New syarinid pseudoscorpions from Ecuador (Pseudoscorpiones, Syarinidae: Ideobisium and Ideoblothrus) Author Mau, Sofía Amieva E555480A-478C-4143-BD02-8427421C6DB5 Zoological Museum Hamburg, Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change (LIB), Martin-Luther-King-Platz 3, 20146 Hamburg, Germany. Universität Hamburg, Fachbereich Biologie, Ohnhorststrasse 18, 22609 Hamburg, Germany. Western Australian Museum, Collections & Research Centre, 49 Kew Street, Welshpool, Western Australia 6106, Australia. University of Western Australia, School of Biological Sciences, Crawley, Western Australia 6009, Australia. Author Harvey, Mark S. FF5EBAF3-86E8-4B99-BE2E-A61E44AAEC2C Author Harms, Danilo 7BABB8FF-8CFF-4E2C-ACDE-3E5614685C55 Zoological Museum Hamburg, Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change (LIB), Martin-Luther-King-Platz 3, 20146 Hamburg, Germany. Universität Hamburg, Fachbereich Biologie, Ohnhorststrasse 18, 22609 Hamburg, Germany. Western Australian Museum, Collections & Research Centre, 49 Kew Street, Welshpool, Western Australia 6106, Australia. University of Western Australia, School of Biological Sciences, Crawley, Western Australia 6009, Australia. text European Journal of Taxonomy 2022 2022-05-31 821 1 102 149 journal article 63566 10.5852/ejt.2022.821.1801 10f31f30-5da4-4629-92ef-fa478f3555a9 2118-9773 6607992 5F144AEC-256A-4F0C-AFBF-DF8C5E2BE843 Ideobisium susanae sp. nov. A194CD62-D5C8-4DBF-AACD-22B66CDF70C5 Figs 14–18 Diagnosis Ideobisium susanae sp. nov. differs from I. crassimanum , I. ecuadorense , I. schusteri and I. peckorum in carapace length ( I. susanae sp. nov. 0.48–0.50 mm , 0.46–0.48 mm , I. crassimanum 0.64 mm , I. ecuadorense 0.61 mm , I. schusteri 0.49–0.59 mm , I. peckorum 0.605 mm ) and in cheliceral dimensions ( I. susanae sp. nov. 1.88–2.00, I. crassimanum 2.10, I. peckorum 2.50 times as long as broad). Etymology This specific epithet is a patronym for Susana Mourglier, the senior author’s beloved grandmother. Material material Holotype ECUADOR ; Napo Province , Tena , Jatun Sacha Natural Reserve ; 01°03ʹ59.27ʺ S , 77°37ʹ01.891ʺ W ; alt. 430 m ; 10–15 Mar. 2020 ; N. Dupérré , E.E. Tapia and A.A. Tapia leg.; sifting litter and pitfalls ; QCAZ . Allotype ECUADOR ; same collection data as for holotype; QCAZ . Paratypes ECUADOR1 ♂ ; same collection data as for holotype; ZMH A0003693 1 ♀ ; same collection data as for holotype; ZMH A0003694 . Description Female, adult ( holotype ; Figs 14A–C ) COLOUR. Prosoma and pedipalps reddish brown, opisthosoma light brown, femora and patella of pedipalps with a pattern of light brown circles, body length 1.50 mm . PEDIPALP ( Figs 16F , 18A–C ). Setae on prolateral margin long and acicular; trochanter 1.57, femur 2.69, patella 1.76, chela (with pedicel) 2.44, chela (without pedicel) 2.25, hand 1.31 and movable finger 4.00 times as long as broad. Patella with four lyrifissures situated dorsally, one on pedicel, one near pedicel, one medially and one near anterior margin. Chela smooth; fiXed chelal finger with 8 trichobothria, movable finger with 4 trichobothria: eb situated near base, esb situated median of chela, isb near base of finger, distance between eb , esb , and isb very consistent, est situated medially on fiXed finger, et situated