The spine armament of the legs as an important means for the characterisation of the genera of Corydiinae and their relationships (Blattodea, Corydiidae) Author Bohn, Horst text Zootaxa 2024 2024-07-22 5482 1 1 79 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.5482.1.1 1175-5334 13209117 AE4D9DE4-95E1-49CC-8104-1E7242523986 No. 17. Hemelytroblatta (Mollidentoblatta) aethiopica ( Chopard, 1929 ) , comb. nov. Figs. 8A,B Heterogamodes aethiopica Chopard, 1929: 299 , fig. 51. Arenivaga (Psammoblatta) aethiopica : Princis 1962: 67 . Hemelytroblatta aethiopica : Grandcolas 1994a: 157 . Male characters . Wings: Tegmina with subcosta lobe.—Femur armament: all femora without apical spine.—Tibia armament: [1.8.0][7.7.1][11.7.4], dorsal spines of hindtibia evenly distributed.—Tarsal arolia: present.—Subgenital plate: without styli, Fig. 8A .—Right phallomere: Fig. 8B . Female: Chopard 1929 , 300. Material studied. Holotypus , 1♂ , Harrar, 94, P.Felter (prep.: Bo 1427). (M. Genova).— Other material: 1♂ , S.&.S.E. Abyssinia , 1909-130, R . E.Drake-Brockman (prep.: Bo 1409) (det. K.Princis , 1953). ( M. London ) . Remarks. The specimen from the London Museum, det. by Princis as Arenivaga (Psammoblatta) aethiopica , differs from the type specimen in size and in the structure of the main dent of the right phallomere. It is presumably a so far undescribed species. Subgenital plate: Fig. 8C .—Right phallomere: Fig. 8D .