Typification of Edmond Boissier’s Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) names enumerated in Flora Orientalis Author AL-Shehbaz, Ihsan A. Missouri Botanical Garden 4344 Shaw Boulevard St. Louis, Missouri 63110, USA ihsan.al-shehbaz@mobot.org Author Barriera, Gabrielle Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève Case postale 71 1292 Chambésy, Switzerland gabrielle.barriera@ville-ge.ch text Boissiera 2019 2019-12-23 72 1 193 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.7630433 180b8c6d-242a-4fff-a1a3-e88d2e1e51ed 978-2-8277-0088-2 0373-2975 7630433 Alyssum stylare (Boiss. & Balansa) Boiss. , Fl. Orient. 1: 287. 1867 . Meniocus stylaris Boiss. & Balansa in Boiss., Diagn. Pl. Orient . ser. 2, 6: 16. 1859 . Type: “Hab. inter segetes ad basin montis Karamasdagh quinque leucis ad orientem urbis Caesareae siti. Alt. circ. 1500 metr. Floret Junio. Cl. Balansa”. Holotypus : TURKEY : “Moissons situées à la base du Karamas-Dagh, à 5 lieues à l’Est de Césarée ”, c. 1500 m , 2.VII.1856 , Balansa 486 ( G-BOIS [ G00332417 ]; iso-: A , G [ G00389038 ], GOET [ GOET002697 ], K [ K000484976 , K000484977 ], OXF , P [ P02272336 , P02272337 , P02272339 ], W [ W18890069352 ]) . Note. – Duplicates of the type collection have labels with identical locality and collection date, but the holotype has a handwritten label by Balansa with a field number 486, and all the isotypes have mimeographed labels originally written by Balansa and distributed with the exsiccatae number 991 .