Revision of New World Helava Masner & Huggert (Platygastridae, Sceliotrachelinae) Author Talamas, Elijah J. Systematic Entomology Laboratory, USDA / ARS c / o USNM, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C. 20560, U. S. A. billy.jenkins@GMAIL.COM Author Masner, Lubomir Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, K. W. Neatby Building, Ottawa, Ontario K 1 A 0 C 6, Canada text Journal of Hymenoptera Research 2016 2016-12-19 53 1 24 journal article 1314-2607-53-1 13184D6320474F62A987B844E6386BCD 255935082C11B238FF99FFF1FFC4FF9E 575134 Helava simplex Masner & Talamas sp. n. Figures 55-60 Description . Female body length: 0.94-1.24 mm (n=12). Number of female clavomeres: 4. Setation of frons anterior to ocellar triangle: present. Setation of vertex posterior to lateral ocellus: dense. Hyperoccipital carina: absent. Pronotum in dorsal view: present mostly as lateral shoulders. Dorsoventral band of dense setation on posterior part of lateral pronotum: absent. Setation of pronotal cervical sulcus: sparse to absent. Width of dorsal mesopleuron in lateral view: about equal ventrally and dorsally to 1.5 times as wide ventrally. Longitudinal striation on dorsal mesopleuron: present. Transepisternal line: present. Mesofurcal pit: present. Notaulus: absent. Rs+M in fore wing: absent. Wings: macropterous. Rs+M in hind wing: absent. Color of legs: yellow; yellowish brown. Foamy structures of lateral propodeum: smaller than hairy metapleuron. Median tubercule on T2: present. Setation of anterior T2: interrupted medially. Lateral patch on T2: absent. Foamy structures on S1: absent. Transverse felt field on anterior S2: present as transverse strip. Shape of S2 in lateral view: broadly convex. Diagnosis. Helava simplex is the only macropterous species in the genus without a pigmented basal vein in the fore wing (Figure 60 ). Etymology. The epithet " Helava simplex " is given to this species in reference to the absence of several character states (notaulus, foamy structures). Link to distribution map. Material examined. Holotype , female: CHILE : Araucania Reg., Malleco Prov. , site 649, 14km E Malalcahuello National Reserve , 1570m , 13.IX-31.XII.1982 , trap, A. Newton & M. Thayer , USNMENT00989195 (deposited in CNCI) . Paratypes : CHILE : 14 females , CNC424734-424740, 424742-424743, 424943-424945, 494812, USNMENT00989190 (CNCI) .