near tip of fiXed finger, distance between isb and est larger than distance between est and et , est situated between et and isb ; trichobothrium b situated basally on movable finger, sb , st and t situated medially, close to each other, sb below st , st below t ; trichobothrium t lanceolate. Venom apparatus only present on fiXed finger, venom duct short. Teeth rather rounded and juXtadentate, 29 teeth on fiXed finger, 38 on movable finger. CEPHALOTHORAX ( Figs 16A, C , 17C–D ). Carapace 1.06 times as long as broad, rectangular in shape, 2 corneate eyes on each side, epistome rounded; 26 setae arranged 4:6:4:6:6, without furrows; two pairs of lyrifissures, one pair consists of one lyrifissure behind each eye, second pair positioned near setae on posterior margin; chaetotaXy of leg coXae I–IV 8:9:8:8, pedipalpal coXa with 6 setae and 2 apical setae. Posterior section of coxae II slightly overlapping anterior section of coxae III. CHELICERA ( Figs 16B, D , 17E–G ). Smooth; one dorsal lyrifissure between ls and is ; five setae on hand, one seta on movable finger, setae is , ls , sbs and bs longer than eb , gs situated subdistally on movable finger, fiXed finger with 7 very small, movable finger with 9 distinct teeth, rallum with 7 blades, serrula exterior with 26 blades, serrula interior with 17 blades, galea long and slightly curved, without rami. ABDOMEN. Tergites and sternites undivided; tergal chaetotaXy: 6:7:8:8:8:9:9:9:9:6:4:2; sternal chaetotaXy: 6:7:9:9:11:10:9:9:6:4:2; pleural membrane granulate anteriorly near cephalothoraX, granulo-striate posteriorly; without setae. GENITALIA ( Fig. 18E ). Setae arranged linearly in two rows 2:6 on sternite 2 and 6 setae arranged linearly on sternite 3 below opening. LEGS ( Fig. 17A–B ). All legs with tarsus longer than metatarsus; scarcely granulated; femur + patella of leg IV 2.11 times as long as broad; legs III and IV with articulation between femur and patella segments slightly oblique; tibiae and metatarsi of legs III and IV with tactile setae; tarsi of legs III and IV with tactile setae sub-basally; arolium shorter than claws, distally broadened and undivided, claws simple and not serrate. Male, adult ( allotype ; Fig. 15A–C ) Same as holotype except body length 1.36 mm . PEDIPALP. Trochanter 1.58, femur 2.57, patella 1.76, chela (with pedicel) 2.48, chela (without pedicel) 2.30, hand 1.26 and movable finger 4.13 times as long as broad; 28 juXtadentate teeth on fiXed finger, 37 on movable finger. CEPHALOTHORAX. Carapace 1.20 times as long as broad; 24 setae arranged 4:4:4:6:6. CHELICERA. Movable finger with 7 distinct teeth. ABDOMEN. Same as holotype except tergal chaetotaxy 7:7:6:7:8:8:8:8:7:7:4:2; sternal chaetotaXy 8:8:8:8:8:9:8:9:6:4:2. GENITALIA ( Fig. 18D ). Small rounded ejaculatory opening; setal arrangement: two rows of setae arranged 2:2 linearly above opening, 4 setae congregated directly under opening and 10 setae congregated below. Variation of female paratype (adult; n =1) Same as holotype except body length 1.34 mm . PEDIPALP. Trochanter 1.60, femur 2.75, patella 1.80, chela (with pedicel) 2.50, chela (without pedicel) 2.34, hand 1.28 and movable finger 3.90 times as long as broad. Fig. 14. Ideobisium susanae sp. nov. , holotype, ♀ (QCAZ). A . Habitus in dorsal