Korean species of Aleochara Gravenhorst subgenus Xenochara Mulsant & Rey (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Aleocharinae) Author Park, Jong-Seok Author Ahn, Kee-Jeong text ZooKeys 2010 60 21 36 http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.60.404 journal article http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.60.404 1313-2970-60-21 Aleochara (Xenochara) intricata Mannerheim Fig. 2 Aleochara intricata Mannerheim 1830: 96 ; Fenyes 1920: 404 ; Bernhauer and Scheerpeltz 1926: 782 ; Portevin 1929: 236 ; Palm 1972: 428 ; Lohse 1974: 296 ; Welch 1997: 26 ; Smetana 2004: 354 ; Assing 2007a: 60 ; 2007b: 184 . Aleochara terminata Stephens 1832: 158 . Aleochara celer Stephens 1832: 161 . Aleochara biguttata Heer 1839: 315 . Aleochara croatica Penecke 1901: 12 . Redescription. Length 3.5-6.0 mm. Body large and robust; brownish black; antennomeres 1-3 and legs brown; elytra yellow to yellowish brown and bicolored. Antennomeres 1-3 elongate, 4 longer than wide, 5-8 weakly transverse and 9-10 transverse. Mouthparts. Labrum transverse, bearing approximately 8 small, setae, and approximately 26 long setae, a-seta, b-seta, and pores present; b-seta rounded apically (arrow indicates b-seta, Fig. 2c). Labium with pseudopores in median area; approximately 3 real pores and pseudopores present in lateral area; pair of basal pores present (Fig. 2d). Ligula with approximately 4 pairs of small setae apically (Fig. 2d). Labial palpi with large a-, b-, and f-seta of 12 setae ( a-h , α-δ ) present; β-seta close to twin pores (tp); d- and c-seta at same level (Fig. 2e). Mentum transverse, bearing 4 pairs of main setae (b, u, v, w), and 4 extra setae, and pores present (Fig. 2f). Thorax. Mesoventrite completely carinate (arrow, Fig. 2a). Elytra with round latero-posterior margin. Abdomen. Abdominal tergite VIII with many short setae and pores; posterior margin weakly emarginate (Fig. 2g). Abdominal sternite VIII with many short seta e and pores; posterior margin rounded (Fig. 2h, i). Genitalia. Median lobe as in Figs 2k and l. Paramere without fovea in hinge zone (Fig. 2j). Spermatheca as in Fig. 2m. Figure 2. Aleochara (Xenochara) intricata . a meso- and metaventrite, ventral aspect b head, ventral aspect c labrum, dorsal aspect d labium, ventral aspect e labial palpus, ventral aspect f mentum, ventral aspect g tergite VIII, dorsal aspect h male sternite VIII, ventral aspect i female sternite VIII, ventral aspect j paramere, lateral aspect k median lobe, lateral aspect l median lobe, dorsal aspect m spermatheca. Scale bars = 0.1 mm. Material examined. 7, Hol-ri, Ganseong-eup, Goseong-gun, Gangwon Prov., Korea, 31. VIII- 1.IX.1984, Y.-S. Kim (2♂♂2♀♀, on slide); 1, Gohan-ri, Sabuk-eup, Gangwon Prov., Korea, 27.IV.1985, J.-I. Kim; 1, Deakwan-ryeong, Gangwon Prov., Korea, 28.VI.1984, Y.-S. Kim; 2, Oigapyeong, Inje-gun, Gangwon Prov., Korea, 26.V.1986, Y.-S. Kim; 1, Baekdamsa-temple, Inje-gun, Gangwon Prov., Korea, 26.V.1986, Y.-S. Kim; 1, Dammaeul, Cheongsong, Gyeongbuk Prov., Korea, 24.VI.1988, K.-S. Jang; 1, Tonghan, Anjeong, Jeonbuk Prov., Korea, 5.VI.1988, Y.-S. Kim; 6, Seilles, carriere 1, 11/19 VIII 1945, G. Fagel; 2, Anseremme car, vers Freyr, 26 VIII 1946, G. Fagel; 2, Abruzzo, A. colomba, Italy, 26.VII.1894, P Fiori; 12, Lazio, Roma, Lirezzi, Italy, A. Fiori. Distribution. Korea, Asia, Europe, North Africa (see Smetana, 2004: 354). Remarks. This species is a new record for South Korea.