7× as long as oral cavity; 1–2 proclinate or lateroclinate orbital setae, 1 ocellar and 1 postocellar setae 2–3× as long as irregular setalike setulae in anterior portion of frons; 1 medial vertical seta 2–3× as long as flagellomere 1, lateral vertical seta 0.3–0.5× as long as medial vertical seta; presternum simple saddlelike without projected lobes, with 2–6 pairs of fine setulae; postpronotal lobe with 5–7 setulae and 1 seta; proepimeron slender, with 2–5 setae; mesonotum subshining or microtrichose, sparsely and short setulose, with 0–1 presutural and 2–4 postsutural dorsocentral setae forming regular row; prst sa and prsc ac setae strong; scutellum with 2 pairs of setae; 1–3 anepisternal, 1–2anepimeral and 1–2 katepisternal seta; wing moderately wide, 2.3–2.8× as long as wide, with humeral and subcostal breaks; costa reaching medial vein; Sc straight, narrowly broken before costa; vein R
with or without spurious (“stump”) vein; vein R
setose over whole length or bare (in
G. dorsocentralis
G. wonjuensis
); Cu
reaching wing margin; haltere yellow; coxae and trochanters normally setulose without brushes of combs of setae; femora and tibiae uniformly short setulose, fore femur with strong setulae ventrally (in
G. dorsocentralis
) and dorsally (in most species), mid femur without long setae (except in
G. dorsocentralis
), hind femur dorsally with 2–4 setae, in
G. dorsocentralis
also with postero-ventral row of setulae; female mid femur with or without bare area (femoral organ) on antero-dorsal surface; hind tibia without sub-basal constriction; fore tarsi with normally developed apical tarsomeres, except in females of
G. cheni
sp. n.
two apical tarsomeres asymmetrical, flattened and either long setulose or bare at one side, hind tarsi in both sexes symmetrical; empodium conspicuously microtrichose; syntergite 1+2 not narrowed at middle; preabdominal sternites of various shape; oviscape narrow, almost cylindrical, curved dorsally, as long as or slightly longer than preceding abdominal tergites, its apex with row of moderately long setae around its perimeter, often with longer and somewhat curled setae on dorsal side, except in
G. dorsocentralis
very widened basally; apex without papillae, hooks or spinules, usually with medio-ventral or sometimes with medio-dorsal (in
G. trifasciata
G. wonjuensis
) taenia-like lobes on eversible membrane and short, semicircular lateral lobes; in
G. dorsocentralis
with pairesd rasper-like structures on ventral side of eversible membrane; aculeus short (nearly as long as oviscape width in its medial portion), flattened dorsoventrally, with wider, bulky base and narrow, usually barbed apex (with preapical constriction); 3 oval or tubular, smooth spermathecae; male abdomen elongate oval, not periolate, sternites 3–4 subquadrate in Asian and narrow to linear in African species, setulose; sternite 5 almost equal-sided triangular; sternite 8 setulose, hypandrium narrow, with gonites flap-like, microtrichose; phallapodeme narrow, vanes separate; ejaculatory apodeme fan-shaped; epandrium and surstyli densely covered with microscopic setulae mounted on small papillae, but without setae, except lateralu at place of incertion of surstyli; lateral (outer) surstylus flat, long and broadly bar-like, directed posteriorly or postero-vantrally; medial (inner) surstylus short, without prensisetae; phallus long, bare; glans without filaments of acrophallus, with single tubular sclerite of praeputium.
R e m a r k s.
has a well developed subocular sclerite — assumed synapomorphy with almost all Old World genera (except
Hendel, 1914
and allied
Bezzi, 1914
Malloch, 1929
, and
Enderlein, 1942
) here attributed to the subtribe
and belongs to the group of genera with three or more dorsocentral setae and posteriorly directed long surstyli (possible synapomorphies with
Hendel, 1934
Enderlein, 1942
), an arrow-like, subapically barbed or elongated aculeus (possible synapomorphy with
) and setulose vein R
(possible synapomorphy of most species of
G. dorsocentralis
Hering, 1940
G. wonjuensis
Kim & Han, 2001
; setulae on R
are not found elsewhere in the tribe
. A preliminary analysis based on a few morphological characters alone shows that
might be a paraphyletic taxon, with
nested inside of it and possibly related to the Afrotropical species of
; this analysis, however, shows no good statistical support, and further phylogenetic studies are needed in the future.
