Catalogue of the hymenopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part VI. Formicidae.
Smith, F.
British Museum
Formica variegata
. B.M.
Female. Length 5 1/2 lines.-Reddish-brown, variegated with yellow markings: the head oblong, widest at the vertex; the eyes ovate, situated a little above the middle at the sides of the head; the vertex slightly emarginate; the clypeus truncate in front, and having a slightly elevated central carina; the mandibles stout, shining, with seven acute teeth on their inner margin; the flagellum and tips of the scape pale ferruginous; the head beneath and the region of the clypeus paler than the vertex, which is opake. Thorax and legs pale ferruginous; the mesothorax darker, and sometimes a darker tinge on the scutellum and metathorax; the disk of the thorax opake; wings flavohyaline, the nervures pale rufo-testaceous. Abdomen ovate; the base and a spot on each side of the two following segments pale rufo-testaceous; the maculae on the second segment frequently united in the middle; the scale of the peduncle pale, subovate, and emarginate above; the abdomen sprinkled with long pale hairs, and with the middle beneath pale.
. Length 3 1/2 - 4 lines.-Differs from the female in having the head large, much wider than the thorax, the thorax much attenuated posteriorly, and the scale of the peduncle not emarginate; the head is also darker in colour and more deeply emarginate behind; the abdomen is usually only pale at the base and on each side of the second segment.
Hab. Ceylon; Singapore.
This species very much resembles the
F. sexguttata
of Fabricius.