Catalogue of the hymenopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part VI. Formicidae.
Smith, F.
British Museum
Formica lacteipennis
. B.M.
Female. Length 4 1/2 lines.-The head, thorax and abdomen above brown-black, the two latter pale testaceous beneath; the flagellum, mandibles and legs testaceous; the tibiae and tarsi rather darker than the femora; the head oblong, slightly emarginate behind; the metathorax testaceous, more or less dusky above; the scale of the peduncle pale testaceous, ovate, notched above; the wings milky-white, the nervures pale testaceous yellow; the abdomen ovate, its base and the apical margins of the segments pale testaceous; the insect is smooth and shining.
Worker major. Length 4 1/2 lines.-Black: the flagellum and legs rufo-testaceous, the tarsi dusky; head very large, deeply emarginate behind; thorax narrow, widest in front, compressed behind; the diskal line of the thorax curved from the base to the apex; the scale pale testaceous and narrow, its margin entire; abdomen ovate, with the apical margins of the segments and the base beneath pale testaceous.
Worker minor. Length 4 lines.-Head elongate, much narrowed behind the eyes, the latter rather large and ovate; face anteriorly, the clypeus, palpi, flagellum, and extreme base and apex of the scape, pale ferruginous; the scape fusco-ferruginous. Thorax elongate, narrow, compressed behind, pale rufo-testaceous, with the disk of the thorax slightly fuscous. Abdomen ovate, the base and the scale of the peduncle pale rufo-testaceous; the scale incrassate, elongate, narrow, rounded above.
Male, Length 3 lines.-Head, antennae, thorax, legs, and scale of the peduncle, pale rufo-testaceous; the head and abdomen small, the latter fuscous; the wings milky-white, the nervures yellow; the scale of the peduncle incrassate, quadrate, and deeply notched above.
Hab. Port Natal.
The sexes of this species were taken from the nest, which is usually constructed in fallen timber; collected by Mr. R. W. Plant.