The Doryctinae (Braconidae) of Costa Rica: genera and species of the tribe Heterospilini Author Marsh, Paul M. Author Wild, Alexander L. Author Whitfield, James B. text ZooKeys 2013 347 1 474 journal article 1313-2970-347-1 52232D18DD784A84882CACA428B4A9D2 52232D18DD784A84882CACA428B4A9D2 Heterospilus cuatro Marsh sp. n. Figure 227 Female. Body size: 2.5 mm. Color: head with vertex and temples brown, face honey yellow; scape yellow without lateral brown stripe; flagellum brown with apical 5-7 flagellomeres white; mesosoma dark brown, mesoscutal lobes yellow; metasomal terga dark brown, terga 6-7 yellow; wing veins including stigma brown; legs yellow or light brown. Head: vertex smooth; frons smooth; face smooth; temple in dorsal view narrow, width less than 1/2 eye width; malar space greater than 1/4 eye height; ocell-ocular distance about 2.5 times diameter of lateral ocellus; 24 flagellomeres. Mesosoma: mesoscutal lobes granulate; notauli scrobiculate, meeting posteriorly in triangular costate area; scutellum granulate; prescutellar furrow with 1 cross carina; mesopleuron granulate; precoxal sulcus weakly scrobiculate, shorter than mesopleuron; venter granulate; propodeum with basal median areas margined, granulate, basal median carina absent, areola not margined, areolar area rugose, lateral areas granulate basally, rugose apically; propodeum with small but distinct tubercle above hind coxa. Wings: fore wing vein r shorter than vein 3RSa, vein 1cu-a interstitial with vein 1M; hind wing vein SC+R present, vein M+CU shorter than vein 1M. Metasoma: first tergum longitudinally costate, length about twice apical width; second tergum longitudinally costate; anterior transverse groove present, straight; posterior transverse groove present; third tergum costate basally, smooth apically; terga 4-7 smooth; ovipositor longer than metasoma. Holotype female. Top label (white, partially printed and hand written) - COSTA RICA, Guanac, [;] Est. Pitilla, 9km S [;] SantaCecilia, 700m [;] IX 1988 P. Hanson; second label (red, partially printed and hand written) - HOLOTYPE [;] Heterospilus [;] cuatro [;] P. Marsh. Deposited in ESUW. Paratypes . Known only from the holotype. Comments. The yellow mesoscutal lobes, apical flagellomeres being white and the long metasomal tergum are distinctive for this species. Etymology. The specific name is an arbitrary combination of letters. Figure 227. Heterospilus cuatro Marsh, sp. n., holotype.