Twelve new species and fifty-three new provincial distribution records of Aleocharinae rove beetles of Saskatchewan, Canada (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) Author Klimaszewski, Jan Author Larson, David J. Author Labrecque, Myriam Author Bourdon, Caroline text ZooKeys 2016 610 45 112 journal article 1313-2970-610-45 910C964F910C47D99FAEB73A5557C7E2 910C964F910C47D99FAEB73A5557C7E2 Taxon classification Animalia Coleoptera Staphylinidae Brachyusa helenae (Casey) Figs 92-98 (for diagnosis, see Klimaszewski et al. 2011 ) Tetralina filitarsus Casey, 1911: 225. Holotype (male): USA, Montana, Kalispell, June, Wickham, Type USNM 3887 (USNM) 1 male. New Synonymy. Distribution.
Casey 1911 Seevers 1978 Klimaszewski et al. 2011 Brunke et al. 2012 Bousquet et al. 2013
Natural history. In SK, one specimen was captured in pine/spruce litter near stream, and another in an unspecified habitat in August and September. In LB, adults were collected in July and August on sand and gravel on the banks of the Churchill River ( Klimaszewski et al. 2011 ). Elsewhere, adults were collected near lake and river shorelines, on clay, sand and gravel beaches and sandy and silty river margins ( Klimaszewski et al. 2011 ). The adult activity period is May to August. Comments. The two SK females agree in colour, body shape, morphology of tergite and sternite VIII, and spermatheca with the type of Brachyusa helenae and the recently examined specimens from NF and NB. We have studied the types of Brachyusa alutacea (Casey), Brachyusa filitarsis (Casey) and Brachyusa helenae (Casey). The genital illustrations of Brachyusa americana (Fenyes), recorded from BC, are provided by Seevers (1978) . We have not found any significant morphological differences between the types of Brachyusa filitarsis and Brachyusa helenae , and the two species are synonymous. However, Brachyusa alutacea clearly differs from Brachyusa helenae / filitarsis by a very broad body. Seevers' (1978) key to species based on antennae and the length of the basal article of the metatarsus is not accurate.