Platyceroidini, a new tribe of North American stag beetles (Coleoptera: Lucanidae: Lucaninae) Author Paulsen, M. J. Systematic Research Collections University of Nebraska State Museum W 436 Nebraska Hall Lincoln, NE 68588 - 0546 mpaulsen @ unlserve. unl. edu and Author Hawks, David C. Department of Entomology University of California Riverside, CA 92521 david. hawks @ ucr. edu text Insecta Mundi 2008 2008-12-05 2008 58 1 2 journal article 5065 10.5281/zenodo.5170173 2e0ff669-4183-432b-bdb6-826c69a96307 1942-1354 5170173 Platyceroidini , new tribe Type genus: Platyceroides Benesh 1946: 175 , here designated. Description . Coleoptera : Scarabaeoidea: Lucanidae : Lucaninae. Length: 7.6-13.2 mm . Width: 3.2-5.8 mm . Color: Black to reddish-brown, occasionally with metallic reflections. Head : Anterior margin straight or weakly emarginate, not deeply, semi-circularly excised. Eye canthus weak but distinct (anterior margin of eye located on dorsal surface of head, per Holloway 1969 ). Antenna partially geniculate; antennal club composed of 3 antennomeres in both sexes. Mandibles small in both sexes, approximately 1/3 to 1/2 length of head; form not strongly sexually dimorphic, simply falcate, at most with weakly indicated tooth internally near base. Pronotum : Form broadly rounded, narrowly to broadly explanate. Elytra : Surface punctate, weakly striate. Wings : Males mostly with functional flight wings (one species with flightless males), females flightless in all species. Abdomen : Sixth ventrite rarely visible beyond apex of 5 th ventrite unless genitalia protruding. Male genitalia with internal sac permanently everted, with saclike accessory lobes not strongly sclerotized; flagellum present or absent.