Revision of the south Asian amisegine genus Cladobethylus Kieffer, 1922 (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae, Amiseginae) Author Kimsey, Lynn S. Bohart Museum of Entomology, Department of Entomology and Nematology, University of California, Davis, California, 95616, USA text Journal of Hymenoptera Research 2019 2019-06-28 70 41 64 journal article 1314-2607-70-41 B8F3FB3E723749E79AA71AAC9EB4C787 043FFFE5D662FFB1FF8BFF88FF94FF84 3269963 Cladobethylus ceylonicus Krombein Figs 8 , 9 Cladobethylus ceylonicus Krombein 1980 : 253. Holotype male; Sri Lanka: Central Prov., Kandy Dist., Adams Peak (USNM). Diagnosis. The most distinctive features of Cl. ceylonicus are the long first and second flagellomeres, a characteristic shared with Cl. acehensis and Cl. densepunctatus . However, Cl. ceylonicus can be distinguished from these and other species by the combination of these features, along with the densely punctate second metasomal tergum, asymmetrical apical male flagellomeres and short subantennal distance. Male description. Body (Figs 8 , 9 ). Length 4.0 mm. Head . Scapal basin impunctate, with short strip of cross-ridges on either side of narrow medial stripe; clypeus short and subtruncate apically, subantennal distance 0.4 MOD long; malar space 3.8 MOD long wide; head about as long as wide; interocular distance 1.9 x eye width in front view; midocellus 2.2 MOD from ocular margin; ocelli arranged in isosceles triangle; hindocelli separated from ocular margin by 1 diameter; postocular distance 1.6 MOD wide; flagellomere I 4.5 x as long as broad, setae 0.5 x as long as flagellomere breadth; flagellomere II 3.3 x as long as broad; flagellomere XI 5 x as long as broad; flagellomeres VIII-X asymmetrically bulging submedially. Mesosoma . Pronotum about 1.1 x as long as scutum; mesopleural punctures contiguous; metapleuron dorsally cross-ridged, ventrally polished, impunctate; propodeum laterally cross-ridged dorsally, ventrally polished, impunctate, with subrectangular posteromedial enclosure. Metasoma . Tergum I with few, widely scattered tiny punctures; tergum II with large patch of punctures 1-2 puncture diameters apart, separated by medial longitudinal stripe; terga III-V with dense, tiny, nearly contiguous punctures, with impunctate apical margin. Color . Body black, with metallic blue highlights; legs yellow; antenna orange; wing membrane brown-tinted, veins dark brown. Female. Unknown. Distribution. Sri Lanka: Rat Dist., Gilimale, Induruwa Jungle, Central Prov ., Kandy Dist., Adams Peak. The holotype and one male paratype were examined.