Lower Tithonian mono- and dicyrtid Nassellaria (Radiolaria) from the Solnhofen area (southern Germany) Author Dumitrica, Paulian Institut de Géologie et Paléontologie, BFSH 2, UNIL, CH- 1015 Lausanne (Switzerland) Paulian. Dumitrica @ igp. unil. ch umitrica@igp.unil.ch Author Zügel, Peter Geologisch-Paläontologisches Institut, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Senckenberganlage 32 - 34, D- 60054 Frankfurt am Main (Germany) zuegel @ em. uni-frankfurt. de. text Geodiversitas 2003 25 1 5 72 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5372196 1638-9395 5372196 8BF4D0FF-F247-4B92-B327-0D647B01C386 Genus Arachnoplecta n. gen. TYPE SPECIES . — Arachnoplecta architectonica n. gen., n. sp. ETYMOLOGY. — From the Greek arachne : spider; and plecta : hunting net. Feminine gender. DIAGNOSIS. — Plagiacanthidae with initial spicule consisting of long and equally developed apical, dorsal, and primary lateral spines, and a shorter ventral spine, all of them originating in a short median bar. Apical, dorsal and primary lateral spines non-bladed but with four netlike structures radiating in two perpendicular planes. Each plane net-like structure supported at its base by a bar closely aligned to the spine representing one blade in a four-bladed spine. Ventral spine simple, with straight branches diverging also in four perpendicular directions. REMARKS Arachnoplecta n. gen. differs from all other plagiacanthids described so far by having four net-like structures around each spine in two perpendicular planes.