Key to species of
1. Wing with cells m and cu mottled, with numerous gray and hyaline spots (fig. 1, 2). ............................. 2
— Cells m and cu either hyaline or with 2–3 darker bands (fig. 3–10). .......................................................... 3
2. Parafacial dorsally at most as wide as flagellomere 1 (fig. 101). Vein R
usually without, rarely with spurious vein; vein R
dorsally bare; crossvein dm-cu forming acute angle (70–75°) with vein CuA1 (fig. 2, 103); mesonotum with 0 presutural and 3 postsutural dorsocentral setae (fig. 102). East of Palaearctic Region (Far East
, Korean Peninsula). ...........
Geloemyia wonjuensis
Kim & Han, 2001
— Parafacial dorsally twice as wide as flagellomere 1 (fig. 55, 56). Vein R
with spurious vein; vein R
dorsally setulose; crossvein dm-cu form almost right angle (80–85°) with vein CuA1 (fig. 3, 59); mesonotum with 1 presutural and 3 postsutural dorsocentral setae (fig. 60).
. .................................. .............................................................................................................
Geloemyia namibica
V. Korneyev
sp. n.
3. Vein R
with stump vein (fig. 3, 4); mesonotum with 1 presutural and 3 postsutural dorsocentral setae.
. ......................................................................................
Geloemyia trifasciata
Enderlein, 1942
— Vein R
without stump vein; mesonotum with 0 presutural and 3 postsutural dorsocentral setae.
East Asia
4. Vein R
entirely bare. Palp moderately long, bar-like, at least 3× as long as wide; postgena with one strong seta, 1.5× as long as lateral vertical or ocellar seta. Frons with 2 pairs of orbital setae; antennal grooves separated by carina; epistome one-third as high as face. .................................................................. .............................................................................................................
Geloemyia dorsocentralis
Hering, 1940
— Vein R
setulose. Palp short oval, at most 2.5× as long as wide; postgena with numerous uniformly short setulae. Frons with 1 pair of orbital setae; antennal grooves antennal grooves fused, face without carina; epistome lower than one-fourth of face. ............................................................................................ 4
4. Crossvein dm-cu strongly oblique, not shaded, with at most indistinctive brownish spots at ends (fig. 5). Female apical fore tarsomere ovoid, unmodified in shape, moderately setulose, with normally developed claws and pulvilla (fig. 13). Female mid femur with at least poorly distinctive femoral organ dorsally in basal half (fig. 44, 51). Oviscape apex with 3 thickened, moderately long setae lateroventrally (fig. 18). Indochinese Peninsula, Borneo. .........................................
Geloemyia cockerelli
Malloch, 1930
— Crossvein dm-cu less oblique, entirely shaded with brown (fig. 7–10). Female apical fore tarsomere either ovoid or modified, sometimes lobate, long setulose, with short claws and pulvilla (fig. 15,16). Oviscape apex of various shape and with variously arranged long and thin setae. ................................... 5
5. Female mid femur with large femoral organ dorsally (fig. 24). Subapical fore tarsomere of female conspicuously flattened, dorsally very short setulose, apical tarsomere oval with very long setulae on anterior margin (fig. 15). Oviscape apex on ventral side with pair of rows containing 3 shorter and one long apical setae (fig. 20).
. .............................................................................
Geloemyia cheni
sp. n.
— Female mid femur entirely setulose on anterodorsal surface, without distinct femoral organ (fig. 69, 83). Subapical fore tarsomere of female not flattened, dorsally uniformly long setulose; apical tarsomere variable (fig. 14, 16). Oviscape apex variably setulose (fig. 19, 21)............................................................... 6
Fig. 1–10.
wings: 1
G. namibica
sp. n.
; 2 —
G. wonjuensis
; 3–4 —
G. trifasciata
(3 — ♀, 4 — ♂); 5 —
G. cockerelli
; 6 —
G. trifasciata
holotype ♀; 7 —
G. cheni
Kim, Han & Korneyev
sp. n.
paratype ♀; 8–9 —
G. quadriseta
(8 — syntype ♀
G. quadriseta
, syntype ♀
G. ornata
); 10 —
G. nigrofasciata
holotype ♀; dm — discomedial cel; cua — anterior cubital cell; dm-cu — discal mediocubital crossvein; cua — anterior cubital cell; arrows indicate spurious vein.
6. Female apical tarsomere ovoid, unmodified, apically long setulose (fig. 14). Oviscape apex with dorsolateral and lateral setae longer than ventral subapical setae (fig. 19).
. ........................................... ...........................................................................................................................
Geloemyia stylata
Hendel, 1908
— Female apical tarsomere anteriorly with flattened, long setulose projection (fig. 16). Oviscape apex ventrally with pair of rows consisting of 3 shorter and one long apical setae (fig. 21).
. ............ ....................................................................................................................
Geloemyia quadriseta
Hendel, 1933