Review of the genus Genaemirum Heinrich (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Ichneumoninae) with interactive identification keys to species
Rousse, Pascal
Broad, Gavin R.
van Noort, Simon
journal article
fumosum Broad, Rousse & van Noort
sp. n.
Fig. 4
Type material.
HOLOTYPE ♀: [SOUTH AFRICA] 'NISSV. Nelspruit 4/2/72 E. de
, '
sp. ♀ det. T. Huddleston, 1972' (BMNH).
Female. Body length 16 mm, fore wing length 11mm. Dark red mesosoma with creamy-white subtegular ridge and black propodeum; face, clypeus, lower 2/3 of vertex, spot on anterior edge of pronotum, all creamy-white; legs dark reddish brown to black except for dull yellow hind femur and tibia; metasoma dull yellow beyond blacl first segment; wings strongly infumate; antenna with 27 flagellomeres; lower gena slightly produced laterally as distinct
to the face in frontal view, gena flattened and produced posteriorly; hypostomal carina raised; clypeus flat, corners slightly produced so medially concave, with pointed tooth centrally; lower face densely punctate, with blunt projection between antennal sockets; upper frons rugose; scrobe smooth, impunctate; scrobe dorsally demarcated by raised, arched lamella, medially incised; mesosoma largely punctate, except mesoscutum, smooth and shining; metasoma weakly coriaceous, with sparse but distinct punctures, tergites 2-3 medially strigose, 4th tergite strigose antero-medially, postpetiole medially striate. Male. Unknown.
Differential diagnosis.
species with a bisinuate, raised lamella above the antennal scrobes,
Genaemirum fumosum
sp. n. can be distinguished from
Genaemirum phagocossorum
sp. n. and
Genaemirum varianum
on colour pattern and by the shape of the gena; unlike
Genaemirum phagocossorum
sp. n. the metasoma and hind legs are largely dull yellow, as in
Genaemirum varianum
, although
Genaemirum fumosum
sp. n. differs from the latter in the more restricted pale markings on the mesosoma and in the more strongly infuscate wings, as well as the much more weakly produced gena. It shares with
Genaemirum phacochoerus
the overall colour pattern, including the infuscate wings, but differs markedly in head structure.
The name is derived from the Latin for "smoky", in reference to the infuscate wings. Noun in apposition.
FEMALE. Color. Head reddish brown with face and ventral 2/3 of vertex creamy-white, with narrow red border to clypeus; mesosoma dark reddish brown, with creamy-white subtegular ridge and small spot at ventral end of epomia, tegula, carinae at edge of scuto-scutellar groove, metascutellum, propodeum and metapleuron black; metasoma with first segment black, remainder dull yellow; flagellum uniformly black; legs with mid and hind coxae proximally black, fore and mid legs dark brown to black with fore tibia pale brown on inner side, mid tibia brown on inner side, hind leg with trochanter and trochantellus dark reddish brown, femur and tibia dull yellow, tarsus black; wings infuscate, venation dark brown (apically) to black, pterostigma black; setae mostly pale.
Head. Mandible rather stout, slightly concave on outer aspect, mid-longitudinally punctate, teeth smoother with upper tooth about twice as long as lower tooth; malar space 0.45
as long as mandible basal width; lower gena flattened and triangularly produced posteriorly, forming a partial genal bridge across the hypostoma, anteriorly,
produced as a low, pointed projection; occipital carina ventrally meeting hypostomal carina distant from mandible base by 1.25
basal width of mandible; hypostomal carina raised, lamelliform; clypeus 2.6
as wide as medially high, flat, not differentiated from face, ventral margin with weakly produced lateral lobes and strong, pointed, median tooth, face and clypeus shining, densely punctate, especially medially, with blunt projection between antennal sockets, face 3.9
as wide as high; lower frons entirely smooth, flat and steeply elevated above toruli, separated from upper frons by a
curved lamella, raised laterally, incised medially; upper frons coarsely rugose-striate, including between ocelli, some punctures between lateral ocelli; vertex smooth, very faintly coriaceous, with very inconspicuous, sparse punctures; temple about as wide as eye, roundly narrowed behind eyes; occipital carina sharp, lamellate ventrally; ocellar triangle wider than long, ocelli rather small, POL 1.3, OOL 1.2; antenna stout, widened medially, thinner apically, with 27 flagellomeres, first flagellomere 1.3
as long as apically wide, second 1.0
as long as wide, then widening towards middle with 8th flagellomere 0.7
as long as wide.
Mesosoma. Pronotum densely punctate, shining with some rugosity posteriorly, ventrally, pronotum collar matt, epomia strong until just above transverse groove; mesopleuron a little bulging, mostly shining, densely punctate, speculum differentiated, unsculptured, epicnemium with finer, denser punctation, posterior suture deeply crenulate, epicnemial carina fading away distant from mid-height of pronotal margin, subtegular ridge rounded, expanded; metapleuron shining, densely punctate although punctation weaker centrally, short crenulations along pleural carina; mesoscutum evenly rounded, mesoscutum and scutellum (mesoscutellum) finely coriaceous, mesoscutum impunctate, scutellum with scattered punctures, notaulus narrow, distinct to anterior third, scuto-scutellar groove quite smooth, deep and narrow, scutellar margin overhanging; scutellum with lateral carina not extending beyond scuto-scutellar groove; propodeum typical of genus, gently and evenly rounded in profile with median areas fused, carination distinct except medially, enclosing elongate central area that is 1.7
wider posteriorly than anteriorly, shining and densely punctate with punctation obsolescent mid-basally, punctation very dense bordering pleural carina; Legs. Fore and mid tibiae with short and rather dense bristles along anterior faces, bristle sockets large and cupular.
Metasoma. Petiole with lateral and submedian dorsal carinae strong, abruptly enlarged into second tergite from level of spiracle, shining, postpetiole striate, punctate posteriorly, tergite laterally rugose-punctate; remainder of metasoma weakly coriaceous with distinct punctures, especially laterally on 2nd and 3rd tergites, medially longitudinally strigose; following tergites unevenly and sparsely punctate except tergite 4 antero-medially longitudinally strigose; gastrocoelus deep, thyridia separated by 2
their own width; 6th and 7th tergites with strong setae; ovipositor sheath slightly protruding beyond metasomal apex.
Figure 4.
Genaemirum fumosum
sp. n. Holotype female. A habitus lateral view (inset: data labels) B head, mesosoma, dorsal view C head anterior view D head, mesosoma anterior-lateral view E metasomal tergites 1-4 dorsal view F propodeum, dorsal view.
MALE. Unknown
Unknown, but see discussion on biology under the genus treatment.
South Africa.