Catalogue of hymenopterous insects collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the Islands of Ceram, Celebes, Ternate, and Gilolo. Author Smith, F. text Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London, Zoology 1861 6 36 48 journal article 2596 478E0DB4-21A2-4A50-B59D-774B53696A70 21. Polyrhachis hippomanes . P. niger; capite thoraceque opacis; abdomine nitido; thorace spinis duabus longis acutis postice armato; squama spinis duabus longis curvatis armata. Worker. Length 2 1 / 4 lines. Black, the head and thorax opake, and obscurely tinged with blue. Thorax rounded above, the anterior margin unarmed; the metathorax with two long divergent spines; the node of the peduncle with two similar spines, which are curved and extend over the base of the abdomen; the trochanters and the intermediate and posterior coxae pale rufo-testaceous; the legs elongate. The abdomen globose. (PL I. fig. 20.) Hab. Celebes (Tondano).