The Scale Insects Of Iran (Hemiptera: Coccomorpha) Part 2 The Mealybugs (Pseudococcidae And Rhizoecidae) And Putoidae Author MOGHADDAM, MASUMEH Author WATSON, GILLIAN W. text Zootaxa 2022 2022-04-14 5126 1 1 169 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.5126.1.1 1175-5326 6460412 0825E1C5-5CB9-4BCA-B964-350FDA8431F9 Dysmicoccus angustifrons (Hall) ( Fig. 12 , Plate 1 C and D , distribution map Fig. 66 K ) Trionymus angustifrons Hall, 1926: 11 . Pseudococcus lanatus Balachowsky, 1932: 87 . Pseudococcus mendosus Kiritshenko, 1936: 153 . Pseudococcus multivorus Kiritshenko, 1936: 151 . Trionymus elymus Borchsenius, 1937: 46 . Dysmicoccus psoraleae Russo & Mazzeo, 1997: 151 . Field characteristics : Found on all parts of the plant but more often on the roots. Adult female broadly oval, up to 4.5 mm long, pinkish or pale purplish in life ( Danzig & Gavrilov-Zimin 2015 ). Microscopic diagnosis : Body of slide-mounted adult female oval to broadly oval. Anal lobes not developed. Antennae each with 7 or 8 segments. Legs well developed; hind leg with translucent pores on femur and tibia; tarsal digitules pointed at tip and slightly longer than claw. Cerarii numbering 6 or 7 pairs, present on posterior abdominal segments only. Anal lobe cerarii (C 18 ) each with 2 stout conical setae, 7−12 auxiliary setae and a compact trilocular pore, all set on a weakly sclerotized area; C 17 with 2 smaller conical setae, 4−6 auxiliary setae and a few trilocular pores; anterior cerarii each with 1 or 2 conical setae and 2−5 trilocular pores, and with or without 1 auxiliary seta. Circulus absent. Anterior and posterior ostioles present. Anal ring complete, with 6 setae. Dorsum with long stiff setae. Multilocular disc pores either present on or absent from abdominal segments V−VII. Trilocular pores evenly distributed. Discoidal pores scattered. Oral collar tubular ducts of 2 sizes, larger type occurring singly or paired with a smaller type , present across all segments. Venter with normal setae, longer than those on dorsum. Multilocular disc pores each with 10 loculi, present on abdomen only, in single or double rows at posterior edges of segments IV−VII, anterior edge of segment VII, and posterior to vulva. Trilocular pores present throughout. Discoidal pores scattered. Oral collar ducts of 2 sizes, same as those on dorsum but pairs fewer, present over whole body. Distribution : Dysmicoccus angustifrons has been recorded from 24 countries in the Palaearctic Region, including Iran ( García Morales et al . 2016 ), where it is known from Ardabil , Esfahan , Fars , Ghazvin, Hamadan , Kerman , Kermanshah , Khorasan -e Jounobi, Khorasan -e Razavi, Khorasan -e Shomali, Kurdistan , Lorestan , Markazi and Zanjan provinces ( Moghaddam 2013b ). Host-plants : The species has been recorded on host-plants in 81 genera belonging to 24 families ( García Morales et al . 2016 ); in Iran , it has been found on Apiaceae : Echinophora sp. ; Asteraceae : Centaurea sp. (root), Cirsium vulgare , Echinops ritro , Lactuca sp. , Matricaria chamomilla , Serratula sp. and Tragopogon graminifolius ; Fabaceae : Astragalus sp. ; Malvaceae : Hibiscus sp. ; and Papaveraceae : Papaver rhoeas ( Moghaddam 2013b ) . Economic importance : None. Natural enemies : Not recorded in Iran . Comments : The specimens described by Danzig & Gavrilov-Zimin (2015) differed from the Iranian specimens by lacking translucent pores on the hind femur and tibia. The accompanying illustration is reproduced from Moghaddam (2013a) , page 91, Fig. 51 , with kind permission from the Chief Editor of Zootaxa .