Notes on the genus Elegansovella Hirschmann, 1989 (Acari, Mesostigmata, Urodinychidae) Author Kontschán, Jenő 0000-0001-8274-4238 Plant Protection Institute, HUN-REN Centre for Agricultural Research, Budapest, Hungary & Department of Plant Sciences, Albert Kázmér Faculty of Mosonmagyaróvár, Széchenyi István University, Mosonmagyaróvár, Hungary Author Ermilov, Sergey G. Tyumen State University, Institute of Environmental and Agricultural Biology (X-BIO), Tyumen, Russia Author Friedrich, Stefan 0000-0002-1668-4633 Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Faculty of Biology, Biocenter LMU, Planegg-Martinsried, Munnich, Germany text ZooKeys 2024 2024-06-19 1205 39 50 journal article 298670 10.3897/zookeys.1205.125164 93c92266-cc6e-4ec0-a2b0-4607f886b721 38EDC55B-C1E4-45AD-8978-7B0DE606BD2B Monstrobovella mancocapaci sp. nov. Figs 2 , 3 , 4 Material examined. Holotype . Female. One female . Peru , Huánuco Department , Yuyapichis , ACP Panguana , 9 ° 37 ' S , 74 ° 56 ' W , 230 m a. s. l. , Winkler extraction , 20 September to 07 October 2013 , leg. S. Friedrich & F. Wachtel . Paratypes . One female and one male . Locality and date same as for holotype . Holotype and two female and four male paratypes deposited in MUSM , other paratypes in the ZSM . Diagnosis. Dorsal and ventral idiosoma without sculptural pattern, only some small oval pits situated on posterocentral area of dorsal shield. Dorsal setae smooth and robust, but several marginally pilose setae situated close to posterior margin of dorsal shield. Marginal setae very wide, phylliform and marginally serrate. Ventral setae smooth and setiform. Shape of female genital shield linguliform. Male genital shield oval and situated between coxae IV. Description. Female ( N = 2). Shape of idiosoma pentagonal, colour yellowish brown, flat. Length of idiosoma 630, width at level of coxae IV 540. Dorsal idiosoma (Fig. 2 ). Marginal and dorsal shields fused anterolaterally. Surface of dorsal shield without sculptural pattern, only some oval pits ( ca 2 × 3) situated on posterocentral area. Margin of dorsal shield bears more than 45 pairs of short ( ca 8–9) smooth and needle-like setae. Majority of other dorsal (more than 21 pairs) setae smooth and robust ( ca 15–24 long). Three pairs of robust and marginally serrate ( ca 22–24 long) setae situated on posterior part of dorsal shield. Marginal shield wide with more than 25 pairs of wide, phylliform ( ca 35–45 long) and marginally-serrate setae. Two pairs of smooth and needle-like ( ca 20–22 long) setae situated on anterior area of marginal shield. Pores and lyriform fissures not visible on dorsal- and marginal shields. Monstrobovella mancocapaci sp. nov. , holotype, female in dorsal view. Ventral idiosoma (Fig. 3 ). Four pairs of sternal setae short ( ca 7–9), needle-like and smooth. Setae st 1 inserted close to anterior margin of sternal shield, st 2 at mid-level of coxae II, st 3 at mid-level of coxae III, st 4 close to basal edge of genital shield. Sternal shield smooth, without any pores and lyrifissures. Three pairs of narrow and needle-like ( ca 9–12 long) ventral setae situated between pedofossae IV. Three pairs of robust ( ca 16–18 long) and spine-like ventral setae situated close to posterior end of pedofossae IV and one pair of robust and spine-like ( ca 14–15) setae visible anterior to anal opening. Seven – eight pairs of wide, phylliform and marginally-serrate ( ca 20–24 long) setae situated at level of anal opening and nine pairs of spine-like and very robust setae ( ca 20–23 long) placed close to posterior margin of ventral idiosoma. One pair of lyriform fissure situated close to pedofossae IV. Ventral shield without ornamentation. Anal opening small and oval, ca 13–14 long and ca 7–8 wide. Monstrobovella mancocapaci sp. nov. , holotype, female in ventral view. Genital shield of female linguliform ( ca 115–120 long and ca 60–65 wide) without sculptural pattern and without anterior process. Stigmata situated close to coxae II. Prestigmatid part of peritreme with two bends, poststigmatid part slightly curved. Pedofossae well developed, with smooth surface and separate furrow for tarsi IV. Tritosternum with narrow base, tritosternal laciniae divided three branches, its basal part with two pairs of lateral spines (Fig. 3 ). Gnathosoma (Fig. 4 A ). Corniculi smooth and horn-like, internal malae smooth, shorter than corniculi. Hypostomal setae h 1 , h 2 and h 3 smooth and needle-like, h 1 long ( ca 27–28), h 2 and h 3 short ( ca 11–13), h 4 apically bifurcated and ca 14–15 long. Some rounded denticles situated between setae h 4 . Chelicerae with internal sclerotized nodes, fixed digit of chelicerae ( ca 26–27) slightly longer than movable digit ( ca 20–22) (Fig. 4 B ), only one small tooth situated on central part of movable digit. Palp trochanter setae v 1 longer ( ca 19–22) and trifurcated, v 2 shorter ( ca 13–15) and spine-like. Other setae on palp segments smooth. Palp apotele bifurcate (Fig. 4 A ). Epistome marginally serrate (Fig. 4 B ). Monstrobovella mancocapaci sp. nov. , holotype, female A gnathosoma and palp in ventral view B tritosternum in ventral view and chelicera in lateral view C leg I in ventrolateral view D leg II in ventrolateral view E leg III in ventrolateral view F leg IV in ventrolateral view G intercoxal area of male paratype H femur II of male paratype. Legs . Length of legs (from base of coxae to apex of tarsi): I 185–190, II 220–225, III 170–175, IV 200–205. Leg I without ambulacral claws; all setae on legs smooth and needle-like (Fig. 4 C – F ). Male ( N = 1). Body 590–630 long and 490–540 wide. Dorsal idiosoma . As in female. Ventral idiosoma . Intercoxal area, with sternal setae and genital shield, as in Figure 4 G . Sternal setae ca 7–9 long, smooth and needle-like. Setae st 1 inserted close to anterior margin of sternal shield, st 2 at level of posterior margin of coxae II, st 3 at mid-level of coxae III, st 4 close to anterior margin of genital shield, st 5 close to basal margin of genital shield. Surface of sternal shield without any sculptural pattern. One pair of lyriform fissures situated close to anterior margin of sternal shield, other two pairs situated close to setae st 4 and st 5 . Genital shield rounded, slightly longer than wide ( ca 35 × 25) and situated between coxae IV (Fig. G). Legs . Femora of leg II each with a long ( ca 18) and robust ventral setae (Fig. 4 H ). Other characters as in female. Developmental stages. Unknown. Etymology. The species name is dedicated to Manco Cápac (Manco Qhapaq or Manku Qhapaq) the first king of the Kingdom Cuzcó and the first emperor of the Inca dynasty. Remarks. Only one Monstrobovella species ( M. faceta ) is known from the Neotropical region. Monstrobovella faceta has T-shaped dorsal setae whose cross-bar part is bifurcated. These setae are spine-like and smooth in the new species. The setae on the caudal region of the dorsal shield are numerous, very long and marginally serrate in the case of M. faceta , and there are only three short, marginally-serrate setae in the new species. Several long and T-shaped setae are situated posterior to coxae IV on the ventral idiosoma; these setae are missing in the new species. There are some small oval pits on posterocentral part of dorsal shield in the new species, which are missing in M. faceta .