Brounea, a new genus (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae) from New Zealand, with descriptions of nine new species Author Park, Jong-Seok Author Carlton, Christopher E. text Zootaxa 2015 3990 4 551 566 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3990.4.4 9d60d273-f1f5-4b27-a1e8-975b0865b63c 1175-5326 234571 A171FB7E-150D-4741-8045-A9BAE861B1C0 Brounea setiventris ( Broun, 1915 ) , comb. nov. ( Figs. 1 a, 2a, 2l, 3a, 3l, 4) Sagola setiventris Broun, 1915 : 282 . Hudson, 1923 : 365 ; 1934: 184. Newton & Thayer, 2005 . Nomura & Leschen, 2006 : 243 . Type material. Holotype . New Zealand : Taupo ( TO ): ♂ ( BMNH ), glued on rectangular card, “ Type ” [red label, printed]; “ New Zealand Broun Coll. Brit. Mus. 1922-482.” [white label, printed]; “Erua. Jany.1911.” [white label, handwritten]; “3696. ♂” [white label, handwritten]; “ Sagola ♂. setiventris .” [white label, handwritten]. Additional material (n=60; 20♂ , 40♀). New Zealand : Auckland ( AK ): 1♂ , 5♀, Waitakere Range, 260m , Nohoanga Scenic Res., 8 XII 198425 I 1985 , hardwood–podocarp forest, A. Newton, M. Thayer 679, FIT & window trap ( FMNH ); 1♂ , 1♀, Waitakere Range, 260m , Nohoanga Scenic Res., 23 XI–8 XII 1984 , hardwood– podocarp forest, A. Newton, M. Thayer 679, FIT & window trap ( DSC ); 1♀, Hunua Range, Vining Reserve, Mangatangi tr., 240m , 37°07.747’S , 175°13.024’E , 17 XI–28 XII 2005 , Nothofagus –Agathis–Phyllocladus trichomonoides , etc., FMHD #2005-005, FIT, A. Newton, M. Thayer, et al. , ANMT site 1141 ( FMNH ); 1♀, Hunua Ranges Reg. Park, Kohukohunui Tr. nr Mine rd., 475m , 37°02.396’S 175°11.251’E , 17 XI–28 XII 2005 , broadleafpodocarp forest, numerous tree fern, FMHD #2005-001, FIT, A. Newton, M. Thayer, el al., ANMT site 1140 ( FMNH ); 1♀, Waitakeres, east side Nihotapu, 29 XI 1956 , B.M. May, dead punga frond ( NZAC ); Bay of Plenty (BP): 1♂ , Lottin Pt rd., Waenga Bush, 18 IX 1992 , R.C. Henderson ( NZAC ); 2♀, Lottin Pt rd., Waenga Bush, 16 IX 1993 , R.C. Henderson ( NZAC ); 1♀, Te Koau, 120m , 29 IV 1993 , J.S. Dugdale, litter 93/101 ( NZAC ); 1♀, Fitzgerald Glade, Tapapa, 19 IX 1995 , M.C. Larivière, A. Larochelle ( NZAC ); 4♀, Kaimai-Mamaku Forest Park, Mt. Te Aroha summit rd., 450m , 37°31.429’S 175°44.055’E , 19 XI 2005 , mixed broadleaf forest with many tree ferns, nikau palms, FMHD #2005-016, FIT, A. Newton, M. Thayer, ANMT site 1144 ( FMNH ); Coromandel (CL): 1♂ , Great Barrier I., Little Windy Hill, 220m , 21 II 200126 III 2002 , P. Sutton, Forest edge, Malaise trap ( AMNZ ); 1♀, Great Barrier I., Little Windy Hill, 220m , 11 XII 200118 I 2002 , P. Sutton, Forest edge, Malaise trap ( AMNZ ); Gisborne (GB): 10♂ , 12♀ ( 1♂ , slide-mounted), Urewera NP, Waikaremoana rd., S end Matanunui Ridge, 720m , 38°44.404’S 177°05.806’E , 22 XI–23 XII 2005 , mixed broadleaf (incl. Nothofagus fusca )-podocarp, FMNH #2005-028, FIT, M. Thayer, A. Solodovnikov, ANMT site 1149 ( FMNH ); 1♂ , Taikawakawa, 2 II–18 III 1993 , R.C. Henderson, pit trap ( NZAC ); 2♀, Urewera NP, Waikaremoana rd., S end Matanunui Ridge, 720m , 38°44.404’S 177°05.806’E , 22 XII 2005 , mixed broadleaf (incl. Nothofagus fusca )–podocarp, FMNH #2005-118, berl., leaf & log litter, M. Thayer, A. Solodovnikov, ANMT site 1149 ( FMNH ); 1♀, Urewera NP., Aniwaniwa Visitor Center Stream, dead Nothofagus berlese, 18 III 2000 , C. Carlton, A. Weir ( LSAM ); 1♀, Taikawakwa, 20 XI 19922 II 1993 , R.C. Henderson, pit traps ( NZAC ); Northland ( ND ): 1♂ , Mangamuka Summit, 12km NW Mangamuka, 400m , 25 XI–5 XII 1984 , hardwood–podocarp