Systematics of New World Curtonotum Macquart (Diptera: Curtonotidae) 3079 Author Klymko, John Author Marshall, Stephen A. text Zootaxa 2011 2011-10-28 3079 1 1 110 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3079.1.1 1175­5334 5243925 Curtonotum brunneum Klymko & Marshall , sp. n. Figures 10 , 106–114 , and 213 Etymology. From the Latin, brunneus , meaning brown, referring to the overall brown colour of this species. Diagnosis. Distinguished from New World congeners by the combination of extensive infuscation in r 1 and r 2+3 , an abdomen with medium brown ground colour which is adorned with pale tan and dark brown microtomentum, a single lateral katepisternal seta, and a fringe of setulae posterior and ventral to posterior thoracic spiracle. Description. Length: 7.8–11.3 mm . Head: Frons pale brown, with paler medial vitta, moderate bulge ventrally and sparsely scattered pale setulae, width 1.3–1.5 times length, parallel sided to slightly wider ventrally, lateral margins narrowly yellow-white microtomentose. Ocellar triangle and narrow strip on either side of frons pale yellow microtomentose, microtomentum of ocellar triangle extending anterior of anterior ocellus, apex rounded (in some forming an acute point), narrow microtomentose strip extending from median occipital sclerite nearly to midpoint between proclinate seta and ventral margin of frons. Proclinate seta insertion at one-third sagittal distance between anterior ocellus and ventral margin of frons, ventral to and slightly lateral of major reclinate seta; minor reclinate seta anterior to and slightly medial of major reclinate seta. Face yellow-white microtomentose, ground colour pale yellow; vibrissa much larger than adjacent subvibrissals. Parafacial yellow-white microtomentose with pale yellow ground colour, narrowing slightly ventrally; gena with slightly darker ground colour, only slightly microtomentose, eye height 6.3–7.0 times gena height. Clypeus with pale yellow ground colour and microtomentum, palpus and prementum with orange-yellow ground colour, palpus with pale yellow microtrichia, prementum lightly pale yellow microtomentose. Scape and pedicel yellow-white microtomentose, with pale brown ground colour; first flagellomere silver microtrichose, ground colour pale brown, slightly darker on apical half. Thorax: Gold-yellow microtomentose with pale brown ground colour throughout. Scutum strongly arched, each scutal, postpronotal, scutellar and anepisternal seta and setula with dark spot around socket. Scutum with 4 narrow dark vittae, medial pair starting ca. level of notopleuron, broadening posteriorly, extending onto scutellum, lateral pair starting posterior to transverse suture, broadening posteriorly. Postpronotal lobe with 3 setae, anterior seta ca. half length of middle seta, middle seta ca. two-thirds length of posterior seta, often an additional small seta posterior to posterior seta; notopleuron setulose, scutellum with 2 pairs of marginal setae. Anepisternum with 5 large setae on posterior half, second and fourth dorsal-most setae longest; katepisternum with 1 prominent lateral seta; linear tuft of setulae under fore coxa dark brown. Fringe of dark setulae present ventral and posterior to posterior spiracle, meron bare. Legs: Legs pale yellow in ground colour, coxae heavily yellow-white microtomentose, legs otherwise lightly so. Chaetotaxy black, except for very dense, regularly spaced transverse rows of setulae anteroventrally on apical half of fore tibia and similar setulae on fore tarsomere 1, the former gold-brown, the latter slightly darker. Fore femur with 4–5 posterodorsal seta, 8–11 relatively short and stout ctenidial setae; mid femur brown on apical ca. tenth, with 8–12 anterior setae; hind femur brown on apical ca. ninth, with 1 subapical dorsal seta. Mid tibia brown on apical ca. 0.15, with 3 strong ventral apical setae, a fourth fairly strong apical seta slightly posterior to these. Mid and hind tarsomere 5 without short cuneiform setae on anteroventral margin. FIGURES 106–109. Curtonotum brunneum Klymko & Marshall , sp. n. 106. Male terminalia, left lateral. 107. Male terminalia, posterior. 108. Distiphallus, dorsal. 109. Thorax, left lateral, with hind spiracle enlarged. Wing: Alula relatively narrow. Non-infuscated areas of wing with yellow tinge. Costal cell yellow-brown infuscated, r 1 below proximal ca. two-thirds of costal cell grey infuscated, r 1 otherwise dark brown infuscated, this much paler and yellower just distal of costal cell; r 2+3 dark brown infuscated on anterior half on distal ca. threequarters and in broad distal area; r 4+5 narrowly brown infuscated distally along anterior and posterior margin; membrane around dm-cu narrowly dark brown infuscated. Abdomen: Ground colour brown, darker apically. Where tergites pale brown microtomentose setulae and marginal setae with dark haloes around points of insertion, this particular conspicuous on tergites 3 and 4. Tergite 1 brown from above, with yellow-white microtomentum visible from oblique angle. Tergite 2 dorsally with broad pale tan triangular microtomentose patch along anterior margin, visible only from oblique angle in some specimens, the apex nearly reaching posterior