view. B . Habitus in ventral view. C . Habitus in lateral view. Scale bars = 1 mm. CEPHALOTHORAX. Carapace 1.04 times as long as broad; 22 setae arranged 4:4:4:4:6. CHELICERA. Movable finger with 10 distinct teeth. ABDOMEN. Tergal chaetotaxy 6:7:7:8:8:8:8:7:7:6:4:2; sternal chaetotaXy 6:7:8:9:11:9:9:9:6:4:2. Variation of male paratype (adult; n=1) Same as allotype except body length 1.20 mm . PEDIPALP. Trochanter 1.54, femur 2.57, patella 1.78, chela (with pedicel) 2.58, chela (without pedicel) 2.38, hand 1.35 and movable finger 4.00 times as long as broad. Fig. 15. Ideobisium susanae sp. nov. , allotype, ♂ (QCAZ). A . Habitus in dorsal view. B . Habitus in ventral view. C . Habitus in lateral view. Scale bars = 1 mm. Fig. 16. Scanning electron micrographs of Ideobisium susanae sp. nov. , paratype, ♂ (ZMH A0003693). A . Carapace with asterisks next to setae. B . Chelicera in dorsal view, showing trichobothria. C . Coxa. D . Chelicera in ventral view, showing galea and serrula exterior. E . Genital area. F . Chela in retrolateral view, showing trichobothria. Abbreviations: g = galea; se = serrula exterior. CEPHALOTHORAX. Carapace 1.15 times as long as broad. CHELICERA. Movable finger with 9 distinct teeth. ABDOMEN. Tergal chaetotaXy 8:8:8:9:8:8:9:7:6:4:2; sternal chaetotaXy 6:6:6:7:6:8:10:8:7:4:2. Female dimensions (mm, length/width of holotype followed by paratype in parentheses) Body length 1.50 mm ( 1.34 mm ). Pedipalps: trochanter 0.22/0.14 (0.24/0.15), femur 0.43/0.16 (0.44/0.16), patella 0.37/0.21 (0.36/0.20), chela (without pedicel) 0.72/0.32 (0.75/0.32), chela (with pedicel) 0.78/0.32 (0.80/0.32), hand length 0.42 (0.41), movable finger length 0.36 (0.39). Chelicera 0.32/0.17 (0.32 /0.16), movable finger length 0.23 (0.24). Carapace 0.50/0.47 (0.48/0.46). Leg I: femur 0.17/0.05 (0.19/0.06), patella 0.16/0.06 (0.16/0.07), tibia 0.20/0.05 (0.21/0.05), metatarsus 0.09/0.04 (0.10/0.04), tarsus 0.18/0.04 (0.17/0.04). Leg IV: femur 0.17/0.15 (0.20/0.17), patella 0.24/0.15 (0.26/0.17), tibia 0.28/0.10 (0.29/0.10), metatarsus 0.12/0.06 (0.12 /0.05), tarsus 0.21/0.06 (0.21/0.04). Fig. 17. Ideobisium susanae sp. nov. A . Leg I. B . Leg IV. C . Coxa. D . Carapace. E . Serrula exterior. F . Chelicera in dorsal view, showing trichobothria. G . Rallum. A–D, F: holotype, ♀ (QCAZ); E, G: paratype, ♂ (ZMH A0003693). Abbreviations: Fe = femur; Pa = patella; Ti = tibia; Me = metatarsus; Ta = tarsus. Scale bars: A–D = 0.25 mm; E = 100 µm; F = 0.125 mm; G = 40 µm. Male dimensions (mm, length/width of allotype followed by paratype in parentheses) Body length 1.36 mm ( 1.20 mm ). Pedipalps: trochanter 0.19/0.12 (0.20/0.13), femur 0.36/0.14 (0.36/0.14), patella 0.30/0.17 (0.32/0.18), chela (without pedicel) 0.62/0.27 (0.62/0.27), chela (with pedicel) 0.67/0.27 (0.67/0.26), hand length 0.34 (0.35), movable finger length 0.33 (0.32). Chelicera 0.26/0.13 (0.26/0.13), movable finger length 0.20 (0.19). Carapace 0.48/0.40 (0.46/0.40). Leg I: femur 0.18/0.06 (0.17/0.06), patella 0.16/0.06 (0.15/0.05), tibia 0.19/0.05 (0.18/0.05), metatarsus 0.08/0.04 (0.09/0.04), tarsus 0.18/0.04 (0.16/0.04). Leg IV: femur 0.19/0.14 (0.17/0.16), patella 0.24/0.14 (0.21/0.16), tibia 0.29/0.09 (0.29/0.09), metatarsus 0.13/0.05 (0.13/0.05), tarsus 0.21/0.05 (0.21/0.06).