Empidine Dance Flies From Singapore And Southern Malaysia (Diptera: Empididae: Empidinae) Author Daugeron, Christophe Author Grootaert, Patrick text Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 2005 2005-12-31 53 2 211 220 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.4619638 2345-7600 FF8BFFD82661FFFFFFA5FF89FFB0FFE1 4619638 Key to species of the Empis (Coptophlebia) hyalea - group from Singapore and Southern Malaysia (males only) 1. Male fore tibia with several anterodorsal spine-like bristles on basal half ............................................................................... 2 – Male fore tibia without anterodorsal spine-like bristles on basal half ......................................................................................... 3 2. Male fore tibia with anterodorsal spine-like bristles not longer than tibia depth, first fore tarsomere not elongated ( Fig. 1A ), wing pale with median veins almost not visible, epandrium not projected posterodorsally, without a dorsal row of very strong, long bristles ( Fig. 2 ) ................................................................. ............... neesoonensis ( Singapore : Nee Soon: swamp forest) – Male fore tibia with row of spine-like anterodorsal bristles ending with distinctly longer bristles, first fore tarsomere almost as long as the next four tarsomeres together ( Fig. 1B , 3 ), median veins visible, epandrium projected posterodorsally, with a dorsal row of very strong, long bristles ( Fig. 4 ) ................................ ..... producta ( Singapore : Pulau Ubin, Chek Jawa: mangrove) 3. Male fore tibia without tubercle ........................................... 4 – Male fore tibia with an anterodorsal tubercle at basal quarter ( Fig. 1D ) ........ verruca ( Singapore : Nee Soon: swamp forest) Fig. 7. Male hypopygium of E. ( C. ) triseta , lateral view. Scale = 4.2 mm. Fig. 8. Male hypopygium of E. ( C. ) verruca , lateral view. Scale = 4.2 mm. 4. Hind tibia without a cluster of 4 very long basoventral bristles, sternite 8 and epandrium with normal or only a few tortuous bristles ................................................................................... 5 – Hind tibia with a cluster of 4 very long basoventral bristles, sternite 8 and epandrium with numerous very long, more or less tortuous bristles ( Figs. 6A, B ) .................................................. ..................... tortuosa ( Singapore : Nee Soon: swamp forest) 5. Species of small size, fore tibia not distinctly deformed (in lateral view) with 3 distinct dorsal bristles (at middle, at apical third, at apical quarter) ....................................................................... ............................ triseta ( Malaysia : Kota Tinggi: rain forest) – Species of larger size, fore tibia distinctly deformed at base (in lateral view) with 1 distinct dorsal bristle at middle ............... .. vitisalutatoris ( Singapore : Nee Soon: swamp forest; Pulau Ubin, Chek Jawa: rain forest)