margin, laterally pale tan microtomentose to lateral margin, otherwise medium to dark brown microtomentose (hind margin in some specimens narrowly medium to dark brown to lateral margins). Tergite 3 dorsally with 2 small pale tan microtomentose maculae along anterior margin visible only from an oblique angle, extending ca. one-third distance to hind margin, laterally pale tan microtomentose to lateral margin, posterior margin medium to dark brown microtomentose. Tergite 4 similarly patterned, the 2 microtomentose maculae larger, extending to past midpoint, and more heavily microtomentose. Tergite 5 with broad dark brown microtomentose medial vitta, dark brown microtomentose along posterior margin, otherwise tan microtomentose. FIGURES 110–114. Curtonotum brunneum Klymko & Marshall , sp. n. 110. Female sternite 8, ventral. 111. Female sternite 10, ventral. 112. Ventral receptacle. 113. Spermatheca. 114. Left lateral, oblique. Male terminalia: Distal margin of sternite 5 truncate, well sclerotized; tergite 6 weakly sclerotized; tergite 7 relatively long, dorsal length 0.8 times epandrial dorsal length; sternite 6 and 7 moderately sclerotized, bent over, but not broken along protandrial ridge, sternite 6 broad, more heavily sclerotized proximally on left, right portion of sternite 7 relatively narrow, ca. one-quarter length adjacent portion of sternite 6. Epandrium relatively small, setulose, longest setulae dorsal, with elongate, bare (free of setulae and microtrichia) posteroventral extensions, these fused to eachother below cerci by moderately sclerotized membrane; surstylus medially fused and laterally articulating with epandrium, with scattered minute dorsal and ventral setulae, lateral margin rounded, medial margin with stout, obtuse, subapical projection. Cercus stout, ventral margin flat, posterior margin sloping ventrally, longest cercal setulae shorter than longest epandrial setulae. Hypandrium with low, broad-based, rounded dorsobasal projection, posterior bridge ventrally and posteriorly produced, hypandrial arm bending ca. 45˚ at junction with epandrium, distally with 2 medial lobes, proximal lobe forward facing, distal-most lobe abutting with opposite epandrial arm, neither lobe fused to opposite hypandrial arm, lateral margin strongly contracted distally, 2 or 3 ventrally oriented setulae present on distolateral corner; postgonite with sharply pointed apex, its tip equal with margin of surstyli, scattered minute dorsal setulae, with slight, subapical angular dorsal projection. Phallapodeme with large posteriorly bulging “fan”, margin opposite fan convex basally, concave distally; basiphallus weakly sclerotized basally, extremely elongate; distiphallus base elongate, left margin of base convex, right margin slightly concave, apex with 2 elongate apical lobes, left lobe longer, membranous dorsally with fine spinules dorsally on right, well sclerotized ventrally to apex, with short broad-based spinules (appearing scaled) proximally on right, right lobe membranous dorsally, with fine spinules, well sclerotized ventrally on proximal ca. two-thirds, with coarse pebbled texture. Ejaculatory apodeme outside of basiphallus, elongate, slightly thicker and with small pores basally. Female terminalia: Sternite 5 length 2.7–3.1 times width, sternite 6 length 1.6–2.0 times width. Ovipositor slender (as in Figure 202 ). Tergite 6 desclerotized medially on proximal half. Tergite 7 desclerotized medially. Sternite and tergite 8 weakly sclerotized proximally. Sternite 8 narrow, apex heavily sclerotized, acuminate, tip rounded to quadrate, flattened in lateral profile. Sternite 10 heavily sclerotized and with antrorse spinules medially, area of sclerotization flaring proximally, proximal margin with slight dorsal bend, profile narrow on proximal half, broader on distal half. Spermatheca very elongate, base quadrate, surface coarsely and densely papillose. Ventral receptacle with basal third broad and heavily sclerotized, apical two-thirds bent 90˚, less heavily sclerotized, tapering toward bulbous apex, duct narrow, minutely roughened. Type material. Holotype : : BOLIVIA . La Paz : 8 km S Chulumani , Apa Apa , 1950–2100 m , 16˚22’S 67˚30.4’W, 24.iii.2001 , S.D. Gaimari ( CBFC ) . Paratypes : BOLIVIA . La Paz : 10♂ , 2♀ , 8 km S Chulumani , Apa Apa , 1950–2100 m , 16˚22’S 67˚30.4’W, 10.iii.2001 ( 5♂ USNM , 2♂ , CSCA, 3♂ , CBFC ) , 6♂ , , 23.iii.2001 ( 5♂ , USNM , CBFC ) , 2♂ , 2♀ , 24.iii.2001 ( 2♂ , USNM , CBFC ,), all S.D. Gaimari , same data plus ex: in copula , , (same pin), 24.iii.2001 , S.D. Gaimari ( USNM ) ; 4♂ , 2♀ , Apa Apa , 8 km S Chulumani , 1960 m , 16˚22’S 67˚30.4’W, 9–10.iii.2001 , W.N. Mathis ( 2♂ , 2♀ USNM , 2♂ CBFC ) ; 2♂ , Sud Yungas , nr. Chulumani , Apa Apa Res. , lower trail, 2˚ forest, 16˚22’22”S 67˚30’13”W, 1700–2000 m , 1–3.iv.2001 , A.L. Norrbom ( USNM ) ; 3♂ , 5♀ , Chulumani , Apa Apa Res. , 2000 m , 16˚21’15”S 67˚30’21”W, 1.iv.2001 , S.A. Marshall ( 2♂ , 4♀ DEBU , , CBFC ) . Pando : , 2♀ , Cobija , Reserva San Sebastian Tahuamanu , disturbed Amazon forest , 11˚24’27”S 69˚01’04”W, 21.xii.2003 , ex. carrion baited pitfall trap , D.J. Mann , A.C. Hamel ( OXUM ) . PERU . Junin : , , Chanchamayo , 1300 m , 14.v.1948 , J.M. Schunke ( USNM ) .