Review of the genus Siemssenius Weise, 1922 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae) from Taiwan, with descriptions of five new species Author Lee, Chi-Feng text Zootaxa 2016 4158 3 367 384 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4158.3.4 12a16235-46e5-476e-85e2-068df3c490a9 1175-5326 258327 09EB32FE-9637-479F-8644-972A86B64C8D Siemssenius cheni Lee , sp. nov. ( Figs 1 A–1B, 2A– 2I ) Type locality. Taitung county , Hsiangyang (向陽), 23°14’53”N , 120°59’09”E , 2300 m . Type material (n= 4). Holotype ( TARI ): Taitung : Hsiangyang (向陽), 20.VI.2011 , leg. C.- F. Lee . Paratypes : 1♂ ( TARI ), same data as holotype ; 1♂ ( TARI ), same locality, 31.V.2011 , leg. J.- C. Chen ; 1♀ ( TARI ), same locality, 18.VII.2014 , leg. W.- C. Huang. Description. Length 8.2–9.6 mm , width 3.8–5.3 mm . General color yellow, but head, scutellum, femora, elytra, tarsi, and apices of tibiae black; antenna apically paler ( Figs 1 A–1B). Antenna filiform, relatively shorter in male ( Fig. 2 A), 0.8x as long as body, antennomeres III–V apically widened, length ratios of antennomeres III to XI about 1.0: 1.4: 1.4: 1.2: 1.4: 1.2: 1.2: 1.2: 1.6, and length to width ratios of antennomeres III to XI about 3.0: 3.7: 3.7: 3.3: 4.1: 3.8: 4.5: 4.4: 6.1; relatively longer in female ( Fig. 2 B), about 0.9x as long as body, antennomeres III–V apically broadened, length ratios of antennomeres III to XI 1.0: 1.3: 1.2: 1.1: 1.1: 0.9: 1.0: 1.0: 1.4, and length to width ratios of antennomeres III to XI 4.1: 3.8: 3.7: 3.2: 3.4: 2.9: 4.1: 4.0: 4.7. Apical margin of abdominal ventrite V with two well developed incisions in male, surface with deep, wide, longitudinal groove, apically expanding into entire area between incisions; apical margin of ventrite IV with very small incision midway ( Fig. 2 E). Aedeagus concave and basally widened, weakly curved in lateral view; apico-lateral angles obtuse, narrow in lateral view, base obtusely angulate; middle of apical margin with a long, broad tube-like process, wide in lateral view, apex with median notch; dorsal process subapically and strongly swollen in lateral view but slender and subapically narrowed in dorsal view, apex pointed and triangular in lateral view ( Figs 2 C–2D). Abdominal ventrite V not modified in female, apical margin truncate, disc without depression ( Fig. 2 F); apical margin of ventrite IV straight. Gonocoxae reduced. Ventrite VIII ( Fig. 2 H) heart-shaped, with short spiculum and sparse, elongate setae along apical margins of triangulate processes. Tergite VIII ( Fig. 2 G) with apex rounded and dense setae on disc. Receptacle of spermatheca ( Fig. 2 I) weakly swollen, barely separated from pump, pump much narrower and longer, sharply curved; proximal spermathecal duct long and narrow. Diagnosis. Siemssenius cheni sp. nov. is similar to S. metallipennis in possessing yellow body and black head, tibiae, tarsi and apices of femora. But, adults of this new species have black elytra (greenish or purplish bronze elytra in S. metallipennis ) and obtuse apico-lateral angles of the aedeagus. Host plant. Lonicera acuminata Wall., 1832 (Caprifoliaceae) ( Fig. 3 A). Etymology. This new species is named after Mr. Jung-Chan Chen, a member of the TCRT and first to collect this new species. Distribution. Only known from the type locality, Hsiangyang (向陽) in southeast Taiwan ( Fig. 4 ).