On the taxonomy of Afrotropical Coleophoridae (II) (Lepidoptera, Coleophoridae) Author Baldizzone, Giorgio Author Van Der Wolf, Hugo W. text Zootaxa 2015 2015-08-17 4000 3 335 362 journal article http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4000.3.2 65594ba6-07b6-498d-b4a7-7bff83070534 1175-5326 254352 E993B6F9-CC6B-457A-B14B-8EDD7E78413F Coleophora kamiesella Baldizzone & van der Wolf, sp. nov. ( Fig. 7 ) Holotype (GP Bldz 15361 ) “ RSA , North.[ern] Cape | Kamieskroon , Farm Windhoek, 16 .X. 2007 , leg. W. Mey ” “ Campsite | Automat. [ic] Falle ”, coll. NHMB . Paratypes : 12 ♀♀ (GP Bldz 15354, 15359 , 15360, 15362 ) same locality and date as holotype ; 1 ♀ (GP Wolf 10628 ) “SWA [South West Africa = Namibia ] Rosh Pinah loc. 29 4 .X. 1989 ” C.B. Cottrell”; 1 ♀ (GP Wolf 10659 ) “[ South Africa ] P.K. Le Roux Dam - Van der Kloof C.P. 19–25 .X. 1970 , Snyman & Jones”. Paratypes in coll. DNMN , ZMHU , Bldz and Wolf. Diagnosis. A species of generally brown-grey colour. The species cannot be placed in any known species group. In the male genitalia the dorso-caudal process of the sacculus and the cornuti are characteristic. In the female genitalia the deeply excavated sterigma with a longitudinal narrow bridge over the ostium is characteristic. Description. 11–12 mm . Head whitish grey, frons beige. Labial palp internally white, externally almost completely brown; second segment three times longer than third. Antenna: scape externally whitish grey, internally brown, without basal scale tuft; flagellum ringed white and light brown. Thorax whitish grey with beige tegulae. Forewing brown, sprinkled with some white scales, more aligned but somewhat irregularly along costa, in the cell towards apex, the anal fold and the basal half of dorsum. Fringe grey-brown. Hindwing grey with fringe concolorous with that of forewing. Abdomen whitish grey. Male genitalia ( Figs. 43, 44 ): Gnathos knob globular. Tegumen stretched, medially slightly constricted. Pedunculus straight. Transtilla triangular, slender, inconspicuous. Valvula broad, rounded, laterally with a sclerotized triangular process. Sacculus narrow, ventral margin slightly curved, terminating in an acute dorsocaudal process corresponding with the cucullus. Phallotheca short and conical, indistinct; vesica a long coil with all along a slender bundle of hair-like cornuti, towards the phallotheca spreading out to the shape of a pointed paintbrush. Female genitalia ( Figs. 46–48 ): Papillae anales subtrapezoid. Apophysis posterioris about 1.5 times longer than anterioris. Sterigma subtrapezoid, as long as wide; distal margin rounded, with a deep excavation gradually narrowing towards ostium bursae, leaving only a narrow longitudinal bridge over the ostium. Ostium bursae Vshaped. Colliculum small, cup-shaped, situated at base of excavation. Ductus bursae long, slender, transparent with faint medial line, a coil with tiny spinules towards bursa; the ductus bursae is slightly sclerified with the spinules only in the section where the ductus seminalis is inserted. Corpus bursae small, sack-like, with small leaf-shaped signum. Abdominal apodemes ( Fig. 45 ): Anterior lateral strut about 2.5 times longer than posterior one. Transverse strut with convex distal margin, medially thickened; proximal margin straight, slender. Tergal disk about twice longer than wide, densely set with about 40 tiny spikes. Bionomy. The foodplant and the early stages of the species are not known. FIGURES 43–45. Male genitalia of C. kamiesella Baldizzone & van der Wolf, sp. nov. 43 , GP Bldz 15361, holotype. 44 , Idem, enlarged detail of valva, sacculus, phallotheca and cornuti. 45 , abdominal segments 1–3, GP Bldz 15361. FIGURES 46–48. Female genitalia of C. kamiesella Baldizzone & van der Wolf, sp. nov. 46 , GP Bldz 15360. 47 , Idem , detail of sterigma and colliculum. 48 , detail of sterigma and colliculum, GP Bldz 15362. Distribution. The species is known from the north-west and centre of South Africa and from Namibia . Etymology. The Khoikhoi word th’amies (= jumble ) gave rise to the name of Kamieskroon, the type locality of the species, and refers to the rugged landscape around the town.