forest, A. Newton, M. Thayer 683, FIT & window trap ( DSC ); 1♂ , Waipoua SF, 0.8km NW Wairau Summit, 350m , 27 XI 1984 , hardwood–pococarp forest, A. Newton, M. Thayer 689, berl. leaf & log litter, forest floor ( DSC ); Taupo ( TO ): 3♀, Pihangai, 13 I 1972 , G.W. Ramsay, litter 72/2 ( NZAC ); Waikato (WO): 2♂ , Pirongia Forest Park, Tahuanui tr., 840m , 37°58.953’S 175°05.523’E , 18 XI–27 XII 2005 , mixed forest, near subalpine zone, FMHD #2005-012, FIT, A. Solodovnikov, D. Clarke, ANMT site 1143 ( FMNH ); 3♀, Pirongia Forest Park, Mahaukura Tr. (above end Grey Rd.,), 270m , 37°58.218’S , 175°06.523’E , 18 XI–27 XII 2005 , mixed broadleaf forest, FMHD #2005-009, FIT, A. Newton, M. Thayer, et al, ANMT site 1142 ( FMNH ). Diagnosis. This species can be distinguished from the other species of Brounea by the following combination of characters: larger body, length 2.1–2.4 mm ; eye large, two-thirds length of temple ( Fig. 3 l); frontal sulcus deep and inverted keyhole-shaped ( Figs. 2 a: arrow, 3l); antennomeres 4–5 longer than wide, 6–10 subquadrate; median lobe long with tuberculate apical lobe ( Fig. 3 a); paramere broader than median lobe, emarginate in distal one-third ( Fig. 3 a). Redescription. Length 2.1–2.4 mm . Body reddish brown, elytra, legs, antennae and maxillary palpi paler ( Fig. 1 a). Head. Head round, widest across eyes ( Figs. 2 a, 3l). Ventral surface of head of both sexes unmodified ( Fig. 2 l); lacking swollen ventral surface or dense gular setae. Male antennomeres 1–2 elongate, 3 subquadrate, 4–5 longer than wide, 6–10 subquadrate, 9–11 weakly transverse. Frontal sulcus inverted keyhole-shaped ( Figs. 2 a: arrow, 3l). Anterior frontal fovea absent. Posterior frontal fovea present and oval ( Fig. 3 l). Eye large and prominent, approximately two-thirds length of temple ( Fig. 3 l). Thorax. Prosternum as long as wide, widest at midpoint. Elytra rectangular ( Fig. 1 a). Hind wings well-developed. Meso- and metaventrites together trapezoidal in ventral view, longer than wide. Abdomen. Abdominal tergite IV with a pair of transverse patches of microtrichia reaching middle. Aedeagus. Median lobe long with tuberculate apical lobe ( Fig. 3 a). Phallobase symmetrical and rounded ( Fig. 3 a). Parameres symmetrical with setae at tip, broader than median lobe, emarginate in distal one-third ( Fig. 3 a). FIGURE 1. Habitus of Brounea gen. nov. , dorsal view. a: Brounea setiventris (Broun) ; b: B . tenuis (Broun) ; c: B. yoonhoi sp. nov. ; d: B. chorui sp. nov. ; e: B. sungryongi sp. nov. ; f: B . mijeongae sp. nov. ; g: B . seongmoi sp. nov. ; h: B . daehyuni sp. nov. ; i: B . mangamukaensis sp. nov. ; j: B . sunjaei sp. nov. ; k: B . seungili sp. nov. Scale bar = 1 mm. FIGURE 2. Head of Brounea gen. nov. , dorsal (a–k), ventral (l–u) and lateral (v) view. a, l: Brounea setiventris (Broun) ; b, m: B . tenuis (Broun) ; c, n: B. yoonhoi sp. nov. ; d, o: B. chorui sp. nov. ; e, p: B. sungryongi sp. nov. ; f, q: B . mijeongae sp. nov. ; g, r: B . seongmoi sp. nov. ; h, s: B . daehyuni sp. nov. ; i, t: B . mangamukaensis sp. nov. ; j, u: B . sunjaei sp. nov. ; k, v: B . seungili sp. nov. Scale bar = 0.1 mm. Type locality. Erua ( TO ), New Zealand . Distribution. Auckland (AK), Bay of Plenty (BP), Coromandel (CL), Gisborne (GB), Northland (ND), Taupo (TO), Waikato (WO) ( Fig. 4 : black circles). Habitat. Most specimens of this species were collected using window, flight intercept, and malaise traps, or by sifting leaf and log litter in kauri, broadleaf, hardwood, and podocarp forests.